Some (organic) lab tips

Oct 1, 1992 - (4) Midget motors which selt for two or three dollars (sold by merchandise houaes) are excellent substitutes for more =pensive stirrers...
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SOME (ORGANIC) LAB TIPS ( I ) Cracked oyster s h e l b m a k e excellent boiling chips. ( 2 ) A variation of t h e "Cold Finger" m a y b e constructed by placing o 6- X ",-inch T h e sises m a y be wried i f detest t u b e w i t h side a r m , in a 125 ce. Erlenmeverllask. . . sired, the t u b e is held secure by three or four rubber washersfitted around the eircum-

. f e m m e of t h e tube. This setup minimises the danger of blow outs. (3) One can increase t h e capacity of a stopper or cork b y simply inserting o thistle t u b e in one hole. At t h e top of t h e thistle, another cork or stopper is inserted containing t w o or three holes. For esample, w h e n using a distillingflask in which a t w o h o b stopper i s ploeed, a stirring rod m a y be attached through one hole, a n d a thermometerandseparatory f u n n e l placed in the stopper atop t h e thistle tube which is inserted i n t h e other hole. (4) Midget motors which selt for t w o or three dollars (sold by merchandise houaes) are excellent substitutes for more =pensive stirrers. They d o n o t operate o n standard current b u t rather r u n onflashlight celb. (5) Rubberplugs ( t h e type used in bathtubs),from which t h e rings h a w been remolied eon b e used in place of rubber stoppers or corks especially for flasks 500 cc. and over. T h e y are easy t o bore, and 4,5, or etten 6 holes m y be bored i n t h e m w i t h little effort. -Marvin Antelman. Yeshiva University, New York, New York.