Some Things Take Time To Build. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Sep 24, 2001 - Some Things Take Time To Build. Chem. Eng. News , 2001, 79 (39), Inside Front Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v079n039.ifc. Publication Date: ...
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S o m e Things T a k e T i m e To Τα Build.

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a some chemical we are commited to

a some chemical we are commited to Now that we have integrated Aristech Chemical into our organization, we are able to offer our customers an expanded, more diversified product line. The d\c newly acquired Aristech plants give us the capacity to produce 1.5 billion pounds of polypropylene a year, more than 1.6 billion pounds of phenol and related derivatives per year—including bisphenol-A—and 800 million pounds of plasticizers per year. The acquisition will also allow us to provide multiple plant sources for our key products and an enhanced distribution network. This is a very exciting time for Sunoco Chemicals, as we move forward in our mission to become a broad-based chemical company. The polypropylene and

phenol product lines of Aristech complement Sunoco's existing chemical operations and represent a significant step toward providing fully integrated marketing, distribution and raw material supply. With a state-of-the-art research and technology center in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania and five additional manufac­ turing facilities located in Haverhill. Ohio: Neal. West Virginia: Neville Island. Pennsylvania and La Porte and Pasadena. Texas, we are poised to move toward the future with greater strength as one ^ of the largest fully integrated chemical producers in the United States.

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a some chemical we are commited to


a some chemical we are commited to
