solvents make a BIG DIFFERENCE for better lacquers... USE

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solvents m a k e a BIG DEFFERENCE

for better lacquers... USE


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W h e t h e r you use esters, ketones, alcohols, or glycol-ethers — t h e CARBIDE technical representative will give you unbiased h e l p in selecting t h e best solvents for y o u r use. Two solvents, e t h y l acetate and isopropyl acetate, are lowboiling or fast-evaporating esters t h a t h a v e served t h e lacquer industry faithfully for m a n y years. E t h y l acetate combines high solvency w i t h low lacquer viscosity. I n addition, it h a s a pleasant odor. F o r a slower evaporating solvent, with relatively high blush resistance, choose isopropyl acetate.

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Jjrt/ Λι^Μ^ ^ Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Company' LMUaBBê^M U n i o n Carbide a n d C a r b o n C o r p o r a t i o n 3 0 East 4 2 n d Street


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on ethyl acetate o r isopropyl acetate, ask y o u r nearest CARBIDE office for t h e book " E s t e r s " (F-4766). If you want information on all of CARBIDE'S solvents and plasticizers useful in lacquers ask for " S o l v e n t s " (F-7465). In Canada: Carbide Chemicals Sales C o m p a n y , Division of Union Carbide Canada Limited, T o r o n t o ·

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