Some contributions of crystal structure research to general chemistry

Some contributions of crystal structure research to general chemistry teaching. Maurice L. Huggins. J. Chem. Educ. , 1936, 13 (4), p 160. DOI: 10.1021...
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NE OF the chief contributions of crystal structure research has been to correct and clarify the concept of the molecule. The existence of small molecules, usually conforming in atomic arrangement to chemists' previous conceptions, has been confirmed in many cases, especially among organic compounds. A few examples may be mentioned: Solid iodine (1) consists of diatomic molecules. Rhombic sulfur (2) is composed of Ss molecules, each molecule being a puckered ring. Arsenic "trioxide" (3) consists of molecules of the formula AsrOa, each arsenic atom being bonded to three oxygen atoms and each oxygen to two arsenic atoms (Figure 1). The


(OPBN CIRCLES)IN AN ASIO. MOLECULE Heavy lines indicate bonds between atoms; light lines and dotted lines are merely to aid in visualiza-


mercurous halides (4) in the solid state are aggregates of HgzXa molecules, all four atoms being colinear: X-Hg-Hg-X. The paraffins and other "straight chain" compounds (5) consist of molecules in which the carbon atoms are in a zigzag arrangement. The benzene ring is a flat, regular hexagon (as a time average)


* Presented before the Division of Chemical Education at the eighty-ninth meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York. A~ri126.1935.

in such compounds as hexachlorobenzene (6), GCls, and hexamethylbenzene (7), G(CH&. The saturated cyclohexane ring, on the other hand, is puckered. In this and all other cases which have been studied in which a carbon atom is bonded by single bonds to four other atoms, the X-ray evidence favors the conclusion that these bonds are oriented approximately toward corners of a regular tetrahedron. In some instances the crystal structure results have definitely decided between two or more alternative formulas. For example, the three nitrogen atoms in the NJ group in azides (trinitrides) have been shown (8) to be in a lmear arrangement rather than a ring. Not only have the relative arrangements and distances within the molecules been determined for the compounds mentioned above and many others, but also the distances and relative positions of atoms in dBerent (neighboring) molecules. Such information tells us much about interatomic and intermolecular forces and is proving increasingly useful in the development of theories of the dependence of melting points, boiling points, solubilities, and other properties on structure, in helping us to understand the mechanisms and rates of reactions, etc. In this connection the writer wishes to emphasize the importance of pointing out frequently to students the dependence of the properties of substances on the arrangements of atoms as well as on their kinds and relative numbers. If the dependence of the formulas and structures of molecules and crystals on the structures of the atoms of which they are composed and the dependence of the uses of substances on their properties (as well as on various economic and social factors) are also stressed in the course, the students obtain an understanding of chemistry which is much more valuable than the accumulation of knowledge of unrelated (or slightly related) chemical facts. Crystal structure results show that in many cases the molecule is as long as the crystal and sometimes also as broad and as thick. In the diamond (also silicon, germanium, and gray tin) the whole crystal is a single giant molecule, all of the atoms being linked together by typical non-polar electron-pair bonds (9). Another example is quartz, Si02, in which each silicon atom is bonded by single bonds to four oxygen atoms and each oxygen atom by single bonds to two silicon

Each atom is bonded to thee others. Open circles represent atomiccentersbelow the plane of the paper, dotted circles, those above the plane of the paper. The silicon layers in CaSil are similar.

Each mercury atom (large dot), in the plane of the paper, is tetrahedrallybanded to 4 iodine atoms, two of these being above (dotted circles) and two below (open circles) the planeof thepaper.

atoms (10). (Incidentally, this structure and many others confirm G. N. Lewis' generalization that atoms other than C, N, 0 , and perhaps B rarely, if ever, form stable double or triple bonds. This explains the remarkable difference in properties between COz and S i 6 , as well as many other otherwise anomalous m e r a c e s between compounds of "first-row elements" and the corresponding compounds of "second-row elements.") The elements phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth have structures in which each molecule consists of a layer of atoms extendmg through the crystal (9). (See Figure 2.) Layer molecules likewise exist in mercuric iodide (ll), magnesium chloride (12), magnesium hydroxide (13), and many other compounds (Figures 3 and 4). In selenium (14). tellurium (14), cellulose (Figure 5) (15). ~ ,. rubber (16). , ,. rote ins (17). .. and various other substances the molecules are long strings of atoms.




Most salts in the solid state contain no small molecules. The salt crystal is either an assemblage of ions, as in sodium chloride and calcium sulfide (Figure 6). or is composed of giant molecules in which the bonds are polar (i. e., the electron-pairs are shared unequally) and are easily broken to form ions. Mercuric chloride and magnesium chloride (Figures 3 and 4) are examples. It is obvious that such crystals can go into or come out of solution one ion a t a time. It is incorrect to consider the molecule in solution as a necessary or usual intermediate step in the precipitation or solution process. IONS

Crystal structure research has dehitely established the nature of water of hydration and water of crystallization (18). Around positive ions one frequently finds 4 or 6 or sometimes more HzO groups, the oxygen atoms on the inside, the hydrogens outside. The ammonia

Each M g atom, in the plane of the paper, is surrounded by six equidistant CI atoms, three above (dotted circles) and three below (open circles) the plane of the paper. The Mg(OH)1structure is similar, with oxveen atoms reolacinc the chl&e atoms a(/





(See Figure 8.) It is probable that the "heads" of fatty acid molecules in the solid state are usually joined together by such hydrogen bonds, and recent X-ray results obtained in this laboratory seem to be best explained by the assumption of structures of this type in liquid water.

The examples which have been given, although by no means exhaustive, serve to show in how many ways. the results of crystal structure analysis affect the teaching of a course in general chemistry. As research in this. field continues, many further and equally important contributions are to be expected. An increase in our knowledge and understanding of the structure and hehavior of matter must be followed by corresponding changes in the subject matter of our fundamental courses and even in teaching methods.


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