some new active corticosteroids - ACS Publications

SOME NEW ACTIVE CORTICOSTEROIDS. Sir: The enhancement of the glucocorticoid1 and antiarthritic2 activities of prednisone (I)3 and pred- nisolone (II)4...
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Vol. 79

C29Hh202: C, 82.6; H I 10.0. Found: C, 82.4; H, 10.0) is oxidized to 11 by lead dioxide in ether. Compound I11 has an OH stretching band in the infrared a t 2.74 p and three intense bands between 6.1 and 6.5 p. Methanol adds to the quinone methide to yield the bisphenol I, R is OCH,, m.p. 160-161'. Anal. Calcd. for c30H46o3: c, 79.5; H. 10.2. Found: C, 79.3; H, 10.0, 10.3. Compound I1 is sensitive t o traces of strong acid in hydroxylic or hydrocarbon solvents. The radical is converted in methanol with a trace of toluenesulfonic acid to I, R is OCH3 and 3,3',5,5'tetra-tert-butyl-4,4'-diphenoquinone,m.p. 239240'. Base transforms I1 t o a different radical which reacts rapidly with oxygen. These reactions mill be described later. Compound I1 is being investigated as a standard for electron magnetic resonance measurements.

or its 21-acetate with Bacdlus sphaericzLs,Gleading directly to V, two forms (m.p. 235' (dec.); 22.5' (dec.); [Q]*'D +246' (dioxane); X ~ ~ ~222' l i-( (11,100), 255 (9,900), 296 (11,700); 2.79, 2.88 ,u (OH), 5.85 (11, 20 C=O), 6.06 ( 3 C=O), 6.13, 6.24, 6.31 (A1345); found: C, 70.83; H , 6.81). 6-Dehydrocortisol (IX) (m.p. 239-241'; [ a ] ? 5 ~ f177' (dioxane); 253 mp (24,900); Xz,U:O' 2.97 p (OH), 5.84 (20 C=O),6.11 (3 C=O), (5.20, 6.33 (A4e6); found: C, 69.86; H, S.06) was prepared from the 3-semicarbazone 21-acetate of 1'1115 by formation of the 3,20-bis-semicarbazone 21-acetate of VIII' (darkens %0', m.p,; >220'; 242 mp (14,500),301 (10,200); A&,":"' 2.89, 2.98, 3.05 p (OH, S H ) , 5.79 (ester C=O), 5.8G (11 C=-=O),5.99 (amide C=O), 6.35 ( A 4 G ) j7.99 (ester C-0-C); found: 5 , 16.46), reduction with EMERYVILLE RESEARCH CENTER sodium borohydride to the 3,20-bis-semicarbazone SHELLDEVELOPMENT COMPANY GALVINM. COPPINGER of IX (darkens 260', m.p. > 320'; A,, 236 m,u EMERYVILLE, CALIFORNIA (11,100), 298 (37.400); A",9'2.93, 3.06 p (OH, NH). RECEIVED DECEMBER 6, 1956 5.99 (amide C=O), 6.40 ( A 4 ~ 6 )found. ; N. 16.27). and cleavage with pyruvic acid and p-toluenesulfonic acid. Microbiological dehydrogenation of IX with B . sphaericzis gave 1,4,6-pregnatrieneSOME NEW ACTIVE CORTICOSTEROIDS 1lp,17a,2 l-triol-3,20-dione (VI) (in. p. 2330-24.1 '; [a]?'D +100' (dioxane); 222 my (11,6oo), Sir: 256 (9,600), 298 (12,200); X ~ 2 S 3~ , 2.93. ~ ;?.OOy ' The enhancement of the glucocorticoid' and (OH), 5.84 (20 C=-O\1, (i.09 (J C=O'i, 6.20, (i.27, antiarthritic2activities of prednisone (I) and prednisolone (11)4relative to cortisone (111) and cortisol 6.34 (A1.4,6);found' C, 70.25; €I, 7.26). The structure is supported by the preparation of (IV), led us t o introduce further unsaturation into l,-l.,6-androstatriene-3,1lj 1 7-trione (X) (m.p. 213 cortical hormones. To this end, we have prepared (dec.); [a]'jD +30g3 (acetone); 222 nip 6-dehydroprednisone (17) and B-dehydropredniso(11,300), 255 (9,900), 296 (11,900);' : : :A 3.7:: y lone (VI). Bromination of the 21-acetate of I with N- (17 C=O), 5.S-1 (11 c=O), G O A ( 3 C=O'i, bromosuccinimidej gave 6-bromo-l,4-pregnadiene-6.34 (A1*416); found. C, i i . O O ; H, G.C,7),both 17a,2l-dioI-3,11,20-trione 21-acetate (VII) (m.p. degradation of 5' with sodium bismuthate'" ' and from 1,4-androstadiene-X,11,20-trione1b by 185-188' (dec.); [ a I z 5+173' ~ (dioxane); " : : :A 245 mp ( E = 16,300); found: Br, 16.54). De- reaction with N-bromosuccininiidej to give 0(1n.p. I fiSo hydrobromination of VI1 in refluxing collidine bromo-l,4-androstadiene-5,1l-?O-trione ":::X 24:3 m u gave 1,4,6-pregnatriene-17~,2 l-di01-3,11,20-trione, (dec.); [Q]"D + l O i O (dioxane); (v) 21-acetate (m.p. 225228'; [aI2'D +265' (15,300); X ~ 5.74~ p (17 ~ C=Oj, ' 5.85 (11 C=Ol. (dioxane); XE2H 222 mp (11,400), 255 (10,300), 6.01 (3 C=O), 6.19, 6.24 ( A I i G ) ; found. Rr. 22.13), followed by dehydrobroiiiination with 297 (12,100); X ~ 2.96 ~ p (OH), ~ ' 5.76 (20 C=O, 21-OL\c), 5.85 (11 C=O), 6.02 (3 C=O), 6.21, collidine. Animal assay of V and 1-1 showed potencies a\ 6.31 (A1,4,G);found: C, 69.18; H I 6.73). The 21-acetate of V also was obtained by dibromination given in the table compared to cortisone [IT1 = 1 I. of the 21-acetate of I11 in acetic acid, followed by Eosinopenia9 r h y m u s Involutiong I i t e r (:lycoF;ent dehydrobromination with collidine. An alternate procedure was the microbiological V 1 2 1 3 2 dehydrogenation of 6-dehydrocortisone (VI1I)j VI 1 9 2 5 I.i


(1) (a) H . L. Herzog, A . Nobile, S. Tolksdorf, W. Charney, E. B. Hershberg, P. L. Perlman and M. M. Pechet, Science, 121, 176 (1955); rh) H . I,. Herzog, C. C. Payne, hI. A . Jevnik, D. Gould, E. L . Shapiro, l? P. Oliveto and E. B . Hershberg, THISJ O U R N A L , 77, 4781 (19.55). ( 2 ) J. J. Bunim, M.h l . Pechet and A J . Ballet, J . A m . U e d . Assoc., 167, 3 1 1 (1955). n 13) Xeticorten, '& 1,4-pregnadiene-17a.?l-diol-3,11,20-trinne. ( 4 ) lfeticortelone, I ,4-gregnadiene-l lp,l7~,21-triol-3,20-dione. ( 3 ) Cf. 1'. R . M a t t o x , E. I,. Woroch, G. A . Fleischer a n d E . C. Kendall, J . B i d . C h e m . , 197, 2131 (1952). ( 0 ) Cf.W. Charney, D. Sutter, C . Federbush, hf. Gilmore, H . L . Herzog, M. J . Gentles, h l . E. Tully and E. B Hershberx, t o be published; T. H . S t o u d t , a '. J. RZcAleer, J . h l . Chemerda, M .A . Kozlowski, R . J. Kirschmann, V . I l a r l a t t and R. RIiller, Avcli. Biochem R i o g h y s . , 69, 301 (19%).


The electrolyte excretion pattern using V arid \TI was the same as with I and Preliminary ( 7 ) Cf.E. P. Oliveto, R . Rausser, Ile Rice, A l c i andra D. Stephenson, James A . T r u a n and Felix H . 1X''nrren. Lye appreciate t h e aid 01 Lawrencr Finckennr, Herbert Gerber and RIerl Steinberg in preparing quantities of V and V I for testing.

Jan. 20, 1957



clinical evaluation indicates that V and VI have activities similar t o I and 11.

of a non-glycosidic substancelo just prior t o I. The product (75 mg.) was chromatogramed on DAVIDGOULD paper in solvent A7 to remove traces of an unCHEMICAL RESEARCH ELLIOT L. SHAPIROidentified nucleoside (Rf 0.27). Elution with DEPARTMENT HERSHELL. HERZOG methanol followed by crystallization from methyl J. GENTLES MARGARET E. B. HERSHBERC cyanide gave a white powder which in 2 cc. of INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY WILLIAMCHARNEY ethanol deposited microplates of I (32 mg., m.p. Calcd. for DEPARTMEXT MARILYX GILMORE 235-245' dec.) after 4 days a t 25'. BIOCHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT SIBYLLETOLKSDORF C14H17NS08: C, 43.86; H, 4.47; N, 18.27. Found". SCHERING CORPORATION MILTONEISLER C, 43.81; H, 4.54; N, 18.20. Paper chromatogN. J. BLOOMFIELD, L. PERLMAN PRESTON raph~ and ~ paper electrophoresis12showed no other MASSACHUSETTS GEXERAL Hc)SPITAL BOSTON,MASSACHUSETTS MAURICEM. PECHET components. Potentiometric titration revealed ionizing groups of pK, 2.2 (*O.l), 5.1 ( j = O . l ) , RECEIVEDDECEMBER 21, 1956 and a third of intermediate pK,; Amax (pH 0.1) SYNTHESIS OF 6 4 1,2-DICARBOXYETHYLAMINO)- 268 m p (AM 15,500 f lOOO), (pH 8.2) 269 mp (AM 17,600 f. 1000). AMPS possesses very similar ~-~-D-RIBOFURANOSYLPURINE AND T H E STRUCTURE OF ADENYLOSUCCINIC ACID' spectroscopic and ionization constant^.^^ Treatment of AMPS13 with phosphatasesi4 Sir: yielded a nucleoside16 (Amax 269 mp a t pH 8.2) The recent isolation2 from mouse and rabbit livers of adenylosuccinic acid (-4MPS) supports indistinguishable from I by paper chromatography7 evidence from enzymatic studies3g4 that AMPS or electrophoresis. AMPS was heated in 0.1 N HzS04 for 4 hours a t is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of adenylic acid (AMP) from inosinic acid. Carter and 100'. The solution was neutralized with ammonia Cohenha assigned t o AMPS the structure 6-(1,2- and chromatogramed on paper in four solvent sysdicarboxyethylamino) - 9 - ribofuranosylpurine - 5'- tems,I6 together with a similar hydrolysate from phosphate on the basis of its physical properties, AMP and samples of ~-ribose-5'-phosphate, Denzymatic reactions, and its acid degradation t o ribose, and Na2HP04. Duplicates from each hyauthentic 6-( 1,2-dicarboxyethylamino)-purine6b. drolysate yielded evidence for much D-ribose-5'' ~ of inorganic 6-( 1,2-Dicarboxyethylamino) -9-P-D-ribofuranosyl- phosphate, l7*l8traces of ~ - r i b o s e and purine (I) has been synthesized by an unambiguous phosphate. l8 AMPS reacted as an unsubstituted route. 6-Methylmercapto-9-P-D-ribofuranosyl- cis-glycol in the periodate testsg These findings afford strong evidence that purine6 (1.68 X mole), &aspartic acid (1.68 X mole), KaOH (3.02 X l o p 2 mole), and AMPS is the 5'-phosphate of I, in agreement with water (7 cc.) were refluxed for 20 hours; methyl the structure previously p r ~ p o s e d . ~ " The author thanks Drs. George Bosworth mole) mercaptan was evolved; HCl (3.02 X was added. Paper chromatograms of the solution Brown and C. E. Carter for valuable discussions. (10) T h i s material, Xmsx 276 in 0.1 N HCl, was probably t h e aglyrun in solvent B7 were sprayed t o detect acidic componentss and cis-glycol systemsg; I was identi- conesb of I and could be detected in t h e presence of I on chromatorun in pyridine-water (65:35). fied as an ultraviolet light-absorbing spot which grams (11) Analysis b y J. F. Alicino, Metuchen, X. J. reacted positively in both tests. The solution was (12) Migration distances towards t h e anode (Whatman 3 M M paper, chromatographed on Dowex-1 (formate) (100 cc.). 800 volts, 0.04 M buffer) were: p H 4.7 (acetate-HC1 buffer), 9.5 cm Elution with water (2 1.) followed by 0.2 N formic in 1 hr.; p H 7.3 (phosphate), 10.5 cm. in 50 min.; p H 10.1 (glycine8.5 cm. in 35 min. acid (1.6 1.) removed aspartic acid and ultraviolet XaOH), (13) Kindly provided b y D r . C. E. Carter. light-absorbing by-products. Evaporation a t 0.5 (14) Crudesnake venom phosphatases a t p H 8.1, or human prostatic mm. of a 1 ;2r formic acid eluate gave crude I as a phosphatase a t p H 5.4 caused complete conversion of A M P S in 24 hours a t 37'. gum (153 mg., 21%). Rechromatography a t 3' (15) Purified b y paper chromatography in solvent B.7 on Dowex-1 (formate) (GO cc., height 17 cm.), (18) n-Butanol-acetic acid-water (50:20:35): 1% aqueous employing gradient elution (2 N formic acid in (NHdA5Od-isopropyl alcohol (1:2) ( S . Anand, V. hl. Clark, R . H. reservoir; mixer volume, 1 liter), effected elution Hall, a n d A. R. Todd, J . Chem. Soc., 3665 (19.52)); acetone-30% (1) This investigation was supported in part by funds from t h e S a t i o n a l Cancer In-titute, Xational Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, Grant h-0. C-471, and the Atomic Energy Commission, Contract No. AT(30-1)-910. ( 2 ) W. K . Joklik, Biochem B i o p h y s . A c t a , 2 2 , 211 (1956) ( 3 ) R . Abrams and R I . Bentley, THISJOURNAL, 77, 4179 (1955). (4) I Lieberman,ibid., 78, 251 (1956). ( 5 ) (ai C. E . Carter and 1,. H. Cohen, i b i d . , 77, 499 (1955): (b) C. E. Carter, Fed P r o c , 1 5 , 230 (195fi); (c) C. E. Carter and L. H . C o h e n , J Bioi. C h e m . , 2 2 2 , 17 (1956). (61 A. H a m p t o n , J . J . Biesele, A E. Moore, a n d G . B. Brown, THIS JOURNAL, 78, 5695 (19513). (7) R f values (ascending solvents, Schleicher and Schuell No. 597 paper): (A) n-butanol 50, acetic acid 20, water 30, n-butyl acetate 30 (0.40); (B) n-butanol 50, acetic acid 2 5 , water 25 (0.59); (C) 5% NazHPO4, iscamyl alcohol (C. E . Carter, THIS JOURNAL,72, 1466 (1850)) (0.90). (8) T h e reagent was a 0.1% solution of brom thymol blue in 0.02 N NaOH. (9) J. G. Buchanan, C . A. Dekker and A. G. Long, J . Chcm. Sac.,

2162 (1850).

acetic acid ( 1 : l ) (S. Burrows, F. S. M . Grylls and J . S . Harrison, Nature, 1 7 0 , 800 (1952)) : pyridine-ethyl acetate-water (1 : 2 : 2 ) (S. M . Partridge, Biochem J . , 4 2 , 238 (1948). (17) S. M. Partridge, Nataue, 1 6 4 , 443 (1949). (18) C . S. Hanes and F. A. Isherwood, i b i d . , 1 6 4 , 1107 (1949).


It has been found that cr-methylstyrene oxide (1,2-epoxy-l-methylethylbenzene) when allowed to (1) This work was supported b y t h e Air Research and Development Command under contract No. ( A F 18(600)787) with t h e Ohio S t a t e University Research Foundation.