Software Manufacturers' Literature

theta and 2-theta drives. Siemens. 415. Surface ... sories and components, and micro- wave applicators. Cober Electronics. 425. Chemicals.Catalogfeatu...
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PRODUCTS Wall chart. "OSHA Concentration Limits for Gases" wall chart lists approximately 700 compounds t h a t have established OSHA-permissible exposure limits. The chart incorporates changes cited in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 29, Part 1910). Foxboro 423


Mercury analysis system, optimized for the EPA-approved cold vapor method, allows the determination of mercury down to 1 -ppt levels with typical precision of < 2% RSD. LDC Analytical 418

Spray dryer. Model GS-31 organic solvent spray dryer, designed for flammable and toxic solvents, can be used for pilot plant testing and in research laboratories. The apparatus features a closed system that circulates nitrogen gas to spray, dry, collect sample, and recover solvent in an inert atmosphere. Yamato 414 X-ray diffraction. D 5000 HR polycrystalline diffractometer determines crystalline structure, layer orientation and thickness, chemical composition, and bond lengths of single- or multilayer thin films. The system incorporates a 4-bounce incident beam monochromator and reduction gearing to achieve accurate resolution at a minimum step size of 0.002° for theta and 2-theta drives. Siemens 415 Surface analysis. Model 7000 TOFSIMS system is designed for organic surface characterization. The analyzer's wide mass range and a 10-kV postacceleration detector provide enhanced sensitivity for high masses. Perkin Elmer 416

Software DNA. DNAscan software for MasterScan-II systems generates the base sequence from autoradiograms or other DNA sequencing gel images. The software operates under Microsoft Windows. Scanalytics 417 Chromatography. Version 3.0 of Expert Ease software, designed for a

variety of separation processes including HPLC, GPC, IC, CE, and GC, is suited for high-throughput laboratories that require large-scale system control and networking. The software offers calibration weighting, control of HP5890 GC and GC 7673 autosamplers, and additional external events for the Satellite interface. Waters Chromatography Division 419

Manufacturers' Literature Software. Bulletin 3251 discusses the MYCROADVANTAGE PC workstation software and its ability to reduce configuration time, increase plant security and workstation flexibility, and improve operator performance. 8 pp. Moore 420

Chromatography. Catalog features more than 6900 products from 40 manufacturers. Technical information is highlighted in chart format to facilitate selection of HPLC fittings, autosampler vials, septa sizes, and TLC paper. Solid-phase extraction techniques, column guides, and more t h a n 300 c h r o m a t o g r a m s a r e included. Scientific Products 424 Microwave. Catalog of microwave heating products features a line of power packs (2450 and 915 MHz), instrumentation and waveguide accessories and components, and microwave applicators. Cober Electronics 425 C h e m i c a l s . Catalog features biochemicals, organic compounds, and diagnostic reagents. Bioactive peptides, i m m u n o c h e m i c a l s , electrophoresis r e a g e n t s , e n v i r o n m e n t a l standards, and protein analysis reagents are included. Sigma 426 Proteins. Catalog describes chromatography products and techniques for the isolation and purification of proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids. The Nest Group 427

Environmental analyses. Meeting the Challenges of Environmental Analysis includes information on the analysis of toxic industrial solvents, pesticides, metals, and volatile organic chemicals. Solutions to complex environmental problems, from sample cleanup to compound identification and confirmation, are presented. Varian 421 S u p e r c o n d u c t i v i t y . Technical literature covers a variety of topics, including the automation of low-resistance measurements and resistance measurements on high-temperature s u p e r c o n d u c t o r s . T h r e e different h i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e superconductor measurement and test systems are outlined. Keithley 422


LI-610 generates and maintains an exact dew point in a controlled air stream. It is designed for field calibrations of humidity sensors and H 2 0 IR gas analyzers. LI-COR 428