Solid Polyol Benzoates: - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS

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Solid Polyol Benzoates : These six Polyol Benzoates are colorless solids w i t h melt points ranging b e t w e e n 46 and 98°C and w i t h t h e exception of Sucrose Benzoate exhibit a tendency t o supercool and recrystallize s l o w l y after being cooled b e l o w t h e melt point. Sucrose Benzoate unlike t h e others is a non-crystalline solid.

o. Λ

c-o-c-c-o-c-c-o-c-c-o-c *„ H H, H H, H H, 2


Triethylene Glycol Dibenzoate

C 1 2 H i4

0 3 (OH)09


Melting Point 47°C 358 Molecular Weight (theory) Color (liquid) 200 APHA Refractive Index 50°C (liquid)..1.5252 Volatility (mg/hr/cm2) 347°F 5.0 Availability Commercial

Sucrose Benzoate

Softening Point (Ball and Ring)...98°C Form Non-crystalline flake Molecular Weight (approx.) 1100 Color 60 APHA Refractive Index 25°C 1.5770 Availability Semi-works








ο Glyceryl Trihpn7nato ι noenzoaxe






Neopentylglycol Dibenzoate


Melting Point 71°C Molecular Weight (theory) 404 C o ) o r (|iquid) 2 0 0 APHA Refractive Index 50°C ( l i q u i d ) . . 1 . 5 5 8 4 Volatility ( m g / h r / c m 2 ) 347°F 0.2 Availability Developmental

Melting Point 49°C 312 Molecular Weight (theory) Color (liquid) 200 APHA Refractive Index 50°C ( l i q u i d ) . . 1 . 5 2 9 8 Volatility ( m g / h r / c m 2 ) 347°F 7.5 Availability Developmental



*~^, CH 2 CH 3


x C-0-CH 2 -C-CH 2 -0-C.

CH 2 CH 2

CH 2

CH 2

CH 2

CH 2


. ^ ^ Trimethylolethane Tribenzoate

Pentaerythritol Tetrabenzoate

Melting Point 73°C 432 Molecular Weight Color (liquid) 200 APHA Refractive Index 50°C ( l i q u i d ) . . 1 . 5 5 3 8 2 Volatility ( m g / h r / c m ) 347°F 0.3 Availability Developmental

Melting Point 95°C Molecular Weight 552 Color (liquid) 200 APHA Refractive Index 50°C (liquid)..1.5715 2 Volatility ( m g / h r / c m ) 347°F 0.1 Availability Developmental


/ I


4902 Central Avem

Please send technical information on Solid Polyol Benzoates to:

Velsicol Industrial Chemicals Division

The tri- and tetrabenzoate esters have a m u c h lower t e n d e n c y to volatilize at high t e m p e r a t u r e s t h a n seen with m o n o m e r plasticizers in this s a m e m o l e c u l a r w e i g h t r a n g e . T h e five c r y s t a l ­ line Polyol Benzoates are c o m ­ p a t i b l e a t low levels a n d t e n d to b l o o m or crystalize on a g i n g w h e n at higher levels in m a n y p o l y m e r s y s t e m s . In c o m b i n a ­ t i o n w i t h resin s y s t e m s : D i b e n zoates a c t as plasticizers w i t h s o f t e n i n g a n d f l e x i b i l i t y effect. Tribenzoates modify with effect b e t w e e n plasticizers a n d h a r d resins. T e t r a b e n z o a t e a n d S u ­ crose B e n z o a t e serve as h a r d resin w i t h s t i f f e n i n g a n d e m b r i t ­ t l i n g e f f e c t ( m o d e r a t e d i f in c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h a plasticizer).





International Representative: Velsicol International Corporation, C.A., P. 0 . Box 1687 Nassau, Bahamas C&EN 13