Software - Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications - American

May 30, 2012 - Software. Anal. Chem. , 1991, 63 (9), pp 516A–516A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00009a731. Publication Date: May 1991. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: I...
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Elemental analysis. NA1500 series 2 nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur analyzer accommodates sample sizes from 0.1 to 100 mg. Because the combustion gases are not diluted, split, or chemically altered, the analyzer can be coupled with any type of mass spectrometer system. Carlo Erba Instruments 206

PS200 automated mercury analyzer consists of a mercury cold vapor double-beam detector, random access autosampler, IBM-compatible PC, and software. Leeman Labs 201

Instrumentation P r o t e i n s . Centriprep-100 concentrator allows the separation of low molecular weight proteins from cells, cell debris, or large proteins in solution. Centrifugal force drives suspended m a t e r i a l s away from t h e membrane, while membrane-permeating species and solvent are propelled through the membrane. Amicon 202 Ozone. AirZone Model 150 ozone generator produces a known concentration of ozone between 0.05 and 150 ppm using ambient air as the input gas. Applications include water pollution control studies and atmospheric research. Enmet Analytical 203 SEM. Model ABT-2200 scanning electron microscope, designed for the inspection of integrated circuits, can accommodate wafers up to 200 mm. The system incorporates a thermally assisted field emission electron gun that operates from 500 to 2415 V. International Scientific Instruments 204 ICP-AES. Maxim ICP spectrometer provides simultaneous and sequential analysis of up to 60 elements. Features include a 200-wavelength array, high-resolution Echelle optics, and an axial plasma source. Applied Research Laboratories, Fisons Instruments 205

Molecular beams. Supersonic molecular beam systems consist of a molecular beam source, UHV sample chamber, and detector. Applications include chemical beam epitaxy, laser-coupled beam studies, molecular and atom beam scattering, and plasma and flame analysis. VSW Scientific Instruments 207 Hydrogen. Packard Model 8400 hydrogen generator uses a solid polymer electrolyte cell and large water reservoir to produce hydrogen at rates up to 500 cc/min. The unit can be operated at 117 or 230 VAC; adapter kits are available for 100 and 240 VAC operation. Alltech Associates 208 M i c r o p h o t o m e t e r s . Models MPM 400 and MPM 800 microscope photometers cover the spectral range of 2 4 0 - 2 1 0 0 nm. Dedicated software p e r m i t s one- or two-dimensional photometric mapping as well as spectrophotometric, statistical, and kinetic analysis. Carl Zeiss 209 Ion measurement. Chloride Station is designed for the determination of chloride ion concentration in foods, beverages, and environmental samples. Features include five measurement modes; a seven-segment, fourdigit LED display; a n d t i t r a t i o n times of < 30 s. Buchler Instruments 210 Gels. COPS column protection system prevents damage or loss of soft gels used in preparative-, pilot-, or production-scale applications. The system shuts down the pump, isolates the column, and sounds a warning if sensors detect air or high pressures. Dorr-Oliver 211 Oxygen. Series 300C oxygen analyzers are designed for the continuous

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monitoring of trace or percent oxygen in potentially hazardous environments. The analyzers are unaffected by flow rate, position, motion, vibration, or the presence of other gases. Teledyne Analytical Instruments 212 LC. Model 1350 soft-start HPLC pump, which prevents column shock by gradually ramping the flow rate to the final level, is equipped with a diagnostic output for simplified troubleshooting. The titanium and stainless steel versions can withstand extremes in pH and salt concentration. Bio-Rad Laboratories 213

Software Correlation. 2DCORR, which runs under Lab Calc on PS/2, PC, and compatible computers, correlates different regions of a spectrum or different types of spectra to aid in band assignment. The correlation matrix can be displayed as a contour map, a hidden line perspective plot, or as individual correlation plots. Galactic Industries 214 Data plotting. Graph version 3.0 allows data transformations with operators including log, exp, sqrt, add, subtract, reciprocal, integral, and derivative. Features include multiple y-axis p l o t t i n g a n d d i g i t a l d a t a smoothing. MicroMath Scientific Software 215

ACS Publications and Services Acid rain. Free information pamphlet focuses on the need for a better understanding of the chemistry of pollutants released into the atmosphere and the resulting acidic fallout. A list of suggested readings is included. 8 pp. 216 Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their releases directly to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Attn:

New Products, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036.