Some Tetragonal Cobalt(II1) Complexes ... - ACS Publications

Jan 14, 1972 - Some Tetragonal Cobalt(II1) Complexes Containing Tetradentate Macrocyclic ... unsaturation, special rate effects, and the energetics...
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Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 12, 1972 2893

TETRAGONAL Co(I11) COMPLEXES meter equipped with a Beckman E-2 glass and saturated calomel electrode pair. A Pyrex vessel with an outer jacket was used for the titrations. The temperature of the solvent system was kept constant to within 0.1’ by circulating water from a constant-temperature bath through the outer jacket of the titration vessel. A known excess of perchloric acid was added initially to be certain that all the diamine was present as a diammonium ion, and also to repress the extent of initial chelate formation. The standard sodium hydroxide was stored in polyethylene bottle and standardized against potassium acid phthalate.


Approximately 0.01 M stock solutions of metal ions were prepared by dissolving the metal perchlorate, obtained from G. F. Smith Co., in water. The copper(I1) solution was standardized by titration with a standard solution of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) using 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) as indicator.24 The nickel(I1) solution was standardized by back-titration of its EDTA complex with standard copper solution and PAN as indicator.24 (24) H.A. Flaschka, “EDTA Titrations,” Pergamon Press, New York, N.Y.,1959,p 81.


Some Tetragonal Cobalt(II1) Complexes Containing Tetradentate Macrocyclic Amine Ligands with Different Degrees of Unsaturation BY SUSAN C. JACKELS, KEITH FARMERY, E. KENT BAREFIELD, NORMAN J. ROSE, AND DARYLE H. BUSCH*

Received January 14,1972 Condensation reactions under highly specific conditions have yielded series of cobalt complexes with two new macrocyclic ligands that vary in the extent of their unsaturation, and hydrogenation has given a related series of derivatives of a fully saturated ligand. All are 14-membered macrocycles containing four nitrogen donors; T I M has 4 imine groups; DIM, 2 imines and 2 secondary amines; and DMC, 4 amines. The syntheses, structures, and properties of the resulting series of cobalt(II1) complexes, tralzs-[Co(TIM)X~]Y,trans-[Co(DIM)X1]Y, and trans-[Co(DMC)Xz]Y, are reported for X - = halide or NO%-and Y - = halide, Clod-, or PFs-. Infrared and pmr spectral studies provide proof of the structures of the macrocyclic ligands in these compounds and the latter has given insight into stereochemical relationships among these complexes. Spectrochemical studies reveal that the ligand field strengths of the macrocycles increase as the degree of unsaturation of the ligand increases. Comparisons with other macrocycles show the relative effect on ligand field strengths of such groups as -N(H)-, N=C, -N=C-C=N-, and py. Voltametric data show clearly that the lower oxidation states of cobalt are stabilized by greater degrees of ligand unsaturation.

Introduction Because of their physical and chemical properties, cobalt(II1) complexes are convenient vehicles for the study of the various subtle stereochemical and electronic relationships that accompany the formation of macrocyclic complexes.1,2 These include formation of cis and trans isomers by the same macrocycle in octahedral complexes (cis and trans referring to the positions of the fifth and sixth ligating groups), the optical activity of coordinated amine functions, possible enhanced ligand field strength because of mechanical constrictive effects, the relationship between ligand field strength and extent and arrangement of ligand unsaturation, special rate effects, and the energetics and consequences of various chelate ring conformations. Early stereochemical studies suggest that most macrocyclic ligands, especially 14-membered ones, favor




* To




formation of either the cis- or trans-diacidotetramine isomers. While the majority of the ligands, e.g., those of structures 1-111, appear to favor the trans structure with monodentate extracyclic ligands, -6 all can be forced into folded forms to produce cis structures with bidentate extracyclic ligands (C20d2-, acac). Perhaps the general preference for the planar structure is related to the action of such restrictive factors as steric interactions of methyl groups in the folded form7 or inflexibility of unsaturated structures (1,7-CT and others). The fact that the unsubstituted 14-membered ring cyclam will form the cis structure4 with monodentate ligands supports this point of view. meso-CRH (structure IV) readily forms cis and trans isomers7 If a flexible ring is too small to encompass







whom correspondence may be addressed at The Ohio State Uni-

versity. ( 1 ) L. F. Lindoy and D. H. Busch, Prep. Inovg. React., 6, 1 (19711,and references therein. (2) D. H. Busch, V. Goedken, V. Katovic, A. C. Melnyk, C. R . Sperati, and N. E. Tokel, Adwan. Chem. Set’., No. 100 (1971),and references therein.

(3) N. F. Curtis, Coovd. Chem. Rev., 3,3 (1968). (4) C. K.Poon and M. L. Tobe, J . Chem. SOC.A , 1549 (1968). (5) B. Bosnich, C. K. Poon, and M. L. Tobe, Inoug. Chem., 4, 1102

(1965). (6) N.Sadasivan, J. A. Kernohan, and J. F. Endicott, ibid., 6, 770 (1967). (7)E . Ochiai and D. H. Busch, ibid., 8, 1474 (1969). (8)J. P. Collman and P. W. Schneider, ibid., I, 1380 (1960).

2894 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 12, 1972

* [C o( T IM)B r 2] B r

BUSCH,et al.

> [ C o( TIM) B rz]B a4 [Co(T IM)Br2]C10,




1) A g N 4 2 ) NaC104 \

* [Co(TLM)12]I

[ co( TIM)(N03, IC104

boiling conc. HI

yellow A

yellow-green 2 ) HClO,

[Co(TIM)(NO&] red solution

L -

boiling conc. HBr


** HCl ___f



[ C O( T LM)C 1JC 10, pale green-yellow

*[CO(T IM) Clz] PF6 HO


* ** *+*


[Co(TIM)Cl,]Cl blue g r e e n


A [Co(TW)(H20),? HC1


purple solution

obtained directly f r o m original reaction mixture ( s e e Experimental). not isolated, solution contains paramagnetic material and m a y be a mixture of aquo and nitrato complexes. not isolated, solution contains paramagnetic material and may be a mixture of aquo and chloro complexes. Figure 1.-Metathetical

relationships among [Co(TIM)X2]Y complexes.

the metal ion, i t may serve as a tetradentate chelate only in folded form as found for the case of cyclen (structure V).8 In the cases of inflexible ligands, such as the highly unsaturated porphyrin ring, metal ions that are too large are simply displaced out of the planar ring. In our experimental explorations on the complexes of cobalt( 111) with 14-membered macrocyclic ligands we vary the degree of unsaturation and look for stereochemical and electronic manifestations of the sorts of phenomena described above. As the degree of unsaturation increases, ligand field strength is expected to increase. This expectation follows first from the fact that imines are stronger donors toward Co(II1) than are secondary amines but also from the fact that the metal ion site in the ring is made smaller as the extent of unsaturation increases. An inverse trend would suggest that the metal ion had been forced out of the plane because the ring became too small to encompass it. We have embarked on a systematic study of the




relationships between structural parameters, chemical and physical properties of the complexes, and the susceptibility to synthesis, stability, and reactivity of Co-C-bonded derivatives. The compounds reported here play a central role in that study.9 In order to produce ligands having structures VIVI11 we have adapted Baldwin and Rose's synthesis of Ni(TI-M)2f saltslo to the preparation of the cobalt(II1) complexes. T I M is a ligand containing two conjugated a-diimine groupings, the closely related DIM has a single conjugated a-diimine grouping, and DMC is fully saturated. The complexes to be described are [Co(TIM)X2]Y, [Co(DIM)X2]Y,and [CO(DMC)XI]Y (TIM = 2,3,9,lO-tetramethyl-1,4,8,Il-tetraazacyclotetradeca-1,3,S,lO-tetraene; DIM = 2,3-dimethyl1,4,8,1l-tetraazacyclotetradeca-1,3-diene; DMC = 2,3dimethylcyclam; X - = halide or N02-i Y - = halide, PFe-, or Clod-). All three ligands belong to the family of 14-membered rings that may be regarded as derived from cyclam I by substitution of methyls for hydrogens and by dehydrogenation. The ligands first reported by Curtis3 (11, 111, and their isomers) also belong to this class. T I M and DIM are the first macrocyclic ligands containing the a-diimine groupings to be coordinated to cobalt and T I M is the first cyclic tetraimine to be coordinated to that metal. (9) We have recently disclosed the existence of three different classes of Co-C r-bonded compounds with derivatives of T I M : K. Farmery and D. H. Busch, Chem. Commun., 1041 (1970). (10) D. A. Baldwin'and N. J. Rose, Abstracts, 157th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Minneapolis, Minn., April 1969, No. XNOR



Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 12, 1972 2895 TABLE I ANALYTICAL DATAFOR THE



% '

Found Complex

[Co(TIM)Clz]Clod [Co(TIM)Clz]PFE [Co(TIM)Brr]PFa [Co(TIM)Brz]Br [Co(TIM)Br2]clod [CO(TIM)I~]I [Co(TIM)(NOz)z]'2104 [Co(DIM)Clz]Clod [Co(DIM)Brz]C104 [Co(DIM)Brz]PF8 ICO(DIM)(NOz121 C104 [Co(DMC)Clr]C104 [Co(DMC)Br2]Clod [Co(DMC)(NOz)z]clod


Gray-green Blue-green Green Green Green Green-brown Yellow Deep green Bright green Bright green Yellow Apple green Green Y ellow-orange


35 32 27 30 29 24 33 31 26 24 30 31 26 29

16 28 63 72 96 60 70 81 50 91 09 70 59 97


5 4 3 4

4 3 4 5 4

4 5 6 4 5

13 79 76 46 26 44 81 33 48 28 00 17 79 99

Results and Discussion Cobalt Complexes of TIM.-The cobalt complexes of TIM were prepared by first mixing biacetyl with the primary diamine 1,3-diaminopropane (TMD), in the presence of 1 equiv of hydrogen ion, followed by the addition of cobalt(I1) acetate to the mixture. Experiments designed to test the dependence of yield on variables strongly indicate that the presence of H + ion determines whether or not a macrocyclic complex forms and that, given the presence of H + , the time a t which the cobaltous ions are added to the reaction mixture influences the yield of the macrocyclic complex. The procedures in the Experimental Section use the optimized conditions. Substitution of Ni(I1) lo or Fe(I1)" for Co(I1) in the procedure given results in the synthesis of the corresponding metal-TIM complex. These observations are consistent with a reaction course in which a specific acid-induced intermediate, or perhaps the organic macrocycle itself, is formed priar to the point in the mechanism where the metal ion plays a role. We have been unsuccessful in our limited attempts to prepare the salts of the free organic macrocycle. While the dihalo complexes are conveniently synthesized directly from cobalt(I1) and the ligand precursors, a number of other complexes can be prepared by metathetical methods (Figure 1). Analytical data appear in Table I. The infrared spectrum of [Co(TIM)Cl2]PFa shows a very close correspondence to that of [Ni(TIM)](PF6)2'0''2 in the 4000-400-~m-~region and there are no bands present that could be assignable to either a C=O or NH2 functional group. This confirms the macrocyclic structure of the ligand. The band found in the range from 1550 to 1600 cm-' is assigned to Y ( C N )while ~ ~ ~the very weak band a t 1640 cm-l is attributed to Y ( C = N ) ~ ~A~ ~ sharp . band a t -1210 cm-l is also characteristic of complexes of this ligand. The results of conductivity studies verify that, except for [Co(TIM)I2]1, all the T I M complexes reported here are essentially 1: 1 electrolytes in methanol (AM varying between -100 and 120 ohm-' M-l cm2 for solutions 10-3-10-5 M ) and acetonitrile (A, being -155 ohm-' M-l cm2 for a M solution of [Co(11) R. M. Pfeiffer, D. A. Baldwin, and N. J. Rose, Abstracts, l 6 l s t National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif, March 1971, No. INOR 47. (12) L. Torre and E. C. Lingafelter have proven the structure of the ligand T I M by an X-ray structure determination on [Ni(TIM)(imadazole)a](PFdz: L. Torre, Thesis, University of Washington, 1971.



12 34 10 41 9 07 10 40 9 40 8 08 16 83 12 08 10 15 10 04 17 20 11 67

22 10 13 44 25 99 43 56 28 47 55 39 7 12 23 25 29 28 28 26 7 63 23 59 29 69 7 71

17 38


35 32 27 30 29 24 33 31 26 24 30 31 26 30

20 14 47 74 68 44 71 77 60 51 36 49 37 10

a 5 06 4 62 3 95 4 42 4 27 3 52 4 85 5 33 4 47 4 11 5 10 6 17 5 16 5 89


11 73 10 36 9 15 10 24 9 89 8 14 16 85 12 35 10 34 9 53 17 70 12 24 10 25 17 55


22 27 13 56 26 11 43 83 28 21 (Br) 55 34 7 11 23 45 29 50 (Br) 27 18 (Br) 7 47 23 24 2 9 24 (Br) 7 41

( T I M ) C I Z ] ( P F ~ ) ) . ' ~I n~ ' ~ the case of [Co(TIM)12]I rapid dissociation of one coordinated iodide occurs a t concentrations below 2 X M in methanol and between and M in acetonitrile, as shown by increases in the molar conductivity values from those typical of 1: 1 electrolytes to values representative of 2 : 1 electrolytes. I n nitromethane there appears to M. be little dissociation a t An aqueous solution of [Co(TIM)C12]C1 rapidly changes color from the blue-green of [Co(TIM)Clz]+ to purple. The molar conductance of such a purple solution is 330 ( l o W M 3 in cobalt), a value intermediate between that expected for a 2: 1 and that for a 3: 1 electr01yte.l~ Therefore the presence of a mixture of [CO(TIM)CI(H~O)]~+ and [ C O ( T I M ) ( H ~ O ) ~is] ~sug+ gested. The addition of HC1 to a purple aqueous solution of [Co(TIM)Clz]Cl results in the return of the blue-green color characteristic of the [Co(TIM)Clz]+ ion. Cobalt Complexes of DIM and DMC.-Condensation of N,N'-bis( 3-aminopropyl) - 1,2-diaminoethane (3.2.3) with biacetyl in methanol, followed by the addition of cobalt acetate, gives complexes of the ligand DIM (structure VII). The Co(I1) derivatives can be isolated under an inert atmosphere whereas aerial oxidation of acid solutions gives the Co(II1) compounds. The metathetical production of other derivatives and their interconversion reactions are entirely in accord with their formulation as trans-diacidocobalt(II1) complexes. They all demonstrate 1: 1 electrolyte behavior and analyze satisfactorily (analytical data are collected in Table I). In general, the infrared spectra of these complexes are almost identical with those of the nickel derivat i v e ~ ~and ' are strongly suggestive of the cyclic nature of the ligand, there being an absence of bands attributable to C=O and NH2 groups but bands as(13) R. A. Robinson and R. 8.Stokes, "Electrolyte Solutions," Butterworths, London, 1955. (14) J. Eliassaf, R . M. Fuoss, and J. E . Lind, Jr., J . Phys. Chem., 67, 1941 (1963). (15) M. M. Jones, "Elementary Coordination Chemistry," Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1064, p 264. (16) Unlike the reaction between diaminopropane and biacetyl to form T I M , D I M formation by condensation of 3.2.3 with biacetyl is particularly sensitive to excess acetate. Thus, in the presence of more than the quantity of cobalt acetate mentioned in the Experimental Section, a secondary product is formed which we believe may be the a-hydroxyamine monoimine macrocycle derived from D I M by the addition of water to one of its a-diimineazomethine linkages. This reaction will he the subject of a later report. (17) E. K.Barefield, Ph.D. Thesis, The Ohio State University, 1969.

2896 Inorganic Chemistry, Vola11, No. 12, 1972 signable as v(C=N) modes appear a t 1570-1590 and 1630-1640 crn-'. A characteristic strong, sharp band a t 1195 cm-I compares with that a t 1210 cm-I in the T I M complexes. The N-H stretching modes of the secondary amine groups are generally seen as sharp single bands a t 3210 cm-I, except in the case of the dinitro complex, where the band is somewhat broader and shifted to lower frequency (-3145 cm-l), possibly a$ a consequence of hydrogen bonding to the axial nitro groups. The ligands T I M and DIM can be considered to be oxidized derivatives of 2,3,9,10-tetramethyl- and 2,3dimethyl-substituted cyclam, the parent 14-membered macrocycle whose Co(II1) complexes have been well characterized for some time. 4 ~ 5 The chemical reduction of these ligands (TIM and DIM) was therefore performed in order to verify in an unusual and unambiguous way the nature of the a-diimine-containing ligands. In addition, the successful preparation of complexes of the saturated ligands T M C and DMC would be an indication that numerous different kinds of cyclic secondary amines not available by any other method are accessible by the incorporation of suitable substituents into the amines or a-diketone components of the ligands T I M and DIM. Reduction of the C=N groups in DIM and T I M complexes of cobalt has been achieved in methanol using hydrogen a t 1 atm and activated Raney nickel (Catalyst-Grade 28, Davison Chemical Co.). Several features of the reduction reactions suggest, however, that they are substantially more complex than the hydrogenation of the corresponding nickel derivatives where the Raney nickel plays a normal catalytic role. The most significant of these are that the catalyst needs to be present in rather large quantities (at least 1 g/g of complex) and that reduction is accompanied by a series of color changes. Initially an air-sensitive red-purple solution of the cobalt(I1) complex forms. This slowly turns deep blue, possibly indicating the presence of a Co(1) species, and finally a very pale, almost colorless solution results. Thus i t appears that the activated Raney nickel serves both to reduce the metal ion and to assist in the hydrogenation process. The final solution is instantly air-oxidized to a brown solution, from which the product can be isolated readily. By stopping the reaction a t intervals, infrared spectra were used to show the appearance and subsequent reduction of long-lived intermediate species. The series of infrared spectra obtained during the course of the reduction of a sample of [Co(DIM)Br2]C104 is shown in Figure 2. The most striking, indeed almost the only, changes that occur during the early stages are the nearly total disappearance of the bands a t 1560, 1200, and 930 cm-I and concomitant appearance of the strong band a t 1645 cm-I (spectra a and b in Figure 2). This new band we assign to v(C=N) of an isolated, nonconjugated azomethane linkage and this, together with the loss of the band a t 1200 cm-' assumed to be an a-diimine vibration, is evidence for the intermediate existence during the hydrogenation of a monoimine macrocycle. On further hydrogenation, essentially the only infrared spectral change is the weakening and ultimate total disappearance of the 1645-cm-1 band (Figure

BUSCH,et al. 4JO





, 2 0 0,0 ,

yl-,' , , I5,OO 1300,






, 890

Figure 2.-Selected portions of the infrared spectra of [Co(DIM)Brs] + and intermediates in the reduction of [Co(DIM)Br2+] to [Co(DMC)Br2]+: a , [Co(DIM)Br2]C104; b and c, intermediates; d, [Co(DMC)Br2]ClOa.

2, spectra c and d ) . The slightly broadened nature of the N-H stretching band in the spectrum of [Co( D M C ) B ~ ~ ] C Iproduced OI in this way may be an indication that a mixture of stereoisomers is formed. Several isomeric forms of DMC are possible, some of which have been observed as nickel complexes,17but the separation and detailed characterization of these on cobalt(II1) are outside the intended scope of this report. Complexes of the type [Co(DMC)X2]Ywere also synthesized from the free ligand using the methods by which Tobe, et al., prepared the corresponding cyclam der i v a t i v e ~ . ~They were found to be identical in every way with those prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of D I M as detailed above. Metathetical production of other tetragonal complexes [Co(DMC)X2]Y occurs normally; the representatives we prepared, their colors, and analytical data are shown in Table I. We have also made a cursory examination of the reduction a t 1 atm hydrogen pressure of the complex [Co(TIM)BrsIC104, which is totally decomposed a t higher pressures with this catalyst. Our results again show the presence of intermediates. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra.-By analogy with the known structure of [Ni(TIM)( i m i d a ~ o l e ) ~ ] ~ i t can be inferred that the [Co(TIM)X2]+ species will have the five-membered chelate rings in a very nearly planar conformation and the six-membered chelate rings in a puckered conformation.12 Two possible conformers thus result: one with both /?-carbon atoms on the same side of the cobalt-imine plane and the other with one of the /?-carbon atoms on one side of the plane and the second /?-carbon atom on the other side of the plane. Since the interconversion of these two conformers involves only the rotation about carbon-carbon and carbon-nitrogen c bonds and since there are no bulky constituents on the rings, rapid flexing between these two conformers is likely for the [Co(TIM)X2]- ion in solution a t or near room temperature. (See Figure 3 for labeling of the T M D ring.) I n principle, i t is possible to detect rapid flexing (on the nmr time scale) by examination of the pmr spectrum of one of the [Co(TIM)X2]+ species. I n a fixed conformation for the two T M D rings, the two





3 ppm

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 12, 1972 2897

I 2.5

Figure 3.-Pmr spectrum of [ C O ( T I M ) C ~ ~ ] PinF CDICN G at ambient temperature. The methyl resonance is shown a t a smaller sweep width to reveal homoallylic coupling.

hydrogen atoms on the a carbons must be nonequivalent, one being axially disposed with respect to the cobalt-imine plane and one being equatorially disposed. Similarly, the hydrogen atoms on the @-carbon atoms must also be nonequivalent. Whereas, if rapid flexing is taking place, each hydrogen atom on the T M D backbone is flipping between an equatorial and an axial position so that the a-hydrogen atoms undergo environmental averaging, as do the @-hydrogenatoms. A very complex spectrum, an ABCDA’B’ pattern, is predicted for the T M D protons in the fixed conformation case, but, if rapid flexing is occurring, a much simpler spectrum is expected in analogy to free TMD. The latter exhibits a downfield triplet arising from the a protons and an upfield quintet arising from the @ protons, both multiplets being accounted for by firstorder coupling between the a and @ protons. As shown in Figure 3 the spectrum of [Co(TIM)Clz]+ does show a broad triplet centered a t 4.06 ppm ( J = 5 Hz) and a second broad multiplet centered a t 2.60 ppm. The triplet resonance is ascribed to the a protons whereas the broad upfield multiplet is assigned to the @ protons. The observed patterns are certainly not characteristic of the complexity expected of an ABCDA’B’ spectrum but neither are the observed patterns ascribed to the T M D ring the well-resolved triplet and quintuplet predicted by the simple flexing model offered above. In order t o account more nearly for the nature of the observed spectrum the effects of coupling within this entire macrocyclic ring must be explored. The methyl proton resonance appears as a sharp 1 : 2 :1 triplet ( J = 1.2 Hz) a t 2.69 ppm. That the presence of a triplet is caused by coupling has been verified by double-resonance experiments to be described below and by the fact that the spacing of the triplet is invariant as observed on 60- or 100-MHz instruments. The coupling occurs between the methyl protons and the a protons of the ThSD unit. It must be assumed that the T M D unit is undergoing rapid flexing on the nmr time scale, thus making the two a protons equivalent; otherwise the methyl proton resonance would not be expected to occur as a triplet. This coupling also accounts for the broad nature of the a-proton resonance which is split both by coupling

with the two P protons ( J = 5 Hz) and with the three methyl protons ( J = 1.2 Hz). All of the peak assignments discussed above are strongly supported by several double-resonance experiments. In one experiment the triplet assigned to the a protons was irradiated giving rise to a singlet a t 2.69 ppm instead of the triplet normally observed for this methyl proton resonance. Irradiation of the aproton multiplet also produced a broad singlet a t 2.60 pprn rather than the multiplet usually seen. I n another experiment both the multiplet assigned to the &proton peak and the methyl proton resonance were irradiated. A singlet resulted a t 4.06 ppm. I n carbon compounds which have unsaturated linkages similar to the CHBC=NCHz moiety found in complexes of T I M , splitting of the sort observed in the methyl proton resonance (Figure 3) has been attributed to long-range coupling through two single carbon-carbon bonds and one double carbon-carbon bond and has been named homoallylic coupling.l* In the [Co(TIM)C1]+ case, as well as in other complexes formed from biacetyl and T M D , the imine linkage is thought to act similarly to the carbon-carbon double bond in the homoallylic linkage. If the methyl protons do couple with the a protons by such a mechanism, the magnitude of the coupling constant should reflect the angle formed by the carbon-hydrogen bond of the a-carbon atom and the plane described by the imine linkage, the acarbon atom, and the methyl carbon atom. This coupling is expected to be maximized when the angle is 90” and minimized when the angle is either 0 or 180” with the observed values ranging from 1 to 3,lg If the T M D rings in the macrocycle are flexing rapidly, the coupling constant for the complex is expected to be the average of 0 and 3 Hz or -1.5 Hz, a value quite close to that actually observed. However, great care needs to be exercised in the interpretation of the magnitude of the homoallylic coupling constant because i t is known to be solvent dependent in other compounds18J0 and, in fact, is found to be solvent dependent in the [Co(TIM)Clz]+ case also. Thus, the methyl proton resonance of the complex dissolved in acidic DzO has nonresolvable side shoulders indicating a smaller J than the 1.2 Hz observed from the welldefined triplet shown in Figure 3. The effect has been observed in other complexes containing the grouping CHSC=NCH~-.~~ Table I1 includes a summary of the observed pmr spectrum of [Co(DIM)Br2]Br. The spectrum in neutral DzO is broad and generally uninterpretable whereas if aqueous HBr is added to the sample, the spectrum becomes relatively sharp and some fine structure becomes apparent. I n the spectrum obtained from the acidic solution there are two sharp peaks observed in the region expected for methyl protons and they are separated by only 1.5 Hz. Slightly upfield from the methyl resonances is a complex multiplet centered a t 1.25 ppm. The relative area of this multiplet corresponds to that expected from the @ protons of the T M D backbone, an assignment consistent with the relative chemical shift of this multiplet as com(18) S Sternbell, Rev. Puve A p p l . Chem , 14, 15 (1964). (19) M. Karplus, J . Chem. Phys., 33, 1842 (1960). (20) J. T. Pinkey and S Sternbell, Telvohedvon Lett., 4, 275 (1963) (21) L. G. Warner, N J. Rose, and D H. Busch, J . Amev. Chem 90, 6938 (1968).


2898 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 12, 1972 TABLE I1 PMRDATAFOR COBALT COMPLEXES OF DIM


Description of resonance

Chem shift, ppm

Re1 area found (calcd)

[Co(DIM)Br2]Bra Singlet Singlet Complex multiplet

1 25

6 0 (6) 4 2 (4)

Complex multiplet


12.0 (12)

Type of proton

Methyl isomer A Methyl isomer B p-TMD, both isomers w T M D and ethvlenediamine backbone, both isomers


BUSCH,et al.

[Co(DMC)Brz]PFdb Methyl Doublet ( J = 6 Hz) 1.18 6 . 4 (6) 1.85 4 . 0 (4) @-TMD Complex multiplet wTMD and ethylene- Complex 2 . 6 5 1 5 . 0 (14) diamine backbone and CH of reduced biacetyl backbone " Broad doublet 5.2 , . . (4) a Pmr spectrum of [Co(DIM)Brz]Brin -0.9 M DBr a t ambient temperature. Chemical shifts are reported relative to the internal standard tert-butyl alcohol. Data taken from the 100MHz spectrum. Samples prepared by first dissolving the complex in neutral Dz0 and then adding 1 drop of concentrated aqueous HBr. Pmr spectrum of [Co(DMC)Brp]PF8 in CD3CiY a t ambient temperature. Chemical shifts are reported relative to internal TMS. Data taken from the 100-MHz spectrum.

acid is consistent with the postulate that one or more exchange processes have been quenched. Since rapid exchange of the amine protons is a requisite for rapid isomerization leading to loss of the two sharp methyl proton resonances, i t is presumed that this change is the major one to be quenched. By experiments and inferences similar to those just outlined the assignments were made in the case of [Co(DMC)Brz]+(see Table 11). Comparison of the 60- and 100-MHz spectra of the same sample was again revealing. In contrast to the DIM case the doublet of the methyl resonance was found to arise from coupling (in this case with the proton originating from the reduction of the carbon atom of the C - N moiety), a conclusion supported by a double-resonance experiment involving irradiation of the complex multiplet centered a t 2.65 ppm. Upon irradiation the doublet a t 1.18 ppm became a singlet. We conclude that, unlike the analogous D I M complex, only one of the stereoisomers exists in solution for [Co(DMC)Brz]-. Electronic Spectra.-In the discussion of the electronic spectra (Table 111) we shall assume that all the complexes have tetragonal centric symmetry (D4h), This requires that the macrocycles be coordinated in a planar fashion, assumptions which are especially justi-


Complex ion

[Co(TIM)Clz]+ a ICo(T1M)Brzl + a [Co(TIM)Iz]+ [Co(TIM)(NOz)z] [Co(DIM)Clz]+ [Co(DIM)Brt]



[Co(DIM) (N0z)zI


[Co(DMC)Clt]+ [Co(DMC)Bn]+ [CO(DMC)(N02)2] + a

PFe salts used.






Acetone Acetone Methanol

17 4 (46) 16 9 (80) 15 3 (