Some New Esters by Automatic Processes without Catalysts1

Thomas R. Liston, and William M. Dehn. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1938, 60 (5), pp 1264–1265. DOI: 10.1021/ja01272a502. Publication Date: May 1938. ACS Leg...
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NOTES Certain Diethers and TriethersL

or the contained salt was first removed by filtering or extracting with water. BY LUCXLE LISTONAND WILLIAM M. DEHN Fractionations of these complex ethers gave For the purpose of testing their solubility on indications of thermal decomposition, thus accellulose esters, ethers of the types ROCHZCHZ- counting for some of the low yields, especially in OR’ and ROCH2CW20CH2CH20R’ were pre- cases of the unsymmetrical complex ethers. pared from monoethyl and monobutyl ethers of Ethylene glycol diethyl ether boiling a t 1 2 4 O was glycol and diethylene glycol. During their forma- obtained in 70% yields; ethylene glycol dibutyl tion, distillation and storage certain decomposi- ether boiling at 204’ was obtained in 75% yields. tions were observed, hence these ethers are conSummary.-A number of new complex glycol sidered good ater rial for study of hydrolysis. In ethers have been prepared and analyzed.2 general, quantitative yields of the ethers were not (2) For other studies along this line, see Conn. Collett and L s n e l l , obtained; lower and higher boiling fractions than THISJOURNAL, 64, 4370 (19321, Cretcher and Pittenger, ibid, 47, 163 (1925). the ether itself were always obtained and such LABORATORY fractions were increased by repeated distillation. CHEMISTRY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WASH. RECEIVED MARCH7, 1938 Also whereas the first distillations of allyl diethers SEATTLE, gave 40-0770 yields, aEter some months of storage, being redistilled, they decomposed energetically Some New Esters by Automatic Processes into other products. Some of these decompowithout Catalysts‘ sitions were of explosive violence. These and BY THOMAS R. LISTONAND WILLIAM M. DEHN other pyrolytic decompositions will be investiBy use of a modification of the Betz-Holden gated. The ethers of glycol and diethylene glycol were automatic water-removing trap, new esters of the converted into their sodium compounds and then chloroacetic acids were prepared in very satisfacwere refluxed with the alkyl chloride. Advan- tory yields. The modification of apparatus contageously comminuted sadium was prepared by sisted merely of a stopcock a t the bottom of the refluxing toluene containing sodium in a flask on graduated tube so that the calculated volume to an oil-bath. The flask was then stoppered and be occupied by the water. at the completion of the shaken vigorously while being held by two towels. reaction, could be adjusted easily to reach exThe mixture of sodium and toluene was used di- actly the overflow level. The advantages of this rectly] or the toluene was displaced by petroleum adjustment are that a visible indication of the ether or the hydrocarbon was practically decanted. progress of the reaction is afforded and the procFirst the glycol monoether, then the alkyl halide ess can be continued to completiofl, or longer, were added from the top of a condenser a t such without surveillance. The flask containing the rates that the reactions could be controlled acid and alcohol is connected with the water trap After heating in an oil-bath to complete the re- and the return condenser and the mixture is actions, the mixtures were either distilled directly heated in an oil-bath for such time as is necessary to fill the trap with water to the level of overflow. Yield Carbon, % Hydrogen, % At the beginning of the process, alcohol, acid, B. p , OC. % ’ Calcd. Found Calcd. Found Ethylene glycol diethers ester, and water will collect in the separator but 139-142 60 64 59 64 65 10 84 10 83 Allyl, ethyl progressively all but traces of acid and the water n-Penty1,ethyl 180-183 48 67 42 67 08 12 58 12 37 Allyl, butyl 183-184 67 68 28 68 28 11.47 11.53 will flow back into the flask. With different re43 70.16 70 59 12.85 13 07 n-Pentyl, butyl 221-222 actions, the times necessary for heating were Butyl, ethyl 164-165 90 65.69 65 44 12 43 12 39 between one and eight hours. The products were Diethylene glycol diethers washed with water containing sodium carbonate, Aliy1,ethyl 200-203 40 62 00 62 38 10 41 10 29 Butyl, ethyl 218-219 40 63 11 63 23 11 68 11 84 dried with calcium chloride and fractionated, n-Pentyl, ethyl 121-12418 30 64 65 64 44 11 84 It 78 preferably in vacuo. The analyzed esters are (1) Original manuscript received Augiist 24, 1934.

(1) Original manuscript received June 19, 1834.

May, 1938









n-Butyl n-Amyl s-Amyl Diethyl methyl {-Amyl

47 100 47 94 94

50 120 50 100 100

n-Butyl n-Amyl s-Amyl Diethyl methyl t-Amyl

64 65 65 65 65

50 60 60 60 60


% B. p. 756 mm. 8 . p.. OC. 'C. Mm. Bskers of Acetic Acid 3 80 124-126

Time, hrs.


Esters of Monochloroacetic Acid 1.5 97 94 3 88 196 105 3 89 185 93 4 85 184 99 2 65 168 88

Est3 1.5 4 7 2

of Dichloroacetic Acid 102 98 124 94 207 93 198 95 95 75

197" 180"



Esters of Trichloroacetic Acid n-Butyl 82 50 3 98 111 n-Amyl 51 38 3 91 218 118 206 108 60 2.5 95 s-Amyl 81 Diethyl methyl 201" 105 163 100 5 80 t-Amyl 81 60 1.5 & lQIE 105 a These tend to decompose partly into olefin and acid.

new; some old esters are given for comparisons of yields. CHEMISTRY LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON RECEIVED MARCH7, 1938

38 35 27

30 43 37 48

a0 40 30

40 30 30 25 30


Chlorine, % Calcd. Found

1.0514 1.0475 1,04739 1.0827

21.59 21.59 21.59

21.81 21.65 21.62 21.61

1.1455 1.1210 1.1226 1.1230

35.63 35.63 35.63 35.63

35.52 35.29 35.35 35.72

1.2475 1.2084 1.2081 1.2505

45.59 45.59 45.59 45.59

45.90 45.55 45.71 45.73


The agreement is fair although the differences are somewhat larger than the usual estimates of

pt&sion of the two methods. DBPAR~N OFTC H E ~ S T X Y RECEIVEDAPRIL 6, 1938 UNIVERSITY


P ~ ~ ~ ~ B UPENNA. RGEI,

The Relative Partial Molal Heat Content of Sodium Bromide in Aqueous Solutions at 25' BY A. L. ROBINSON

A Correction

Harned and Crawford' have measured recently the electromotive forces of the cells Ag-AgBr/NaBr( m)/Na,Hg( m