Some Factors Involved in Soil Corrosion

current which produces underground corrosion is made up of two parts-that within the ...... forced vertically into the soil sample and the electrical ...
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Some Factors Involved in Soil Corrosion E. R. SHEPARD, 3423 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C.


While soil resistivit’y is known HE mechanism of corroLaboratory experiments on the causes and to be an i n i p o r t ’ a n t factor in sion, and p a r t i c u l a r l y mechanism of soil corrosion qf ferrous materials soil corrosion, the form of the that of soil corrosion, inare described. -An unbroken mill scale has a c i r c u i t , as determined by t,lie volving as it does a variety of protectiije injluence, [chile a discontinuous rnill geometric relations of the anode factors and their relations to one scale m a y facilitate pitting. and cathode areas involved, is of another, is a problem which has occupied the attention of investieven greater importance. The presence and distribution of oxygen in a The c o r r o s i o n prolilem is gators for many years; yet no soil is a n important factor in soil corrosion. f u r t h e r c o m p l i c a t e d by the satisfactory explanation for all Unequal disfribution of oxygen occurs in dry or time element. With t’hepassage of the observed phenomena has porous soils uhere a nonuniform condition of the of current, several effects occur. been offered. The present paper soil aggregate exists. Such conditions giite rise The first of t h e s e s e c o n d a r y lays no claim to new discoveries effects which tend to reduce the but is a brief presentation of the to local gulcanic action o n buried iron pipes. results of a series of laboratory rate of corrosion is more or less I n most soils the m a x i m u m rate of corrosion experiments which h a v e b e e n vaguely d e s c r i b e d under the occurs when the soil is moist rather than wet or carried out for the purpose of g e n e r a l t e r m “polarization.” saturated. T h i s is becauee of the limited supply studying several factor. in