Solvolytic displacement reactions (Streitwieser, Andrew, Jr.)

molecular structure and spectra help to meet serious defirienries in the previous edition and introduce the student tu a.ork which has ocrupied n l ~ ...
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BOOK REVIEWS section on spertnrsropic methcrls disrusses rrlnrepts such rn rcsdution, l~andwirlth and responsr time, and the prinriples n i operation of mdiofreqoenry and rq~tiral spectrometers. The serrmd mnirrr improvement is that the section on elertronirs in the fifth edition has heen more than douhled in this revisirm. 4 r rireuit theory is treated using rompler algebra, and there are disrnssims r l f semirondurtor devices, noise phenotnena, and auseful raverage of assartetl elertrrmic circuits for power supplies, phasc ~ensit,ive detertors, pulse circuits, a n d elprtrrmir measurements. I t is the feeling of this reviewer that the new sections on electronics, neressnry fur most physical chemical research work, and molecular structure and spectra help t o meet serious defirienries in the previous edition and introduce the student tu a.ork which has ocrupied n l ~ r g ecore and physical chemistry in the last, twenty years.

.JOHN P. CHESICK Hnnc~forrlPollme ?Imw:fo~d,P m n . ~ ~ , l w ~ i a

Solvolytic Dirploramenl Revctions

.4ndrmr Streitwieser, Jr., University of California, Berkeley. 3lcGraw--Hill nook Co., Ine., 1062. ir 214 p p Figs, and tables. 16 X 28.5 r m . $5.


As indicated in t,he introduet,ir,n the major portion of this hark is s vrrbatim reprint of the aut,lmr's 1956 ('hemicnf Reviews art,icle. The new portion of the book orcupies only 22 nf I85 tcxt pzges. This srtirle contains eatrnaive rwitiws of theliteratureof S N and ~ Sn2 reactions and internal displacements, as well as briefer discussions of a number of r e l a t ~ drmetions. The eRwt of solvcnt, md?ophilc, and substrate structures nr? all discossrd. The author not only reviews t h l~i t ~ r a t u r r in this outsieed field but also provides new insight into many aspects of it,. Exanqdrs aro his illrrrninating trcatmtmt of the rlrwt r,f conjugation and his prcworative, unitarian. view of SNI and Ss2 reactions. T h r new portion of thv hod.: contains brief but up-t.