Solving touch problems has always been a challenge. Today, creative

Solving touch problems has always been a challenge. Today, creative solutions demand ZONYL fluorosurfactants. Chem. Eng. News , 1988, 66 (37), Outside...
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Solving tough problems has always been a challenge. Today, creative solutions demand ZONYL fluorosurfactants. When you're searching for today's solutions to your product's most complex performance problems, look to DuPont ZONYL fluorosurfactants. These versatile surface modifiers can effectively solve many problems in wetting, leveling, dispersing, penetrating and emulsifying. Their ability to lower surface energy makes them valuable components in a wide range of products, including those used to increase soil and stain resistance, enhance gloss or improve mold release properties. ZONYL fluorosurfactants function much more effectively than hydrocarbon surfactants in harsh conditions that require chemical and thermal ZONYL "fluorosurfactants are made only by DuPont.

stability. They can also improve performance when combined with hydrocarbon surfactants. In fact, the best way to test the effectiveness of a fluorosurfactant is to add it to your current hydrocarbon system to evaluate how much your product's performance improves. There are 12 ZONYL fluorosurfactants to improve the performance of a broad spectrum of products and processes: from high-technology aerospace parts to waterborne paints

to plastics and polymer manufacturing. ZONYL fluorosurfactants are compatible with most systems and usually produce dramatic improvements at very low concentrations. For more information on DuPont ZONYL fluorosurfactants, call toll free: 800-527-2601. In Delaware, call: 774-2099. In Canada, call toll free: 800-387-2122. Or write: DuPont Company, Chemicals & Pigments Department, Room G-51189, Wilmington, DE 19898.

ZONYIf fluorosurfactants Creative solutions. Limitless possibilities. CIRCLE 2 8 ON READER SERVICE