Software Manufacturers' Literature

and analysis of high-techceramics and composites, can accommodatesamples as large as 100 g. The TGA/FT-IR interface reduces purge dilution of the evol...
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naires' disease, and atmospheric research. A Clean Air Act update also is provided. 7 pp. Radian 419 HPLC. "LC Views" includes articles on carbamate analysis of agricultural and environmental samples, validation of HPLC methods, advances in LC/MS, data management software, troubleshooting methods for system pressure buildup, and conversion of systems from buffered to nonbuffered mobile phases. 16 pp. Perkin Elmer 420

TGA/FT-IR system, designed for catalysis research, energy and fuel production, and analysis of high-tech ceramics and composites, can accommodate samples as large as 100 g. The TGA/FT-IR interface reduces purge dilution of the evolved gases and condensation of high-boiling gases in the transfer line and gas cell. Mattson 415 calculation types for either peak areas or heights, integration param­ eters, and time and date—are pro­ vided. Hewlett Packard 411 AA. Model 3300 spectrometer fea­ tures a high-dispersion optical sys­ tem, a dual-option burner, and continuum-source background cor­ rection. PEAALABS software pro­ vides method storage on disk; auto­ matic d a t a storage for archiving; report generation capabilities; and computer control of l a m p , w a v e ­ length, slit width, and gas flow. Perkin Elmer 412 LC. Kiloprep 100 benchtop isocratic LC system can be optimized for use with 4 0 - 1 0 0 - m m columns. With a flow rate of 50-500 mL/min and a maximum operating pressure of 2000 psig, the system can be used to scale up normal-phase separations from TLC or f l a s h c h r o m a t o g r a p h y . Biotage 413 TOC Analysis. Model 1900μΡ pro­ cess TOC analyzer uses EPA meth­ odology for effluent monitoring, spill control, detection of leaks into boiler feed and cooling water, and other en­ vironmental applications. A micro­ processor allows user setup and con­ t r o l oî o p t i o n a l a u t o c a l ï b r a t i o n , autocleaning, set points for a u t o m a t i c r a n g e s e l e c t i o n , a n d two alarms. Astro 414 FT-IR. Thermal ATR FT-IR sampling accessory is designed for melt, temperature degradation, and thermal stability studies; biological samples; and simulation of process condi-

tions. Features include a probe for direct sample contact and a digital temperature controller that can regulate and monitor sample temperature from ambient to 100 °C within ±0.1 °C. Spectra-Tech 416

Software MS. MacBioSpec, designed for Macintosh computers with at least 2 MB RAM, features a graphical user interface and can accommodate a variety of protein structures, including cyclic peptides and multiple-chain proteins. Elemental and amino acid composition, isoelectric point, surface free energy, and HPLC index values for whole s t r u c t u r e s a n d peptide fragments can be calculated. Perkin Elmer 417 IR. FT-IR database contains 5244 spectra from both NIST and the EPA. Spectra can be searched by peak location, chemical name, empirical formula, and CAS number. Displays are plots of relative absorbance versus wavelength and include the chemical structure of the compound. Spectra can be compared directly, and external spectra in JCAMP-DX format can be imported for comparison. HD Science 418

Manufacturers' Literature N e w s l e t t e r . "Radian Report" contains articles on indoor air pollution. Topics include approaches to investig a t i n g a n d classifying indoor a i r quality, problem prevention, Legion-

H P L C . B u l l e t i n 5978A describes System Gold for LC, CE, and data handling. The system includes LC modules; the P/ACE system 2000 for CE; and software that collects, displays, and stores data. 11 pp. Beckman 421 C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . "Forum" newsletter describes guard columns and methods of determining when to replace them and provides information on ruggedness testing of reversedphase HPLC techniques as well as product news. 4 pp. MAC-MOD Analytical 422 Life s c i e n c e s . Brochure describes Nalgene life sciences products, including information on chemical res i s t a n c e . A n s w e r s to c o m m o n l y asked questions about lab procedures and specific applications for cryogenic storage, sample harvesting, microbial c u l t u r e s , a n d t r y p s i n i z i n g procedures are discussed. 8 pp. Nalge 423

Catalogs F o r e n s i c chemistry. "1992 Forensic Chemistry Catalog" lists more t h a n 300 products, including controlled substances, deuteriumlabeled compounds, pure drug standards, and clinical test kits. Special forensic formulations and scents are also listed. 80 pp. Sigma 424 E n v i r o n m e n t a l products. Catalog features air-monitoring instrumentation, water quality and water sampling equipment, gas vapor probes, soil augers and samplers, sample collection and transportation devices, and personal protective equipment. 139 pp. Hazco 425

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