Solving Ground Water Problems with Models. Energy from Biomass

ting edge of technology and new com- mercial developments in the production of energy from renewable resources ... Program, Singapore Ministry of the...
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Feb. 7-9, 1989 Indianapolis, IN Solving Ground Water Problems with Models. International Ground Water Modeling Center The symposium will discuss groundwater flow, biochemical and geochemical models, exposure assessment and risk management, nonpoint pollution, and development of regulations. $345 ($395 after Jan. 1, 1989). National Water Well Association, 6375 Riverside Drive, Dublin, OH 43017; (614) 761-1711; Telex 241302. Feb. 13-17 New Orleans, LA Energy from Biomass and Wastes


Institute of Gas Technology The conference will focus on the cutting edge of technology and new commercial developments in the production of energy from renewable resources such as wood, solid waste, and alcohol. Emission control and chemicals from biomass and wastes also will be discussed. Susan Robertson, Institute of Gas Technology, 3424 S . State St., Chicago, IL 60616; (312) 567-3881; Telex 25-6189.

Feb. 16 Burlington, ON Canada Twenty-Fourth Canadian Symposium on Water Pollution Research. Canada Centre for Inland Waters This meeting will discuss water pollution control technology and impacts of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems. B. E. Jank or J. Barica, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, 867 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, ON L7R 4A6, Canada; (416) 336-4599 or 3364785; Fax (416) 336-4675 or 3364989. Mar. 6-9 San Francisco, CA 1989 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NO, Control. EPA and Electric Power Research Institute Sessions will deal with regulatory statutes, combustion modification and flue gas treatment, developments in commercially available controls, fundamental research, and advanced power plant concepts.

$160. Claudia Runge, Symposium Coordinator, Electric Power Research Institute, 3412 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94303; (415) 855-2149.

Apr. 2-7 Singapore 1989 Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste. EPA, United Nations Environment Program, Singapore Ministry of the Environment The conference will discuss hazardous waste problems in the rapidly industrializing Pacific Basin. It will consider the minimization of hazardous waste generation, the incineration of hazardous waste, and landflling. It also will cover technical information needed to develop regulatory programs. Executive Secretary, Pacific Basin Consortium for Hazardous Waste Research, East-West Center, 1777 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96848; (808) 944-7555; Fax (808) 944-7970; Telex 989171. Apr. 4-6 Nice, France Biofilm Reactors: Technological Advances. French Committee for Research on Water Pollution This conference will discuss new technology in biofilm reactors used to treat water and wastewater. It will deal with aerobic and anaerobic reactors, fixedand mobile-bed reactors, and materials and biomass used in reactors. Michel Florentz, c/o A.G.H.T.M., 9 rue de Phalsbourg, 75017 Paris, France; phone (1) 42.27 38 9.1.

Apr. 5-6 Washington, DC 25th Annual Meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements The meeting will consider radiation protection over the last 60 years and what is being and will be done in this field in the future. W. Roger Ney, NCRP, 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 800, Bethesda, MD 20814; (301) 657-2652. Apr. 10-12 Cincinnati, OH U.S. EPA 15th Annual Research Symposium on Remedial Action

0013-936)(/88/0922-1403$01.50/0 0 1988 American Chemical Society

Weatment and Disposal of Hazardous Waste. EPA The symposium will deal with emergency response, waste minimization, stabilization of waste residuals, innovative treatment processes, field evaluations of treatment technologies, and physical and chemical options for the treatment of hazardous waste. Kathleen Kelly, JACA Corp., 550 Pinetown Rd., Fort Washington, PA 19034; (215) 643-5466. Apr. 17-18 Atlanta, GA First Symposium on Use of Plants for Toxicity Assessment. American Society for Testing and Materials. Organized by ASTM Committee E 4 7 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate, this symposium will present a review of plant bioassays and hazard assessments. Theresa Smoot, ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; (215) 299-5413.

Apr. 25-26 San Francisco, CA Biological Processing of Coal and Coal-Derived Substances. Electric Power Research Institute Topics will include coal structure, advanced analytical techniques, microbial beneficiation of coal, and biosolubilization of coal and product utilization. Susan Bisetti, Conference Coordinator, Electric Power Research Institute, EO. Box 10412, Palo Alto, CA 94303. May 22-25 Orlando, FL Third National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods. The Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers The conference will discuss and demonstrate techniques for groundwater monitoring; aquifer remediation, restoration; and geophysical methods of groundwater contamination detection. $395 (NWWA members, $345). Conference, National Water Well Association, EO. Box 182039, Dept. 017, Columbus, OH 43218; (614) 761-1711; Telex: 241302. Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 22,

No. 12, 1988 1403