Software - Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications - American

May 31, 2012 - Analytical Chemistry. Advanced Search .... Software. Anal. Chem. , 1992, 64 (8), pp 498A–498A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00032a727. Publication ...
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Recirculating chillers are designed for use with lasers; electron micro­ scopes; and GC/MS, AA, and NMR in­ strumentation. The units provide 50015,000 Btu/h of cooling capacity over a temperature range of 0-40 °C. PolyScience 401

Instrumentation Cyclotron. Model AX-4500 electron cyclotron resonance source is de­ signed for low-energy processing with high ion current density. The source can be used with reactive gases, including fluorine and chlo­ rine. Specific applications include low-temperature dielectric deposi­ tion and etching of compound semi­ conductors. ASTeX 402 S o d i u m d e t e c t i o n . CFA-1011 so­ dium analyzer provides continuous measurement of low-level sodium in high-purity steam and water. Up to six different sample streams can be monitored with one instrument. Ionselective electrodes measure sodium in the low-pptr range. Solid-state s e n s i n g a n d reference electrodes eliminate the need for changing fill­ ing solutions. Scientific Instruments 403 LC. Model 340 LC solvent recycler decreases isocratic LC mobile-phase


consumption by up to 80%. An elec­ trically actuated valve placed down­ stream from the system's detector di­ verts contaminated solvent to waste or recycles clean solvent for reuse. Alltech Associates 404

9 0 - 9 8 % of total solids and > 99% of all bacteria, viruses, pyrogens, and organic compounds with molecular weights > 150. The system delivers up to 1000 gallons of purified water per day. Vaponics 410

MS. HAL/3F PIC series quadrupole mass spectrometers are designed for fast-event UHV gas studies. Soft­ ware capabilities include integration of desorption profiles, spectral sub­ traction, scaling, and superposition. Hiden Analytical 405

Particle size. Lab-Tec 1000 particle size analyzer measures up to 200,000 particles per second in 28 size incre­ ments. The system features a size range of 0.7-250 μπι, 20 different graphics displays, and a separate lap-top computer with a menudriven operating system. Lasentec 411

S p e c t r o m e t r y . SpectraPro i-series CCD imaging spectrographs feature triple indexable gratings, full wave­ length scanning, and a wide selection of accessories. Applications include monitoring and testing of plasmas, lasers, LEDs, and other lightemitting processes. Acton Research Corp. 406 S e n s o r s . Model PFS-2 monitoring system, designed for whole-organ or tissue-slice perfusion studies, fea­ t u r e s b i o c o m p a t i b l e micro flowt h r o u g h e l e c t r o d e s for pH, p 0 2 , p C 0 2 , and temperature. The system includes an output connector for di­ rect hookup to a strip chart recorder. Lazar Research Laboratories 407 E n v i r o n m e n t a l analysis. SAM-I is an IR-based ambient air monitor that features autozero adjustments, three-level alarm circuits, and flow loss indicators. Applications include the measurement of ppm levels of the environmentally safe refrigerants HCFC-123 and HCFC-134a. General Analysis Corp. 408 NMR. PCT-2000 series NMR ana­ lyzers are designed for process con­ trol and quality assurance applica­ tions. Components include a specially configured industrial com­ puter, a permanent magnet, rf elec­ tronics, and analysis-specific soft­ ware. Process Control Technology Corp. 409 Water. Labpure reverse osmosis sys­ tem uses cellulosic or polyamide spi­ r a l - w o u n d m e m b r a n e s to remove

498 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 8, APRIL 15, 1992

Optical analyzer. Lamda LS-2000 multichannel optical analyzer fea­ tures a 2048-element diode array, spectral response from 200 to 1100 nm, quantum efficiency of 65%, 5-ms read-out time, 12-bit analog-to-digi­ tal resolution, and multiple scanning modes. Alton Instruments 412

Software E l e c t r o n m i c r o s c o p y . NIST/NIH desktop spectrum analyzer and X-ray database features modes for both experiment simulation and data evaluation. The software is designed for Apple Macintosh II computers with a minimum of 4 MB memory. NIST 413 MS. BenchTop/PBM version 2.2 is a PC-based MS library search system that uses the Windows environment to combine PBM library search algo­ rithms with the Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data (5th éd.). Features include user library capabilities and a new m a s s c h r o m a t o g r a m display. Palisade Corp. 414

Manufacturers' Literature C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . Brochure highlights the Chromosorb Century series of porous polymer supports. Performance c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , general applications, and retention indices are discussed. 36 pp. Celite Corp. 415