solid residue from the distillation of castor oil in vacuo

OF CASTOR OIL. The oenanthol-aniline as finally purified is a reddish-colored mobile liquid, having an agreeable ethereal odor, which resembles...
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The cnanthul-aniline as finally piirified is a reddifih-colored mobile liqiiiil, having an agreeaide ethereal odor, ahicli resembles neither aniline or cenanthol. Its analys:' yielded C 75.10 per cent., H 10.28 per cent., corresponcling t o the furmula, Cl13 1.1, I?-o=C, H7nTC, lI,,O, i n which C is 75.36 per cent., and H 10.14 per ceilt. The cenanthol-s!-lidine closely resembles enanthol-aniline in allpearmice and sinell. Its formnla was found to be C I SII?, xo=cFI{), N c': II,, 0. Found.

c . ,. . . . . . . . ..;rJ.o4


76.50 10.64 . . . . . . . . . 5.93 5.96 T h e acuanthol-napht hy Janiine resembles t lie two preceding conipounds in its appearance and properties, bot was htill more prononnced in its ethereal odor, n-hich resembled that of pineapple. Its forniula ib Cl, H,, 9 0 = C l , H, h' C; H,,O.

H . . . . . . . . . . ..10.00


Fouud .


C . . . . . . . ..50.03 ljer cent.

79.35 per cent. 8.95 '' It will be noted that all tlieke conipoiinds formed synthetically by the direct union of one inolecnle of ananthol with oiie molecule of the aromatic base, no water being eliminated, h a r e ,z correspondingly elevated heat of combination. They are stable bodies, and were capable of sublimation, with only partial decomposition. The snblimates n-ere not crystalline, and were identical in physical and chemical properties with tlie original substances, yielding on analysis the same formule.

H . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.50


BY ALBERT R. LEEDS. I n making enanthol from castor oil there is always left in the flask a highly elastic, sticky substance, which was first investigated by Stansk (Jour. Pr.Chiz., Vol. 63, p. 138.) Although Stanck's results have c e w r been accepted as conclusive, yet no one has reinvestigated the nature of this body, for which reasons I was induced to niake the following research.



According to the recommendation of Krafft, Ber. Ber., Vol. x, p. 2034, the aenanthol was prepared by distilling castor oil in vacuo a pressure of abont 100 m. m. being maintained. The operation mnst be watched very closely towards the end, because the residue in the retort, as soon as all the omanthol has been driven off, liberates a large amount of gas which causes the caoutchonc-like mass to swell enormously ancl to fill the whole flask. Therefore, as soon as the bubbles of gas begin t o appear, the vacuum is instantly relieved and t h e lamp removed. Thp residue, on the liberation of the gas, changes from a comparatively thin liquid to a very viscid mass that finally, on cooling, has almost the consistency of caoutIt could not be entirely removed from the flask by chouc. mechanical means, and therefore, after as much as possible had been removed by a spatnla, the remainder was saponified either with aqueous or alcoholic potash. The caoutchouc-lilte mass was thoroughly washed, first with alcohol and then with ether, in neither of which is it a t all solnble. Before washing, the substance iR sticky and elastic, but the ether and alcohol remove all traces of stickiness, and most of the elasticity disappears. Long standing has the same effect, but in a lesser degree. The original color of the substance is a brownishred, but after mashing it becomes grayish-white with a very faint tinge of yellow. The analyses were made on the body thus purified. I n his analysis Stanbk gives the formula C,, H,, 0, as calculated from C 77.11 per cent. 11 10.77 per cent. and 0 12.12 per cent. The percentages as found by me mere : C 76.47 per cent. H 10.69 per cent. and 0 12.84 per cen The caoutchouc-like body by long continued boiling with aqueous or alcoholic potash is completely saponified. All the residues obtained were saponified, the solutions filtered hot, and the filtrates decomposed b y hydrochloric acid. The organic acid in combination with potash, after decomposition by a mineral acid, presents none of the characteristics of the original caoutchouc-like mass. On the contrary, it is an oily body lighter than water, and has a reddish-brown color. The oil is extremely soluble in alcohol and ether, ancl insoluble in water. It was purified for analysis by dissolving in ether, after repeatedly mashing with hot water, filtering, evaporating off the ether and drying a t 1000. The purified oil on analysis gave : C 70.28 per cent, H 11.04 per cent. 0 1S.74 per cent. Stanbk in his analysis of the same oil, prepared by a sliglitly different method, found C 70.40 per cent, IT



11.00 per cent, 0 18.60 per cent, froin which lic deduces the formula



H 6 "

In the acid filtrate from the oil tlecuinposed by hydrochloric acid, no glycerine could Le found, h i t o111ya small amount of a resinous body which war. not iiivcstigated. This result also correspdtids with that obtained LJ- Staii~k. A considerable amount of tlie oil was ziibjected t o fractional distillation. When heated, the oil turns black and is decomposed, yielding at c~er.increasingttmlwiatures a distillate of light and almost colorless oils thal have a very pungelit and peculiar though not a disagreeable odor. 'l'hcse oils ~'oiiieoff at points ranging ! iii three separate prtioiis, from 110" t o 2iiO". 'I'Iicy w e i ~ uoIlectet1 having boiling p i n t s from 110' 150" 1tiOo 2OO@ and abore 20P. Each portion was distillecl t h w times, and finally three were taken whose boiling points ~ e r c1"J3 180' atit1 2 2 ~ 'c'. Tlieir ;innlysis yiel(let1 : 120" 180' W O C Carbon.. . . . . . . . . . . 68.20 . . . . . 68.89 . . . . . CS.85 Hydrogen.. . . . . . . . . 11.29 ..... 12.60 ..... 11.50 Oxygen.. . . . . . . . . . . 20.51 . . . . . 18.51 ..... 10.65 These oils do not form salts with potash or soda. On exposure t o liglit and air they turn darker from absorption of oxygen. Xitrogen was sought for in all of the oily products of the caoutchouc-like substance, but its presctnce in any could not be established. The results above given do not Lcar out tlie views of StanGk with regard to the constitution of the caoutchouc body and its deriyatives. Sta1ii.k assigns the formula C,, H,, 0, to the caoutchouc body, and terms it an Acryloxidc compound consisting of his Pyroricinic Acid and Acrolein. C,, II,, O,=C,, II,u O,+C, H, 0,. In this case tlie compound ought t o contain Acrolein which it does not. No Acrolein could be detected either in the process of saponification or of distillation. I n the next place, tlie Pyroricinic Acid of Stai1i.k which he regards as a fatty acid, although it has no analogies to any known series of fatty acids, is first formulated as C,, H,, 0:.It was made by converting the oil obtained by saponification of the caoutchouc body, into a lead salt. But this body after keeping for three days at a temperaturc of 1O@", became (according to Stat1i.k). C , , H,, 0,. He furthermore states that tlie water wliioli thus came off did not



exist in the original acid in the form of water, inasmuch as the correct formula of this acid should be regarded as C,, H,, 0,. I have not attempted to give rational formulz for the caoutcho II body or for its oily distillates. I have merely given theae resultsc t h e obtaining of which involved very considerable labor 011 111~7, own part and that of my assistant Dr. Edgar Everhart, in the hope that some one will repeat the work with such large quantities of material as eventually t o obtain by fractional distillation or otherwise, homogenous products.


When xylidine-acrolein, prepared as stated in a preceding article was subjected to dry distillation some oily drops of peculiar smell were given off. A considerable amount of this substance, therefore, after careful purification was thoro'ughly dried at a temperature of 110" and finely pulverized. Small portions of about 20 grms. each were introduced into a small tubulated retort, placed in an air-bath and subjected to distillation, carried on very slowly to avoid carbonization.. No record could be taken of the temperature of the distillation since it exceeded 3600. A t first, before deconiposition set in, a small amount of water came over which was of a slightly acid reaction, and which was rejected. When the temperature rose higher and decomposition began, a distillate composed of oily drops mixed with water of an alkaline reaction, came over. The residue in the retort consisted of a porous carbonaceous niass, extremely difficult of combustion. The alkalinity of the distillate, was due to free ammonia given off in considerable quantities during the operation, the retort at the end being filled with its fumes. About 156 grms. of the kylidine-acrolein were thus distilled in small portions at a t h e and the distillates collected. The water was separated from the oil by filtering through a wet filter, and heated for several hours at a temperature of 100" till the weight was constant. The yield from 155 grms. of the xylidine-acrolein was 11 grms., or a little over 7 per cent. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to purify the distillate, bnt no constant boiling point could be obtained. A small amount