concentrations of crude cottonseed oil and crude peanut. ONTINUOUS solventextraction methods for vegetable c oils have been adopted, to an increasing ...
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error in E,,, it must be assumed that the source of the discrepancy lies in certain simplifying assumptions inherent in the B.E.T. calculations. The discrepancy may be due to the fact that in the theory E,, is assumed to be equal to EL,while the experimental results show that E,, is actually about 25% higher than EL. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Acknowledgment is made to Marjory Galvin for assistance with measurements and to T. M. Shaw and F. Stitt for helpful suggestions. LITERATURE CITED


Assoc. of Official Agr. Chem., Methods of Analysis, 5th ed., p.

308 (1940). ( 2 ) Barker, H. A., J. Gen. Physiol.. 17,32 (1933). (3) Brunauer, S.,"Adsorption of Gases and Vapors", Vol. I, p. 161, Princeton Univ. Press, 1943.

Vol. 37, No. 10

(4) Brunauer, S., Emmett, P. H., and Teller, E., J . Am. Chem. Soe., 60,309 (1938). (5) BuII, H. B., IbM., 66,1499 (1944). (6) &ne, R.,J. Xoc. Chcm. I d . , 62,185 (1943). (6A) International Critical Tables, Vol. V, p. 138 (1929).

(7) Lindsay, W. N., and Mansfield, T., IND.Em. CHEM.,ANAL, ED., 16, 628 (1944). (8) Makower, E., and Dehority, G. L., IND.EN^. CHEM.,35, 198

(1943). (9) Makower, E., and Myers, S., Proc. I m t . Food Tech., 1943, 156. (10) Othmer, D., and Sawyer, F. G., IND.ENG.CHEM.,35, 1269 (1943). (11) Pitmsn, A. L.,Rabak, W., and Yee, H., Food Znduatl.ies, 15,49 (1943). (12) Quartermaster Corps, Tentative Specifications for Dried Eggs. C.Q.D.No. 117A, Jan. 28, 1944. (13) Shaw, T. M.,J. C h m . Phys., 12,391 (1944). (14) Stuart, L. S.,Hall, H. H., and Dioks, E. E., U.S.Egg PacZtr?r Mag.. 48,629 (1942).

SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF COTTONSEED AND PEANUT OILS Boiling Point-Vapor Pressure-Composition Relations for Miscellas of Oils in Hexane E. F. POLLARD, H. L. E. VIX, AND E. A. GASTROCK Southern Regional Research Laboratory, of Agriculture, New Orleans, La.

U.S . Department

The boiling points and densities of mixtures of cottonseed and peanut oils with commercial hexane are reported. They are useful in the design of vacuum evaporators and strippers and for control operations involving temperature, time of heating, and concentration of oil-solvent mixtures of various compositions, to prevent or minimize fixation of objectionable coloring matter or other deteriorative heat effects. Boiling point data are determined at various concentrations of crude cottonseed oil and crude peanut


ONTINUOUS solventextraction methods for vegetable oils have been adopted, to an increasing extent in new installations, particularly in the soybean industry ( I , 4,6),and to a limited extent in laboratory and pilotplant work for obtaining tung oil (6). Some viscosity and density data on soybean oilsolvent mixtures have been published (9). Cottonseed meal or cake has been commercially extracted both in Europe and South America for some time, but the possibility of solvent extraction of oil from cottonseed and peanut meal has received little attention in the United States except during the last few years. Many technical and engineering problems in applying solvent extraction have not been satisfactorily solved. Some of the difficulties are summarized by Olcott (6). Data obtained in the present study are important in determining the maximum safe temperature, time of heating, and vacuum stripping conditions for cottonseed and peanut miscellas of various concentrations without fixation of the objectionable coloring matter and other deteriorative effects which would impair the value of the oil. Boiling point curve8 are useful in designing engineering equipment for pilot-plant or full-scale operation. Although some work is reported in related fields (1, 6, 8), fundamental engineering data are not generally available for the

oil, over a range of pressures from 160 to 760 mm. absolute in commercial hexane. The reported data should be of value in the further development of the technology of the solvent extraction of vegetable oils. Observations of the effect of agitation in establishing equilibrium conditions of the oil-solvent mixtures are noted. The Raoult law and the DGhring rule cannot be applied for predicting data of the necessary accuracy within the critical operating region.

design of vacuum evaporation and stripping apparatus. Experimental data have been published for separating and recovering solvents such as Naphtha E and ethylene dichloride from cottonseed oil (,??) in which distillation ranges, a t atmospheric pressure, of mixtures containing 50% solvent and 60% cottonseed oil, are compared with the distillation ranges of the pure solvents. In this investigation the boiling points of various mixtures of crude cottonseed and peanut oils in commercial hexane were determined over a range of pressures from 160 to 760 mm. absolute. The hexane was a commercial solvent (Skellysolve B) with the following specifications: gravity a t 60' F., 74.4' A.P.I.; boiling range, 140-160O .F.; vapor pressure a t 100" F. (Reid), 5.1 pounds per square inch; evaporation residue by weight, 0.0016%; color, water-white. Petroleum fractions which have approximately the characteristics of n-hexane are widely used and are generally available a t low cost. For them reasons a commercial grade of petroleum hexane fraction was chosen for this work. ReWng tgst data of the crude cottonseed and peanut oils were as follows: (a) crude cottonseed oil: free fatty acids (w oleic) 3.5%, specific gravity a t 30' 0. 0.913, refining loss 12.5%, moisture 0.093%; ( b ) refined cottonseed oil from crude: iodine number 105.5, color 35Y-14.4R,color of bleached oil 35Y-5.5R;

October, 1945



Figure 1. Ap aratus for Determination of &Sing Points and Withdrawal of Representative Samples of Oil-Solvent Mixtures a t Atmospheric and Reduced Pressures A. Boiler (5000 ml.) 8. Retined cottonseed oil bath (12 litera)

C. 2100-watthot late

D. Stainless steef'stirrer 8. Hot unation of thermocouple F. Feeding remmel(s00 ml.) G. R e h x oondenmer H . Mstillmte aondenser I . Distillate Beaks (SeoO ml.) J Lsrelin. late



PreoaoPera jaaketed sam lor (100 ml.)


Batg thermometer

N.* Tra flails (l& ml.)

(c) crude peanut oil: free fatty acid (as oleic) 0.85%, specific gravity a t 30' C. 0.909, refinhg loss 4.8%, moisture 0.066%; (d) refined peanut oil from crude: iodine number 97.9, color 35Y2.3R, color of bleached oil 2Y-0.5R. APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE

Figure 1 is a diagram of the apparatus for measuring boiling points and for the withdrawal of cooled representative samples of mixtures under atmospheric and reduced pressures. This assembly was mounted in a laboratory hood, and was suitably supported to ensure easy operation adjustment and alignment.

The next step was the withdrawal of a representative sample of the boiling miscella. Cock 3 was opened to connect the sampler to the trap flask, cock 2 was adjusted to obtain a reduced pressure on the sampling system 40 to 60 mm. lower than the pressure in boiler system, and cock 4 was opened slowly so that miscella flowed steadily from the boiler ihto the sampling system without flashing of solvent. Miscella was withdrawn until 300 to 600 ml. collected in the trap flask, in order to rinse out the sampling system thoroughly and to reduce the contents of the boiler. Then cock 4 was closed and cocks 3 and 2 were opened quickly to the

All glassware waa Pyrex, and either standard tapered or spherical ground-glass joints were used to connect the various units. A stainless steel stirrer D,which rotated at 425 r.p.m., unifoply

mixed the miscella. tvhite asbestos rope, unpregnated with a purified rade of the oil under investigation, w~ used in the packmg glan! of the stirrer. Bath B was maintained a t the desired tem erature by an interval time switch (not shown) which contro&d the electrical input to hot late C. ressure Regulation and control of tge reduced. operatiq within 0.6 mm. of mercury were obtained with a mo&ge$ design of s mercury-filled Cartesian manostat (not shown) constructed to bleed air to the system. The manostat and a mercury manometer were located in the vacuum line to distillate flask 1. Mercury manometers were alsp in;stalled in the systyn to indicate the reduced pressures mruntained in the sampling and boiler Bystems. The boiler temperatures were measured with a singlejunction thermocouple of standard copper-constantan wire, and the potentiometer had dial graduations in intervals of 6 microvolts. Water at 4' C. was recirculated to distillate condenser H, reflux condenser B, jacketed sampler MI and finally to precoolers L and K. On1 for the distillation of solvent from mixtures in the boiler was tie reflux condenser by-passed. In each of the ten runs reported, boiling points and samples of fifteen to twenty mixtures of different oil content were taken. An identical set of operations was made for each miscella investigated. Approximately 3000 ml., containing about 15% oil by weight, were poured into the boiler (Figure 1). The stirrer was started, and the manostat adjusted to maintain the desired operating pressure for the run. The bath was heated to approximately 20-26' C. above the boiling temperature of the miscella. The mixture was allowed to boil continuously for 10 minutes, and potentiometer readings were taken each 5 minutes during this interval. If these values agreed within the sensitivity of the potentiometer, the corresponding temperature was recorded as the boiling point.

Figure 2. Density-Composition Relation for Miscellas of Crude Cottonoted and Peanut Oils in Commercial Hexane d 30' C.



Vol. 37, No. 10

s I












30 40 50 60 70 80 90 /UU FRCENT CRUD€ PEANUT OIL BY WE/GHT ZO

Figure 3. Effect of Agitation on Boiling Point of Commercial Hexane-Crude Peanut Oil Misoellas at Constant Vapor Pressures

atmosphere. This sample was cooled t o about 30" C., and by properly opening three-way stopcock 4, appropriate portions were withdrawn for analysis. A quantity of vegetable oil (300 to 600 ml.) was slowly added to the boiling miscella to increase its oil concentration sufficiently for the next point on the curve. This addition of oil readjusted the volume of oit-solvent mixture to approximately 3000 ml. Then the interval time switch was regulated to raise the bath temperature slightly. When boiling equilibrium for this miscella was established, the same manipulations were repeated as described for the previous point. Thus each succeeding miscella had an oil content a few per cent higher than the previous one. Hence boiling points and corresponding samples were obtained over the entire range of compositions. As soon as the contents of the boiler reached 93 to 95% oil by weight, solvent was distilled from miscella to increase the percentage of oil. Preliminary investigations revealed several factors which were considered in wtablishing a suitable procedure: (a) Natural agitation produced by the motion of the boiling miscella was not sufficient and did not yield duplicable results; consequently a stirrer was installed. (b) To avoid flashing of solvent while a sample was withdrawn, sspecially a t low absolute pressures, precoolers were installed and arranged. The maintainance of a pressure differential of not over 40-60 mm. between boiler and sampling systems also assisted in eliminating flashing. (c) Foaming was eliminated throughout the peanut oil and most of the cottonseed oil runs by maintaining a 20-25' C. differential in temperature between boiler and bath. Only for the cottonseed

TAB^ I. DENSIT~S OF COMD~ERCIAL HEXANE~BUDE VEQETABLE OIL MIBCELLAS % oil by wt. 100 91.06 78.84 68.71 58.61 49.33 39.81 29.42 19.80 8.95


Cottonseed Oil Density at 30DC., gram/oc.

% oil by wt. 100 90.71 79.61 69.38 57.79 49.62 41.33 32.09 19.10 10.24


Peanut Oil Density at 30° C., gram/oo. 0.9081 0.882 0.852 0.825 0.797 0.777 0.737 0.738 0.710 0.692 0.6719








70 80 90 /OO O/L BY WE/6HT

Figde 4. Boiling Point-Composition Curves of Cornmercial Hexane-Crude Vegetable Oil Miscellas at Constant Vapor Pressures

oil runs a t the lower operating pressures was it necessary to reduce the temperature differential to 10" C. to minimize and control foaming. Observations indicated that the boiling points were independent of the differential in temperature between bath and boiler for a range of 10' to 30" C. Higher temperature diffep entials were not investigated. (d) Commercial hexane was used in making up the initial miscella for a run, and further addition of this solvent was not required. (e) Distillation of solvent for increasing the oil content could not be used for miscella containing less than 92 t o 95y0 oil by weight because the lowerboiling-point components in the commercial hexane distilled off in a higher proportion than the higher-boiling-point fractions; consequently the boiling point of the resulting mixture wm

October, 194s


erroneous. Above 93 to 95% oil, slight fractionation of the small quantity of solvent did not affect the results appreciably. v) Chilling of the moling ctnd condenser wabr t~ a p p r o ~ m s ~ l 40 y c.

was required because the commercial hexane boiled at 24' to 66' C. when subjected to reduced pressures ranging from 160 to 760 mm. absolute.




760 Mm. Abs. %oil B.P., by wt. 0

610 Mm. Abs. %oil by wt.


460 Mm. Abs. %oil P ,.: by wt.

310 Mm. Abs. %oil B.P., bywt. C.

Cottonseed Oil 14.3 11.88 23.2 62.41 32.9 63.04 44.0 58.73 62.2 b4.77 69.9 66.28 66.4 68.46 71.7 61.22 64.63 76.7 81.0 68.93 8b.0 74.98 88.6 82.62 91.6 92.34 93.7 102.87 86.0 114.47 97*2 135.09 B . Peanut Oil 60.40 16.8 61.99 60.76 22.3 62.34 61.10 80.6 62.81 61.66 37.9 63.38 62.24 46.6 64.08 63.40 63.7 66.24 66.08 60.6 66.74 67.01 68.0 69.84 69.38 72.6 62.oo 71.85 76.2 64.63 74.64 79.5 67.68 78.20 82.4 71.41 81.86 86.6 76.31 87.12 87.6 80.53 93.42 89.6 86.21 98.81 91.2 92.99 107.33 92.6 99.66 114.26 94.2 110.07 126.28 96.6 121.04 136.90 96.7 136.60

160 Mm. Abs. %oil by wt.



13.4 21.4 31.6 42.6 61.6 69.6 66.8 71.0 76.4 79.3 82.6 86.6


Densities Of the 'IWde oil-commercia1hexsne mixtures were detei-n-iined by Westphd balance. Duplicate samples were withdrawn from t h e m Pte tube into specially p a ~ t ytubes madewithstandardtapered24/40 joints to p r e m t evaporation of solvent. The tubes contsining the oil-solvent mixtures were placed in a constant-temperature water bath for 15 minutes, and density determinetions~eresubsequent]yob~nedat30°C. Prior to the work on boiling points the densities of the mp&ures of cottonseed and of pesnut mch withcommercial hexane, were determined at 30°C. by the pycnomoter method (Figure 2). Density values for the oils and commercial hexane, determined sepamtely, were checked by the Westpha1 balance method. The pycnometer and Westphal balance results agreed identically to the fourth deci-

90.6 92.3 94.0

67.36 13.6 67.69 22.8 88.19 33.3 69.16 43.8 70.39 63.0 72.41 80.6 74.76 67.6 77.64 72.8 80.76 77.2 84.49 80.9 89.09 84.0 94.93 87.2 103.30 89.4 112.80 91.6 121.97 93.3 133*88

14.6 22.6 82.6 43.0 62.4 60.2 67.2 72.0 77.8 82.6 88.6 92.6 94.2

67.36 67.70 88.37 69.38 70.84 72.87 75.31 78.48 88.17 89.62 104.79 123.63 134.80


mal place.

Specific gravity determinations by the Westphal balance procedure, converted to percentage oil by weight, were checked analytically by the evaporation method as follows: Samples were withdrawn from sampler M (Figure 1) into weighing bottlea m d evaporated on a steam bath for 1 hour, dried in a vacuum oven at 70" C. for 30 minutes, cooled in desiccators, and subsequently weighed. The statistical differences between the West-

16.8 2196 28.1 37.2 46.0 63.0 60.2 66.2 70.3 74.8 78.0 81.0 83.6 88.6 88.7 90.0 91.7 93.0 94.3 96.b

60.63 60.81 61.38 62.24 63.49 6b.64 68.26 71.41 74.98 78.76 88.39 90.39 96.46 106.11 116.73 132*04

14.7 24.7 3b.O 46.0 64.2 62.6 89.6 7b.8 81.0 86.8 89.1 92.0 96.1 97.1 98.8

41.08 41.48 42.03 42.86 44.38 46.11 48.62 62.23 66.74 69.68 69.83 80.63 9b.16 114.26 131.84

14.2 24.6 36.1 47.0 67.1 66.4 72.0 78.6 82.6 86.1 90.0 94.0 96.3 98.4 99.3

26.18 26.64 26.2b 27.23 28.81 30.76 33.63 37.74 41.66 46.62 M.07 68.26 83.17 100.12 116.81

16.0 22.8 81.8 39.6 47.2 63.6 60.1

40.96 41.43 41.91 42.66 48.46 44.89 46.92 47.79 49.67 62.34 16.23 68.92 62.81 67.81 72.86 80.31 89.09 100.03 114.17 134.91

15.1 24.9 34.6 46.1 66.4 66.2 72.1 76.1 83.b 86.7 90.3 93.6 96.8 97.0 98.2 98.7 99.6

26.27 26.64 26.18 26.98 28.08 33.05 86.46 42.27 48.03


70.7 76.0 78.6 81.6 84.3 87.2 89.2 91.3 93.2 94.9 96.4 97.8


66.22 81.62 96.66

110.70 124.66 139.96

phal and evaporation methods for determining the percentage oil by weight are rn follows: for peanut oil miscellas the mean difference is 0.395% and the standard deviation of mean difference is 10.034%; for cottonseed oil miscellaa the mean difference is 0.559% rmd the standard deviation of mean difference is

10.044%. DATA

Table I shows experimental results of the measurement of densities by the pycnometer method a t 30' C. of the crude cottonseed oil, crude peanut oil, commercial hexane, and mixtures of these oils with the solvent. Figure 2 gives these data on densi-



31.66' C.

Abs. preasure, mm.


%oil by wt.


B.P. 66.11O C. Abs. presaure mm. 5% oil ks by wt.


B.P. 68.M)O C. Abs. pressure, mm. %oi HK by wt.










Abs. Pressure Mm.


Abs. Prese w e Mm.

769 699 631 661 496

66.66 64.18 60.99 67.43 63.82

433 379 290 211 163




C. 49.66 46.15 38.81 31.12 23.68




Figure 6. Boiling Point-Vapor Pressure Curves

of Commercial Hexane-Crude Cottonseed Oil

Miscellas at Constant Compositions (Per Cent Oil by Weight)

ties plotted against composition. The smoothed curves served as satisfactory work charts in this investigation for converting the specific gravities obtained by the Westphal balance procedure to percentage oil by weight. Figure 3 illustrates the effect of natural agitation as compared to mechanical agitation upon the boiling point of miscellas. Preliminary investigations showed that reliable data can be obtained only under equilibrium conditions of constant stirring. Table IIA gives data for cottonseed oil-solvent mixtures at five absolute pressures. The results were plotted as weight per cent oil (Westphal) against temperature (boiling point), and the smoothed curves are shown in Figure 4A. The weight per cent (Westphal) values were used in plotting these curves because they were considered to be more uniformly reliable than the values obtained by the evaporation method; they were performed on larger samples (25 ml. compared with 1 or 2 ml.), could be made more promptly, were subjected to fewer manipulative steps, and yielded smoother curves. Table IIB gives experimental results for peanut oil-solvent mixtures a t five absolute pressures. Smoothed curves (Figure 4 B ) were obtained by plotting the data given in Table IIB. Boiling point curves for cottonseed and peanut oil mixtures a t the same absolute pressure are practically congruent, which indicates similar physical properties for the two miscellaa. This similarity shows that the reported data should be applicable to a wide range of oils of similar specifications. The boiling point data should be of value in the further development of the technology of solvent extraction of vegetable oils. Apparently there are no published data on boiling points for miscellas of either cottonseed oil or peanut oil in commercial hexane under reduced pressures; therefore comparisons with other work cannot be made. Smoothed curves in Figures 5 and 6 present the data of Figure 4A, crossrplotted to show constant boiling point and constant composition curves. Curves in Figure 5 required the additional experimental data in Table 111.

VOl. 37, No. 10

Table IV gives experimental determinations of the boiling point of the commercial hexane used at different absolute pressures. The vapor-pressure values for 100% solvent plotted in Figures 3 to 6 were interpolated from these det6rminations. The data presented in Figures 4A,5, and 6 for cottonseed oil indicate the wide spread in boiling pressures over the range of temperatures from 30" to 120" C. for the pure solvent; as the oil content increases, the spread of boiling pressures decreases and reaches a minimum for 100% oil. Very low absolute pressures are required to boil mixtures with an oil content from 95 to 100% by weight in order to avoid excessive temperatures. At lower temperatures the spread of boiling pressures over the whole range of compositions is small compared to the spread a t the higher temperatures. This group of figures is particularly valuable for designing steam stripping equipment and vacuum evaporators. Figure 6 shows that for miscellas with an oil content from 0 to 50% by weight, there is a small change in the boiling temperature a t a given pressure. However, above 50% oil by weight there is a more pronounced temperature rise, and after 85% oil by weight there is a rapid rise in boiling temperature a t a given pressure for any increase in oil content, The slope of the curves gradually increases as the percentage of oil in the miscella is increased; for the curve8 representing 95 to 100% oil, the slope approaches a constant value over the range of pressures investigated. Although no points are given below 160 mm. absolute pressure in Figure 6, it is possible to predict from Figure 5 that, over the entire range of compositions, there is a rapid lowering in boiling temperature with a further reduction of pressure, particularly for the miscellas of higher oil content. The slope of the curves approaches an infinite value as the pressure is further reduced. Similar curves can be obtained for peanut oil miscellas by cross plotting the data obtained in Figure 4B. The data obtained in this investigation were compared with values calculated from Raoult's law. The agreement between the observed and calculated values is good up to approximately 50% oil by weight. Above 50% the deviations are appreciable; as the oil content of the miscella approaches loo%, the deviations become increasingly greater. Unfortunately in the operating region where the boiling point data are most needed, calculations based on Raoult's law yield erroneous results. The values from the constant composition curves in Figure 6 were cross-plotted against pure hexane and water in accordance with Duhring's rule (7). Straight lines were obtained in both cases up to SO% oil by weight. Here again this empirical device cannot be used for predicting data of the necessary accuracy in the critical operating region; consequently, experimental values must be applied. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of B. Ashby Smith for the refining tests made on the crude vegetable oils; Evald L. Skau and Frank C. Magne for the density determinations reported in Table I and the curves of Figure 2; John D. Guthrie and Claire Leslie for the analytical determinations for per cent oil by weight. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Beckel, A. C., Oil & Soap, 21,264(1944). (2) Harris, W.D . , Bull. Agr. Mech. Coll. Texas, 12,1 (1941). (3) Johnstone, H. F., Spoor, I. H., and Goss, W. H., IND.ENQ. CHEW.,32,832 (1940). (4) King, C. 0.. Kats, D. L., and Brier, J. C., Trans. Am. Znst. Chem. Elagrs., 40,533 (1944). ( I ) McKinney, R. S., Rose, W. G., and Kennedy, A. B., IND. ENQ. CHEM., 36, 138 (1944). (6) Olcott, H.S.,Zbid., 33,611 (1941). (7) Perry, 3. H., and Smith, E. R., Zbid., 25, 195 (1933). (8) Sohoenborn, E. M., Koffolt, J. H., and Withrow, J. R.,Tram. Am. Znst. Chem. Engrs., 37, 997 (1941).