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SOLVENT VAPOR DRYING PROCESS DRIES WOOD IN HOURS WITHOUT DETERIORATING EFFECTS Heretofore wood has been dried in open air, by steam, or by high temperature air. Open air drying takes 6 to 18 months ; steam and high temperature air often result in hydrolysis or burning. Now, one of the country's largest wood preserving plants has developed a Vapor Drying process which safely and effectively dries wood in from 6 to lJf hours! The drying agent used is Esso's Solvesso Xylol. The drying* process begins when a loco­ motive pushes a charge of crossties, approximately 100 feet long, into a cylinder or drying chamber. At the proper time, vaporized Solvesso Xylol is passed into the drying cylinder. The hot Solvesso Xylol vapor is circulated through the cylinder for a few hours, penetrating many inches into the wood and evaporating much of its moisture. A s "dry cleaning" and moisture evap­ oration continue, the solvent vapor with its moisture-lignin content leaves the cylinder and is condensed, separat­ ing the solvent from the water in the settling tank and returning the Sol­ vesso Xylol to the evaporator to be re­ used, (see diagram)

5 Gallons of Water from One Crosstie The amount of water removed from the settling tank determines the relative dryness of the wood being treated. When drying is finished, the Solvesso Xylol lines are closed, the chamber evacuated and the wood is ready for treatment with wood preservative. Water from the settling tank is passed through a meter, which is read periodi­ cally to determine wood drying prog­ ress. One-charge of 800 crossties may be made to give up as many as 4,000 gallons of water—or 5 gallons per crosstie—in a 12-hour drying period.

Esso Solvents Play Vital Role in Scores of industries Rubber, textiles, chemicals, paper, food, leather and scores of other industries are utilizing the many types and grades of solvents manufactured by Esso Standard Oil. Production men know they can rely on Esso Petroleum Sol­ vents' purity and uniformity, main­ tained through most modern and strin­ gent refinery treatment. If you have a solvents problem, let our technical men examine your requirements and deter­ mine the solvent best suited to your needs. Drop a line today to our office nearest you.

Paper Mill Machinery now Cleaned with Solvesso 100

Before they were creosoted, the crossties in this picture were dried by α new vapor pro­ cess employing Solvesso Xylol.

Solvesso 100 is now being used to clean paper machine screens and felts when they become congested with n a t u r a l wood pulp gums and resins. Since paper machines are operated a t extremely high tempera­ tures, Solvesso 100's high flash point ( o v e r 100°F.) m a k e s i t i d e a l l y suited. In addition, Solvesso 100 has especially high solvency for resins since it contains more than 95°fo petroleum aromatics.

(£ssq) PETROLEUM SOLVENTS S O L D I N M e . , N . H . , V t . , Mass., R.I., C o n n . , N.Y., Pa., N . J . , Del., M d . , D.C., V a . , W . V a . , N . C . , S.C., T e n n . , A r k . , La. ESSO S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y - Boston, Mass. N e w Y o r k , N. Y.—Elizabeth, N. J.—Baltimore, M d . Richmond, V a . — C h a r l e s t o n , West V a . — C h a r l o t t e , N. C. — C o l u m b i a , S. C — M e m p h i s , Tenn.— Little Rock, Ark.—New Orleans, La. ESSO S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y O F P E N N ­ S Y L V A N I A - P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa.

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This diagram shows how Solvesso Xylol is being used in new vapor drying process for drying crossties. V O L U M E


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