
displays viscosity in centipoise or percent as well as spindle number and rpm. Features include 18 rotational speeds,autozero on startup, report of sa...
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can be assigned with typical precision of < 0.01%. A continuous-flow probe for direct introduction of LC fractions and an LSIMS ion source are available for the modular system, which can be configured as a hybrid or a four-sector MS/MS instrument. Kratos Analytical 403 F l u o r e s c e n c e spectrometry. RF1501 fluorescence spectrophotometer, designed for optimization or routine performance of fluorescence assays, detects excitation and emission peaks by scanning the full wavelength range of the sample. The ins t r u m e n t scans at 30,000 n m / m i n and higher and has low S/N (300 at 350 - nm excitation, 10 - nm bandwidth, 2.0-s time constant). Shimadzu 404

Viscometer Model DV-I+ measures and displays viscosity in centipoise or percent as well as spindle number and rpm. Features include 18 rotational speeds, autozero on startup, report of samples outside of range conditions, accuracy within 1%, and reproducibility within 0.2%. Brookfield 401

Instrumentation AAS. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer MEFF-16 performs sequential determination of multitrace element concentrations, measuring each element under its optimum furnace conditions, and can handle up to 120 samples along with standards and blanks. Designed for use with a flame, hydride, or furnace atomizer, the instrument is controlled by Windows-based PC programming. Analyte 402 MS. BioConcept m a g n e t i c sector mass spectrometer uses a CCD array detector and a n electrospray ion source to determine the molecular weight of peptides, proteins, and other large biopolymers at femtomole levels. Molecular masses up to 100,000

F u e l s analysis. Automated analyzer for total oxygen in fuels pyrolizes gasoline samples in a furnace, reacts the organic oxygen with catalysts, and measures C 0 2 output by oculometry. The system has a 42-position autoinjector, is independent of the sample matrix, and requires no user calibration. UIC 405 Spectrometry. Spectronic Genesys 5 UV-vis spectrophotometer features a 5-nm slit width over a range of 200-1100 nm and features an eightposition cell holder for samples. An LCD graphic screen displays the application program, analytical wavelength, sample ID, test name, and results. An internal printer is optional, or results can be exported. Milton Roy 406 S t o p p e d - f l o w k i n e t i c s . MG-6000 Rapid Scanning Array collects spectral data from 250 to 800 nm at a rate of 1.3 ms per scan. The system, which can accommodate up to 256 spectra with 512 data points each in a single r u n , includes s e q u e n t i a l mixing, routine operation below 0 °C or under anaerobic conditions, differential density mixing, and safety interlocks. Hi-Tech Scientific 407 Sample preparation. AIM 500 microprocessor-driven block digestion


system is designed to provide controlled digestion conditions for up to 50 100-mL samples at temperatures up to 450 °C. Nine different analytical methods with up to 40 steps each can be stored in memory for digests, including m e t a l s , t o t a l Kjeldahl, COD, a n d p h o s p h o r u s m e t h o d s . Block digestor has heating rate control to 1 °C/min, draft shield, and nonelectric overtemperature cutout fuse for safety. AI Scientific 408

Software Quantum chemistry. UniChem quantum chemistry software is available on an unbundled basis for users w a n t i n g individual components of the integrated supercomputer-based product. Software modules include CADPAC 5.0 and Gaussian 92, two H a r t r e e - F o c k - b a s e d ab initio programs; DGAUSS, a density functiona l - b a s e d ab initio p r o g r a m ; a n d MND091, a semiempirical program. Cray Research 409 Data acquisition. Viewdac 2.1, an integrated data acquisition, analysis, and graphics package for 386 and 486 PCs, runs up to five times faster than earlier versions. Other features include polynomial curve fitting, cross-correlation, peak and valley identification, and cubic spline fitting. Keithley Instruments 410 DNA s e q u e n c i n g . MacVector 4.0 contains primer prediction and selection capabilities for PCR and sequencing applications. U s e r s can search for appropriate primer pairs according to product size and region or calculate melting temperature and optimum annealing temperature for hybridization. International Biotechnologies 411 A n t i b o d y m o d e l i n g . AbM models antibody structures based on an input amino acid sequence for rational design, humanization of nonhuman antibodies, and replacement of X-ray crystallography methods. The software first builds the framework re-