Software Manufacturers' Literature

data acquisition and analysis obtains data from up to four gas chromato- graphs and eight detectors simulta neously. Menu-driven Windows- based softwa...
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S p e c t r o m e t r y . MultiSpec 257 im­ aging spectrograph is designed to acquire spectra from multiple fiber­ optic inputs from CCDs. The spectro­ graph contains a microprocessor and toroidal optics for spectral imaging over an area of 25 χ 10 mm. It uses single, d u a l , t r i p l e , or q u a d r u p l e grating turrets and integrated filter wheels for automatic grating and fil­ ter selection. An internal shutter is included for dark current measure­ ments and readout of frame images transferred from CCDs. Oriel 407 S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r y . Spectropho­ tometer system Model DPA20 is de­ signed for applications such as flow injection analysis and spectroelectrochemistry. The compact system (11 χ 16 χ 16 cm; 5 kg) c o n t a i n s a 1024-element CCD detector, a min­ iaturized optical system t h a t scans in t h e v i s i b l e ( 4 0 0 - 7 0 0 n m ) a n d short-wavelength near-IR (6001100 nm) regions, and a programma­ ble detector exposure timer for data acquisition from 200 spectra/s to 1 spectrum/min. The DPA20 can per­ form real-time spectral averaging for u p to 65,535 s p e c t r a ; acquire one spectrum while downloading another to a host PC; and control and moni­ tor pumps, valves, potentiostats, and temperature and pH sensors via 16 d i g i t a l a n d 4 a n a l o g I / O control lines. DSquared Development 408 HPLC. Mistral column thermostat is designed to permit HPLC analyses at ambient and subambient temper­ a t u r e s . It uses P e l t i e r cooling for t e m p e r a t u r e s down to 5 °C a n d forced air convection to produce tem­ peratures from 5 °C up to 90 °C with an accuracy of ± 0.1 °C. The Mistral is microprocessor-controlled and can be programmed with up to five dif­ ferent temperature profiles in incre­ ments of 0.1 CC and 1 min. The ther­ mostat accommodates most HPLC systems and can be used in conjunc­ tion with a u t o s a m p l i n g s y s t e m s . Euramark 409 C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . LabQuest 486 PC data station for chromatographic data acquisition and analysis obtains data from up to four gas chromatographs and eight detectors simulta­ neously. M e n u - d r i v e n W i n d o w s based software allows the user to set up multiple detection p a r a m e t e r s and processing functions. The sys­ tem performs data security and va­ lidity checks, provides authorized user access, and records system per­ formance. Stored data can be t r a n s ­ ferred to active spreadsheet or word

processing software while a n o t h e r application is r u n n i n g , and ASCII chromatograms can be imported for analysis. Tremetrics 410

Software Data analysis. S-Plus v3.1 for Win­ dows is a data analysis and statistics software package for 386 or 486 PCs. The upgrade adds ANOVA and re­ lated statistical functions, fraction­ ally differenced ARIMA models, and model-based Gaussian hierarchical c l u s t e r i n g , a s well a s c o m p u t i n g functions such as integration, opti­ mization, multivariate minimization with bounds, and complex numerical linear algebra support. The Windows version includes displays of multiple graphics windows on screen, online help and hypertext links, and cutand-paste functions for transferring text between S-Plus and other appli­ cations. Statistical Sciences 411 C o n f o r m a t i o n p r e d i c t i o n . Unity chemical information software per­ forms flexible algorithmic searching of 3D conformations of structures in a chemical database to select com­ pounds capable of achieving a que­ r i e d g e o m e t r y . T h e software can s e a r c h a n d t e s t u p to 100 s t r u c tures/s using analytical derivatives to m i n i m i z e e n e r g y in t o r s i o n a l space. Tripos 412 Chromatography. Updated version of G r a m s / 3 8 6 i n c l u d e s a m e n u driven method editor for LC, GC, HPLC, SEC, GC/MS, and G C / F T IR. The editor changes and updates method files, displays c a l i b r a t i o n curves a n d t i m e d e v e n t s , and r e ­ moves bad calibration samples with a mouse click. Grams/386 r u n s un­ der Windows v3.0 or higher on 386 and 486 PCs and requires a math co­ processor and VGA display. Galactic 413 C h e m o m e t r i c s . Unscrambler II v5 performs m u l t i v a r i a t e calibration a n d p r e d i c t i o n u s i n g PCA, PCR, PLS, and neural net methods; exper­ imental design screening and optimi­ zation; validation by leverage correc­ tion, test set, and cross-validation methods; outlier detection, weight­ ing, and scaling; and classification modeling u s i n g SIMCA. G r a p h i n g capabilities include preset plots as well as 1-, 2-, and 3-vector plots; his­ tograms; matrix, map, contour, cu­ mulative distribution, and sample plots; overlay, scaling, and rotation;

Residual gas analyzers Series PPT are designed for use in surface stud­ ies, thermal analysis, and polymer re­ search. The analyzers have mass ranges to 200 Da and contain Faraday and electron multiplier detectors, 16channel multiplexing capability, and PC-based software. The units mount on a quadrupole sensor flange and can be interfaced directly with PCs. MKS Instruments 414 and display of regression lines and statistics. Context-sensitive on-line help, tutorials with test data, and a macro system for customized plots and automated calibrations are in­ cluded. Camo 415

Manufacturers' Literature TLC. "Camag Bibliography Service No. 70" p r e s e n t s 215 a b s t r a c t s of books, articles, and reviews for TLC methods and applications. Topics in­ clude automation and quantitation, hyphenated techniques, t h i n - l a y e r electrophoresis, and other methods as well as TLC determination of pro­ teins, heterocyclic nitrogen-contain­ ing c o m p o u n d s , o r g a n o m e t a l l i c s , antibiotics, dyes, pesticides, pharma­ ceuticals, inorganics, s u r f a c t a n t s , and plastics and their intermediates. Application pages featuring standard glass, horizontal, and automated plate development chambers; preci­ sion spray applicators; and a work­ station with a plate scanner are in­ cluded. 60 pp. Camag 416 MS. Application note describes the HP 5972A mass-selective detector (MSD) and compares it with common GC, flame ionization, and electron capture detectors. The note discusses the theory of operation in scan and SIM m o d e s a n d p r e s e n t s s a m p l e chromatograms and schematics. 12 pp. Hewlett Packard 417