Sole savers. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - Sole savers. Chem. Eng. News , 1969, 47 (25), p 2 ... +. More Article Metrics. C&EN Online News. C&EN Online Current Issue News RSS Feed...
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Sole savers. Firestone Carboxylated ΙΕΚΠΙΕΒ The rubber sole of a work­ excellent processing character­ a m e d i u m l e v e l of b o u n d man's shoe takes a lot of abuse. istics. SR-5596 is carboxylated acrylonitrile. Coarse grating cuts it. Oils and and modified for easier pro­ Whatever your product—from chemicals eat into it. Even ordi­ cessing. soles to " 0 " rings to metal cor­ nary walking can bend and crack Both offer extremely high re­ rosion resistance seals—consult it. sistance to abrasion in a variety Firestone's Technical Service of compounds. And their oil But we can help you save Men. These experts can solve resistance is essentially equiva­ these soles. With FR-N 605 and your problems, fast. Just write: lent to NBR polymers containing SR-5596 carboxylated nitriles. Firestone Synthetic Rubber & FR-N 605 is a car­ Latex Company, Dept. THE RUBBER C O M P A N Y W I T H THE COMPLETE RUBBER LINE boxylated butadiene CEN-6, A k r o n , Ohio FR N 44301. -* a e r y I o n i t r i le t e rp o l y m e r w h i c h has


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