some of our best customers are selling our solvents... why not? they're

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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some of our best customers are selling our solvents...

why not? they're distributors.

Sure, we're fussy about our distributors. Pick them carefully. But then we treat them like the good customers they are. And more. They're a strong right arm of our marketing system, offering you practically instant delivery of a good variety of high quality Celanese solvents in combination with a wide range of other products. In quantities needed. Where wanted. In other words, we keep our distributors well supplied and happy, so they can do the same for you. With solvents. And up-to-date technical assistance.

If you haven't yet met your nearby Celanese distributor, let us introduce you. We'll gladly send his name and address—or details about our generous and growing line of solvents—alcohols, esters, glycols, ketones, special solvents. Celanese Chemical Company, Dept. 554-E, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York,


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Celanese® CELANESE

Celanese Chemical Company is a division of Celanese Corporation. Canadian Affiliate: Canadian Chemical Company, a division of Chemcell (1963), Limited. Export Sales: Amcel Co., Inc., and Pan Amcel Co., Inc., 522 Fifth Avenue, New York 10036.