Software - Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications - American

Software. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (3), pp 290A–290A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00130a838. Publication Date: February 1987. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. C...
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the rotational behavior of fluorescing molecules. Lifetime measurements as well as both multiexponential and nonexponential decays can also be determined. ISS 448

Software LIMS. Laboratory Information Management System allows the user to log and track samples, store sample results, retrieve sample information, generate receipts, and produce reports. The system runs on DEC VAX computers with VT100, VT220, and VT240 compatible terminals. Chesapeake Software 450 LC optimization. Drylab 4,5 allows the user to start with two isocratic or two gradient runs and then predict the optimum isocratic solvent conditions without additional laboratory experiments. The program is designed for the IBM PC or compatible computers and requires 128K RAM plus a parallel port. LC Resources 451 Data analysis. RS/Explore, which combines statistics with the functiona-

lity of RS/1, organizes and visualizes data, recommends and applies statistical techniques, and interprets statistical results. It runs on DEC VAX, MicroVAX II, and VAX Station computers under the VMS operating system. BBN Software Products 452 Text and image processing. ChemText easily integrates chemical structures, formulas, and text into status reports, lab reports, paper, and patent documents. All graphics images, fonts, and symbols appear on the screen as they will appear in the final output. It operates on the IBM PC-XT or PCAT, the Hewlett-Packard Vectra, and IBM-compatible computers. Molecular Design 453 Chromatography. ChromatochartASCII software for the IBM PC and compatible computers imports GC and HPLC ASCII data either directly from the chromatograph or from other software packages and then uses peak detection, integration, and quantitation routines for data analysis. Results can be stored as DOS files that are compatible with spreadsheet and data base programs. Interactive Microware 454

Chemicals GC/MS standards. Carbon-13 labeled chlorodioxin, chlorodibenzofuran, bromodioxin, and bromodibenzofuran, as well as unlabeled bromodioxin and bromodibenzofuran, a cocktail standard of chlorodioxins and chlorodibenzofurans, and priority pollutant standards, are designed for use in quantitation of environmental samples. Cambridge Isotope Laboratories 457 Elemental standards. Custom-grade source kits contain high purity standards for ICP, DCP, and AA spectrometry. Complete instructions for dissolving the material and a detailed analytical certificate are included with each material. Inorganic Ventures 458 Analytical standards. LabLeader line of analytical standards for quality control and general analytical laboratory use include polystyrene microspheres, standards for neutron activation and atomic absorption, liquid density standards, trace element reference materials, and white reflectance products. Eastman Kodak 459

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Eight high-performance circulating refrigerated baths—5-liter and 12-liter capacity baths with built-in refrigeration systems and a choice of four immersion circulators—provide you with the capability of selecting a cost-effective combination that will best suit your application.

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The baths feature heat-removal rates up to 360 watts, p u m p capacities to 10 liters per minute, operating ranges down to - 3 5 ° C , microprocessor p r o g r a m m i n g capability, temperature presets, and digital control and display.

With each Tecam® bath you order, you get a free pack of insulating balls. It's our way of saying thank you for your order and introducing you to a unique and very effective way of reducing heat loss and evaporation f r o m your bath.

Call or write today! Set your own program for automatic heating and cooling Up to 119,880 consecutive temperature changes (15 "rise," "fall" or " h o l d " segments per program—each for a specified time period: 8 programs per cycle; 999 cycle repeats) can be p r o g r a m m e d into the Tecam® TP-16. The TP-16 can be used with any controller accepting an input of 5 m V / ° C . CIRCLE 209 ON READER SERVICE CARD 290 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 3, FEBRUARY 1, 1987

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