Some people ask us: "Do I really need Professional Liability Insurance

Nov 7, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... Some people ask us: "Do I really need Professional Liability Insurance?" ... First Page Image. Adv...
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Some people ask us:

We want you to know: For doctors . . . and lawyers, too . . . there is a recognized need for malpractice insurance. But for other professionals, including chemists, the answer is not quite so clear. Indeed, there are a number of issues that make the question far more complicated than you might suspect. The most important thing to realize is this: You do not have to be guilty of professional negligence for someone to sue you. Even if you are innocent, you could incur several thousand dollars in legal fees just trying to defend your professional reputation. According to the "deep pockets" theory, the attorney for the plaintiff will sue the people with the deepest pockets (i.e., those who can best afford to pay damages) or else sue everyone even remotely connected with the case. And that could mean you. For instance, if you are teaching, and a student . . . or perhaps a visitor . . . were injured in your lab, you could be held responsible. If you are employed by someone else, you may think that the company you work for will protect you. But can you be absolutely sure of that? Can you be absolutely sure that the company will put your personal best interests ahead of its own? And if you are a consultant . . . whether full-time or part-time . . . who will you have to rely on but yourself? The ACS Professional Liability insurance plan is an easy, inexpensive way to cope with this uncertainty. It offers you coverage for as little as $25 a year. The policy will help pay your legal fees or settle claims that occur during the time your coverage is actually in force. There is no deductible. For help in deciding if you need Professional Liability, please send in the coupon below, or else phone the plan administrator, American Professional Agency, Inc., collect at

« D o I really need Professional Liability Insurance?"

(516) 691-6400.

Professional Liability . . . peace-of-mind for as little as $25 a year. This plan is underwritten by National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA, A Member Company of American International Group


American Professional Agency, Inc. 95 Broadway Amityville, NY 11701 Please send me your brochure describing the Professional Liability plan for ACS members.


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