1 9 0 - 8 0 0 nm, five spectral b a n d widths, and detection levels in the low-ppb range. Data may be printed in contour, 3D, or chromatographic formats. Hitachi Instruments 408
F l u o r e s c e n c e detector. Designed for the P/ACE capillary electrophore sis system, the LIF detector provides increased sensitivity (500-1000 times more than UV detection sys tems). The system contains a sepa r a t e argon ion l a s e r and can be linked to a variety of different lasers. Emission filters can be interchanged. Beckman 401 DNA s e q u e n c i n g . GS Gene Loader uses a flexible capillary on a 10-μι syringe to apply samples onto SequiGen sequencing gels. The automated system protects personnel from 3 2 P radiation and loads samples without contamination. Samples can run into the gel during loading, or the run may be started after loading is com pleted. Up to 16 gels per day can be loaded. Bio-Rad 402 LC/MS. LaserTec BenchTop matrixassisted laser desorption TOF mass spectrometer is an integrated system designed to d e t e r m i n e molecular weights on subpicomolar quantities of proteins and other large biomolecules. Features include a 0.8-m lin ear flight tube, an automatic vacuum system, automatic control of laser in tensity, a 200-MHz digitizer, a 337-nm nitrogen laser with 3 - n s pulses at 20 Hz, and Windows 3.0 software. Vestec 403 GC. Determining volatile organic compounds in w a t e r u s i n g EPA method 502.2 can be accomplished with the 9000 series VOC analyzer. The system incorporates the detector electronics for electrolytic conductiv ity and photoionization. An FID for nonhalogenated volatile compounds can be added. Other features include a purge-and-trap concentrator, dual a u t o s a m p l e r s , a n d computerized data-handling systems. Tremetrics 404 HPLC. Beta or soft gamma emitters can be q u a n t i t a t e d by using the β-RAM Model 2 detector for LC data systems. Features include data ac-
Diffractometer. Simultaneous use of both line and point focuses is a fea ture of the D/MAX- 1500V diffracto meter, which has a direct-drive ro t a t i n g anode X-ray source. Other features include a triple-axis goni ometer with extended 20-theta scan ranges from -10° to 154°, a 43-posi tion automatic changer, and data analysis that is performed indepen dently of instrument control. Rigaku 409 Fixed-point ion mobility spectrome ter detects toxic gases, including chlo rine, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen chlo ride, hydrogen cyanide, and hydrogen fluoride. The system has a high speci ficity for the target gas, an operating temperature range of 40-105 °F, and an operating humidity range of 0-100% RH. Sensidyne 405 quisition and processing software that follows GLP guidelines, remote control ports for automatic sample processing, detector shielding for backgrounds < 8 cpm (or for the en tire 3 H range), programmable scin tillator pump, and solid or liquid cells. IN/US Systems 406 Environmental immunoassay. Microwell Strip Reader, designed for the detection of hazardous chemicals and pesticides in the field, is a single- or dual-wavelength photometer that au tomatically measures and interprets absorbances of microwell strip assays using one of five analysis programs. At 405 nm, the optical system for the instrument produces a dynamic range over 3.0 OD and linearity to 2.6 OD. Millipore 407 LC d e t e c t o r . L - 4 5 0 0 P C - b a s e d high-performance diode array detec tor, with software for data reduction and system suitability, peak purity testing, and spectrum library func tions, has a wavelength range of
594 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 10, MAY 15, 1992
H P L C . Series 1000 h i g h - p e r f o r mance centrifugal partition chroma tography module can be connected to an HPLC system to add liquid-liquid partition chromatography capabili ties at any pH without adsorptive ef fects. Most activity of biologically ac tive substances is retained with this system, which uses centrifugal force rather than a solid support to immo bilize the stationary phase. Sanki Laboratories 410
Software DNA s e q u e n c i n g . GENA software, combined with a h i g h - r e s o l u t i o n 256-shade gray scale hand scanner, sequences DNA gel films on IBMcompatible 386SX (or faster) comput ers. The system features automatic sequencing of more than 95% of most films (depending on film gel quality) as well as verification and editing of assigned bases. Giles Scientific 411 S e q u e n c i n g . BioPolymer Sequence software can predict the fragment ions produced by a particular amino acid sequence or assign a possible se quence to a fragmentation spectrum.
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accessories, and aerosol containment systems, as well as microprocessor functions, are highlighted. Jouan 417
AA-6500 series spectrometers feature EPA-recommended Smith-Hieftje and deuterium background corrections. Automatic standard and sample dilution, matrix modification, calibration, flame-to-furnace switching, gas flow optimization, gas leakage detection, and atomizer alignment optimization are also included. Shimadzu 412
Other features include enzyme digest reports with Bull-Breese or HPLC indices and MS data prediction from liquid SIMS, FAB, and electrospray ionization MS. Kratos Analytical 413 IR. Spectral Interpretation Guide software has information on more than 125 IR spectra grouped according to chemical class. The important spectral features of each class are highlighted, and vibrational assignments, nomenclature, and chemical information are available. Nicolet 414
Polymer analysis. Designed for use on Silicon Graphics and IBM RISC System/6000 workstations, Networks is a modeling program for calculating structural properties of polymeric networks, elastomers, and gels. A Monte Carlo sampling procedure and bonding algorithms are used to simulate typical crosslinking or cure reactions that form gels, elastomers, adhesives, and coatings. Biosym 415
Manufacturers' Literature Safety. "Personnel & Product Protection: A Guide to Biosafety Enclosures" includes information on definitions of biohazards and biosafety levels, classification of safety cabinets, and use and maintenance of enclosures. A glossary and a bibliography are included. 16 pp. Labconco 416 Centrifuge. Brochure describes the KR422 high-capacity refrigerated floor model centrifuge. Special features such as available rotor systems,
TLC. "Planar Chromatography" discusses the criteria for choosing TLC as an analytical method; procedural steps, sample application, and chrom a t o g r a m d e v e l o p m e n t in TLC; state-of-the-art densitometry; and areas of application of TLC. 8 pp. Camag 418 Air monitoring. Bulletin K-35B describes portable IR ambient air analyzers designed for detecting single or multiple toxic gases. The monitors, which can be used for emergency detection and continuous monitoring, are suitable for OSHA and EPA compliance testing. 6 pp. Foxboro 419 GC. "Capillary Selection Guide" provides technical information and applications for capillary GC and elect r o p h o r e s i s c o l u m n s . A t a b l e of problems that can result from using the wrong column is included. 32 pp. Supelco 420 Newsletter. "News from the Planar Chromatography Front" emphasizes quantitative and instrumental TLC. Information on an automatic developing chamber and sampler, twintrough chambers, and TLC symposia and workshops is included. Technical advice and recommended reading are also provided. 4 pp. Camag 421 Reflectance spectroscopy. Brochure describes accessories that allow for measurement of specular and diffuse reflectance, diffuse transmittance, and reference standards. A description of a guide to the basics of U V - v i s and near-IR spectroscopic applications and techniques is also provided. 5 pp. Labsphere 422 Laboratory safety. A review of spill and exposure classifications for 22 hazardous or potentially hazardous chemical groups, spill treatment procedures and protective equipment, and a reference list of incompatible chemicals are included in the "Laboratory Safety Reference Guide." 44 pp. EM Science 423
Catalogs TLC. Planar Chromatography: TLC Plates and Accessories features a complete line of TLC plates, adsorbents, sample applicators, developing sys-
tems, UV visualization equipment, and other TLC accessories. 44 pp. Alltech 424 E l e c t r o o p t i c a l e q u i p m e n t . Volume 1 of Precision Products for Lasers and Optics features micropositioning controllers for dc motor actuators; computer-driven stepping motor controllers; visible diode lasers; laser accessories; and optical tables, mounts, and benches. 234 pp. Oriel 425 Ion chromatography. Bulletin 217 contains a column selection guide, columns, standards, buffer concent r a t e s , accessories, filters, sample preparation supplies, fittings and a d a p t o r s , pH a n d c o n d u c t i v i t y testers, heaters, pumps, detectors, and lists of publications and application notes. 63 pp. Alltech 426 S t a n d a r d s . Catalog contains EPA method standards for organic compounds in groundwater and drinking water. Standards for pesticides, herbicides, phenols, PCBs, food additives, and v i t a m i n s are included. 19 pp. Polyscience 427 SFC. Brochure features pure-grade fluids and gas mixtures, with emphasis on SFE-grade C 0 2 . Properties of supercritical fluids are evaluated. Equipment for SFC and SFE applications is described and illustrated. Instrumental accessories and technical information are included. 12 pp. Scott Specialty Gases 428 Plasticware. Catalog features more than 5100 products, including bags, b e a k e r s , bottles, centrifuge ware, compression fittings, containers, dispensers, funnels, hand pumps, tanks, tubing, and vials. Charts of chemical resistance and physical properties of resins are included. Cole-Parmer 429 Laboratory products. Catalog supplies information on the characteristics, specifications, and performance of lab equipment, including baths and circulators, temperature cyclers, a multiple inoculator, a hybridization incubator, biological stirrers, density gradient columns, fluidized baths, and portable t e m p e r a t u r e calibrators. 20 pp. Techne 430 HPLC. "Chromatography Essentials" features selected accessories for HPLC systems, including plumbing supplies, sample handling and solvent p r e p a r a t i o n products, fittings, and pump replacement parts. Supelco 431
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