Some American-Made Chemical Reagents. - Industrial & Engineering

Some American-Made Chemical Reagents. W. D. Collins. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1920, 12 (8), pp 800–801. DOI: 10.1021/ie50128a034. Publication Date: August ...
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ble in t h e usual way. When all t h e soluble material had been removed, except t h e small amount in the upper rim. t h e c r i ~ r i h l ewas f l l d about half full of water, suction was applied a n d a moistened rubber stopper was quickly pressed down on top of t h e crucible. (The rubber stopper was always polished to a plane surface and washed free from any dust before using t h e first time.) As soon as t h e stopper was firmly held by t h e suction, water was poured on top of t h e holder (see figure) a n d around t h e stopper. T h e water drawn through t h e top rim easily completed t h e washing, as was indicated by t h e fact t h a t no test for alkalinity could be obtained b y addition of a drop of phenolphthalein t o t h e edge of t h e crucible. Continuous use of t h e crucible holder, since i t was not designed for treatment in this manner, tended t o crack t h e flange from t h e outer portion of t h e holder. A slight modification of t h e flange construction would perhaps lessen this difficulty. RAPID DETERMINATION OF SMALL AMOUNTS OF COPFER BY THE IODIDE METHOD By H. F. Bradley PARRCITY, UTAH Received April 5, 1920

The precipitate of cupric sulfide (containing not over 0.05 g. copper) is washed free from chlorides (complete removal of iron not being necessary), then moistened with a few drops of strong neutral zinc nitrate solution (free from chlorides), and ignited. T h e residue of zinc oxide and cupric oxide is quickly dissolved b y warming with I cc. of I : 2 hydrochloric acid. Neutralize with 5 per cent potassium hydroxide, acidify with acetic acid, add a little phosphate solution t o prevent t h e action of iron,l then add 2.5 g. solid sodium iodide and titrate as usual. SOME AMERICAN-MADE CHEMICAL REAGENTS By W. D. Collins BUREAU O F CHEMISTRY, u. s. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Received March 31, 1920 I-POTASSIUM


A member of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYinformed t h e Committee on Guaranteed Reagents t h a t he had found potassium ferricyanide purchased a year or two ago wholly unsuited for use in making t h e gelatin test on tin plate. T h e salt made a turbid green solution. Examination of two lots which had been in t h e Bureau of Chemistry for several years showed t h a t 1

R. H. Deakin, Ckem. News, 118, 193.



No. 8

they were of t h e same quality, b u t a single recrystallization from a filtered solution gave a perfectly satisfactory product. Correspondence with manufacturers and dealers secured some analytical reports which indicated material of high purity. A sagnple furnished as representing t h e product now sold by one manufacturer made a perfectly clear I O per cent solution with no traces of green color and no precipitate. It therefore appears t h a t no one need now accept potassium ferricyanide which will not make a I O per cent solution without any precipitate or green color. Purification of poor material in stock is worth while in most cases. 11-METHYLO R A N G E '

Similar complaint was made t o t h e Committee of difficulty in procuring satisfactory methyl orange from American manufacturers. At t h e suggestion of t h e Committee, samples were purchased from four different sources. There was at hand for comparison one of a well-known foreign make. A sixth sample was obtained from a lot of methyl orange which was exhibited b y a manufacturer a t a meeting. A few grams of t h e best appearing sample (Sample A) were repurified by precipitating t h e free acid, filtering, dissolving with sodium carbonate solution, and recrystallizing twice. This produced shining crystal leaflets of a beautiful orange-red color which were provisionally adopted as a standard., The samples were judged b y general appearance, odor, water-insoluble residue from one gram in 400 cc. of water, and indicator value. T h e results are given i n t h e accompanying table. METHYLO R A N G E Waterinsol. IndicaResidue tor SAMPLE Appearance Odor from 1 g. Value Notes Standard Orange-red crystals None 0 , 0 0 0 0 Good A Orange-red crystals Very faint 0.0008 Good B Yellow-red powder None 0.0294 Good Foreign-made C Yellow-brown, lumpy1 Decided 0.0105 Good D Brown, lumpy Decided 0 . 0 5 3 7 Fair Dyestuff Strong 0 . 1 1 6 7 Good Naphthol-like E Brown powder odor F Yellow-red powder None Slight Good 1 A later sample from the manufacturer of C compared favorably with C O M P A R I S O N O F SAXPLES OF

B or F.

T h e odor resembled aniline in three cases, a n d one sample smelled strongly like naphthol. The two brown samples were not very pleasing in appearance. T h e manufactyrer of one of these products stated in reply t o criticism of his output t h a t i t was not intended for a n indicator b u t was sold for use as a dyestuff. A portion of Sample D was purified both by direct recrystallization and b y precipitating t h e acid a n d subsequently neutralizing t h e free acid with soda. I n each case a bronze-yellow crystalline powder was recovered which, in appearance, did not resemble t h e standard methyl orange. When used as an indicator its alkaline solution was bright yellow in color, b u t t h e acid solution was only pale red. Sample D did not give a clear solution when filtered. Notwithstanding t h e poor quality of some of t h e samples obtained, t h e results show t h a t i t is entirely 1

I n collaboration with G. C. Spencer.




possible a t this time t o secure a very satisfactory grade of methyl orange. It is recommended t h a t purchasers specify methyl orange of a grade t o be used as a n indicator and also stipulate t h a t t h e insoluble residue from one gram dissolved in 400 cc. of water shall not exceed 0 . 0 2 5 g. 111--SULFURIC







T h e diphenylamine test for nitrate has been studied carefully b y J. Tillmans,2 who reviews previous work a n d describes t h e best conditions for making t h e test. The most satisfactory reagent is prepared by dissolving 0.017 g. of diphenylamine in IOO cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84), and adding 30 cc. of water. A t a time when there was no sulfuric acid in t h e Bureau of Chemistry which would give a colorless reagent, four producers and dealers were asked whether they could furnish such acid. Dealer A stated t h a t they had never handled acid which would give absolutely no color under t h e conditions described, b u t t h a t one grade furnished by Maker C was t h e nearest this quality which they had received. Producer B stated t h a t t h e y could not furnish acid which would not give a trace of green color, b u t at a later date stated t h a t they were then able t o furnish t h e required acid on request. Producer C stated t h a t t h e y could furnish such acid if reference was made t o their letter on t h e subject. This acid proved perfectly satisfactory for making t h e reagent. Producer D stated t h a t all their acid was of t h e quality desired. One bottle was ordered for examination. The blue color developed on making t h e reagent was darker t h a n was obtained with any of t h e samples of acid on hand in t h e Bureau, and t h e acid was returned t o t h e dealer. This experience shows t h a t sulfuric acid can be secured which will serve for preparing t h e diphenylamine reagent, b u t this grade must be specified clearly, and purchased subject t o examination. T h e very low limits for sensitiveness reached b y Tillmans were not found in t h e tests for nitrates in sulfuric acid. He and others have pointed out t h e number of other substances which produce t h e blue color. It must be understood t h a t a positive test does not prove t h e presence of nitrates, but a negative 1

In collaboration with James K. Morton


Z Nahr Cenussm, 20 (1910), 676.

80 I

result shows t h e absence of t h e minimum quantity necessary t o give a test. METHOD


A number of methods of applying t h e diphenylamine test were tried in order t o select one which would serve t o assure sulfuric acid sufficiently free from nitrates for careful analytical work without making t h e test too exacting. T h e U. S. Pharmacopeia test prescribes mixing the acid with nine volumes of water and pouring t h e mixture carefully over a reagent made with 0.5 g. of diphenylamine dissolved in IOO cc. of sulfuric acid and 2 0 cc. of water. Sulfuric acid containing 0.02 per cent N z 0 5 gives a blue ring at t h e place of contact of t h e two layers. Acid with 0.01 per cent N305 gives no color. A simple application' of t h e test is t o add a drop or two of t h e U. S. Pharmacopeia reagent t o 3 t o 5 cc. of t h e acid in a test t u b e and overlay with water. A blue ring develops in I O min. if t h e acid contains 0.00002 per cent of N 2 0 ~ . With O.OOOOI per cent t h e ring is seen in some instances and not in others. When 2 cc. of sulfuric acid are mixed with I cc. of water and there are added immediately t o t h e mixture I cc. of reagent made with 0.017 g. diphenylamine, IOO cc. of sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84), a n d 30 cc. of water, a decided blue color develops in I O min. if t h e acid contains o.oooo; per cent N205. If t h e mixture of acid and water is cooled t o 2 0 ° C. before addition of t h e reagent, no blue color is developed in I O min. if t h e acid contains less t h a n 0.0001 per cent NzOs. Nearly all t h e reagent sulfuric acid on t h e market will pass this test. The presence of too large a quantity of diphenylamine interferes with t h e test. Increasing t h e proportion of either water or sulfuric acid in t h e reagent as described b y Tillmans makes t h e test less sensitive. The preparation of t h e reagent is t h u s t h e most delicate test for t h e presence of nitrates, nitrites, or some of t h e other substances which give t h e blue color with diphenylamine. Sulfuric acid containing o.ooooo8 per cent NzOe shows a decided faint blue color in 2 hrs. after preparing the reagent. Acid with less nitric present will serve t o prepare a reagent which will be perfectly colorless. Acid of this grade can be purchased if it is specified t h a t this test muPt be met.


By Gustavus J. Esseleo, Jr. ARTHURD.


If one were asked for a good example of a colloidal solution

in a non-aqueous solvent, probably among the first materials to come to mind would be solutions of cellulose esters. I n spite of this, it is only comparatively recently that the colloidal character of the parent substance cellulose has been recognized. 1 Read a t the 59th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, St. Louis, M o , April 12 to 16, 1920.

Harrison' has correlated in a most interesting manner many of the reactions of cellulose, as, for example, its behavior when treated with alkalies, acids or oxidizing agents, by considering the typical cellulose, cotton, as existing in a number of different degrees of colloidal dispersion. Cross2 has also referred to cellulose as a colloid, and Miss Minora has recently considered the hydration of cellulose in paper making from the standpoint of colloid chemistry. Whether or not the solution of the prob1 Trans. Nut. Assoc. Cotton Mjgrs., 101 (1916), 201. Colloid Chem., Brit. Assn. Adv. Sci., 1918, 52. 2 J Sac Dyers Colourists, 84 (1918), 92. 3 Paper, 26 (1919), 700.

2nd Report on
