Some unmeasured chlorine atom reaction rates ... - ACS Publications

Important for Stratospheric Modeling of Chlorine Atom. Catalyzed Removal of Ozone. Publication costs assisted by the Division of Research, U.S. Atomic...
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Communications to the Editor


solutions are markedly different from the recommend values of S,while solutions 2,5, 6, and 7 may be reasonable since two out of three parameters Po, C1, and S associated with these solutions have values which are within the recommended range of values.

TABLE I: AHoand ID Data for Amine-Iodine Complexesn Donor



Methylamine Et hylamine n - Butylam ine Dimethylamine Trimethylamine Reference 10.

0.308 0.321 0.364 0.425 0.525

8.97 8.86 8.71 8.24 7.82

TABLE 11: Solutions of Eo with Appropriate Values of PO, C1, and S Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6




k = E 0,






1.500 1.500 2.000 2.000 2.500 2.500 3.000

6.500 7.000 6.000 6.500 6.000 6.500 6.000

0.200 0.450 0.250 0.400 0.400 0.550 0.500

0.990 1.018 1.006 0.990 0.999 0.996 0.983

eV 0.298 0.293 0.536 0.520 0.756 0.737 0.966

Conclusion A linear relationship can be found between AHoand RN for these amine-iodine complexes which suggests that Eo is essentially a constant. It has a large positive value of 11.99 kcal mol-' which is in good agreement with the value of 10.4 kcal mol-l obtained from the use of a relationship between AHo and the enhancement of dipole moment.5 The large positive value indicates that repulsive forces dominate the term Eo and that charge-transfer forces account for the large observed -AH" values for these complexes. The RN contribution to AHo of these complexes varies from -19.1 to -24.1 kcal mol-l. References and Notes

-1.7 to -3 eV, 6.5 to 7.5 eV, and 0.4 to 0.5, respectively, thus solution 4 provides the best values of Eo of 0.520 eV mol-' (11.99 kcal mol-l) as values of Po, C1, and S1 associated with this solution have values which fall within the recommended range of values. Solutions 1 and 3 can be rejected on the grounds that S values associated with these

(1) M. W. Hanna, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 90, 285 (1968). (2) J. L. Lippert, M. W. Hanna, and P. J. Trotter, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,91, 4035 (1969). (3) R. J. W. Le Fevre, D. V. Radford, and P. J. Stiles, J. Chem. SOC.5, 1297 (1968). (4) R. S. Mulliken and W. 6.Person, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 91, 3409 (1969). (5) H. Ratajczak and W. J. Orville-Thomas, J. Mol. Structure, 14, 149 (1972). (6) M. S. Sambhi, J. Mol. Structure, submitted for publication. (7) W. 6.Person, J. Chem. Pbys., 38, 109 (1963). (8) R. S.Mulliken, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,74, 811 (1952). (9) R. S. Mulliken and W. 6.Person, "Molecular Complexes: A Lecture and Reprint Volume," Wiley, New York, N.Y., 1969. (IO) H. Yada, J. Tanaka, and S. Nagakura, Bull. Chem. SOC.Jap., 33, 1660 (1960).


Some Unmeasured Chlorine Atom Reaction Rates Important for Stratospheric Modeling of Chlorine Atom Catalyzed Removal of Ozone Publication costs assisted by the Division of Research, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

C1 atoms can then be released again through the attack of OH and HC1 as in (4). From the measured concentrations OH


Sir: Chlorine atoms when injected into the stratosphere at 25 km or above can initiate a chain reaction with odd oxygen involving principally reactions 1-3.1-9 The primary c1


c10 C10


o3 +







0 2


c1 + o2


C1 iNO,


manner in which this C10, chain is interrupted in the stratosphere is through the reaction of C1 with various hydrogen-containing species with the formation of HC1. The








of CHd1O and the reaction rate coefficients,ll it is clear that reaction 5 with CH4 is quite important in the stratosphere,








and it has been regularly assumed to be the chief HC1 forming reaction between about 30-50 km. Our purpose here, however, is to estimate the possible contributions from other hydrogen-containing species in the stratosphere, with the primary intention of discovering whether CH4 is an overwhelmingly dominant H-abstraction source. Several recent calculations indicate that C10, -catalyzed removal of odd oxygen is becoming an increasingly serious global environmental problem through the release of C1 atoms in the stratospheric photodissociation of CF2C12 and CFC13.1-3, 7-9 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 79, No. 6, 1975

Communications to the Editor


TABLE I: Calculated Rates of Removal of C1 Atoms at Various Stratospheric Altitudes@ -

Altitude, km 25 Temp, "K 227 Density, 7.7(17) molecules cm+ Estimated concn, cm-, 4(12) 5(11) 6(11) 2(7) 2(9)* 419)

0 3



30 235 3.6(17)

35 252 1.7(17)

40 268 8.1(16)

45 275 4.3(16)

50 274 2.3 (16)

55 274 1.3(16)

4(12) 2(11) 3(11) 3(7) 2(9)* 5(8)

202) 8(10) l(11) 2 (7) 3 (8) 2 (8)

6(11) 3(10) 5(10) 9(6) 40) 3(7)

2(11) 100) 200) 6(6)

7(10) 6(9) 9(9) 4(6) 4 (6) < 1(6)

3(10) 3(9) 4(9) 3(6) 2(6)

I(7) 2(6)

Estimated ratesCof removal of C1 atoms, cm-3 sec-' Reaction with

70 33 74 11 3.7 1.3 0.5 10k-3) 5 (-3 ) 3 (-3 ) 2 (-3 ) 1 (-3 ) 4(-4) 2 (-4 ) 2 (-3 ) 1(-3) 8(-4 ) 6(-4) 3 (-4) 1(-4) 5 (-5 ) HO, 1(-3 1(-3) 8 (-4 4(-4) 3 (-4 1 2 (-4 ) 2 (-4) HZOZ 6 (-3 ) 6 (-3 1(-3 2 (-4) 7(-5) 3(-5) 2k-5) 6(-4) 2 (-4 ) 3(-5) 3 (-6) HNO, 4 (-3 ) a All exponential figures have been written with the exponential in parentheses, Le., 7.7 X IO1' is written as 7.7(17),The data have all been read to two places from smoothed curves, and then rounded off to one place in the table in view of the large uncertainties in modeling calculations for the stratosphere. Other models show lower values for Hz02 at these altitudes. Crutzen, for example, has given values of 3(8) and 4(8) at 25 and 30 km, respectively. Summary of rate equations, in cm3 molecules-1 sec-1, for reaction of C1 with 0 3 , 1 4 (1.85 f 0.36) X CH4,11 5.1 X exp(-1790/T); Hz,ll 5.7 X exp(-2260/T); H02,17 5 X H2O2,l61.7 X 10-10 exp(-SlO/T); 0 3

C H4 H2

HNO3,l76 X


The most abundant hydrogen-containing species in the stratosphere are, roughly in order of decreasing abundance, HzO, CH4, Hz, HzOz, "03, HOz, and OH. Hydrogen abstraction by C1 atoms is endothermic by 10 kcal/mol with HzO, and is therefore of negligible importance a t stratospheric temperatures. Except for Hz, further calculations can only be estimates since the rate coefficients for reaction with C1 atoms has not been measured for the last four species in the list above. The reaction of C1 with OH must have an activation energy of at least 3 kcal/mol since the forward reaction is 0.8 kcal/mol exothermic and the reverse reaction of 0 atoms with HC1 has an activation energy of a t least 4 kcal/mol.12 Abstraction of H from OH can therefore be neglected relative to abstraction from CH4. From the measured or estimated concentrations of these species in the stratosphere,13and with appropriate approximations for the rate coefficients as described below, we have calculated in Table I the approximate rates for formation of HCl by reaction with each of the five possible species between 25 and 55 km. Table I also includes the rate of reaction of C1 atoms with showing it to be >lo3 times faster than the sum of all of the HC1-forming reactions at all of these altitudes. The reaction of C1 with Hz is consistently about 20-30% as probable as with CH4. Our estimated rate coefficients for reactions 6-8 in Table C1 + HO, C1 + HZOz C1











(6) (7) ( 8)

I have been based on comparison with the known rates for OH reaction with the same species, since OH is isoelectronic in the valence shell with C1, and the thermochemistry of C1 and OH reactions is similar. However, since the measured rates for C1 reaction with CH4 and Hz are respectively 16 and 5 times faster than the corresponding OH reacThe Journal of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 79, No. 6, 1975

tion rates in the 225-275'K temperature range,l5 we have also used more rapid rate estimates for C1 reaction with the three hydrogen species of (6) to (8). Our assumptions for reactions 7 and 8 are each ten times faster than the measured rates for OH with H20216 and HN03. The radical termination reaction 6 is almost certainly fast, but probably does not occur on every collision for geometric reasons. Our estimate in Table I (-1 collision in 6) falls in the middle of recent estimates for the reaction of OH HO2.l7 Even the assumption of reaction on every collision of C1 with HOz still leaves reaction 6 less important than reaction 5 throughout the 35-50 km range. Present calculations of the rates of odd oxygen removal by C10, indicate that the region between 35-45 km is heavily d ~ m i n a n t ' - ~ (for ~ ~ -example, ~ see Figure 10 in ref 2), and in this region the data of Table I indicate that (a) reaction with CH4 is more important in HC1 formation than the other four reactions combined; and (b) omission of reactions 7 and 8 in earlier studies has not introduced major errors into the estimates of ozone depletion by C10,. The estimates in Table I do suggest that H202 may be equally important with CH4 in HC1 formation near 25-30 km, and that HOz probably becomes more important than CH4 somewhere above 50 km. Moreover, the uncertainty in these estimates must be considerable since neither HOz nor H202 has actually even been observed in the stratosphere, let alone accurately measured, and the concentrations of Table I have been inferred from model calculations. (Since our chief concern here has been to avoid ignoring a potentially important but poorly understood hydrogen-containing species, we believe that the removal rates for reactions 6 and 7 in Table I are more likely to be over- than underestimated.) [NOTE ADDEDIN PROOF: R. T. Watson and D. D. Davis gave a preliminary value of less than for the rate constant of reaction 7 (4th C.I.A.P. Meeting, Cambridge, Mass., Feb 1975). With this rate constant, reaction


Communicationsto the Editor


7 has only minor importance throughout the stratosphere.] The stratospheric concentrations of H N 0 3 have been measured,ls and it is therefore unlikely that reaction 8 is of much importance relative to reaction 5 in HCl formation. Nevertheless, completeness in the stratospheric modeling should include reaction 8 as well as reactions 6 and 7 . Consequently, experimental measurements of both the high altitude concentrations of HOz, H202, and HN03, plus the laboratory rate coefficients for their reactions with C1 atoms are important for a more detailed understanding of stratospheric chlorine chemistry. Measurement of the reaction rates for the stable molecules in ( 7 ) and (8) should be relatively easy, but the radical-radical reaction of (6) seems much more difficult. Finally, all of the model calculations used in these estimates have been one-dimensional (vertical) global average models, and detailed calculations in two or three dimensions may well show portions of the stratosphere in which one or more of reactions 6-8 has more importance than in the average calculations.

References and Notes (1) M. J. Moiina and F. S.Rowland, Nature (London), 249, 810 (1974). (2) M. J. Moiina and F. S. Rowland, Geopbys. Res. Lett., 1, 309 (1974). (3) F. S. Rowland and M. J. Molina, AEC Report No. UCi-1974-1, Sept 1974; to be published in Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. (4) R. S. Stoiarski and R. J. Cicerone, Can. J. Cbem., 52, 1610 (1974). P. Crutzen, Can. J. Cbem., 52, 1569 (1974). S. C. Wofsy and M. 6. McElroy, Can. J. Cbem., 52, 1582 (1974). R. J. Cicerone. R. S. Stolarski. and S. Walters. Science.. 185.. 1165 (1974). P. Crutzen, Geopbys. Res. Lett., 1, 205 (1974). S.C. Wofsy, M. B. McElroy, and N. D. Sze, Science, 187, 545 (1975). D. H. Ehhait, Can. J. Cbem., 52, 1510 (1974). M. A. A. Ciyne and R. F. Walker, J. Cbem. SOC.Faraday Trans. 1, 69, 1547 (1973). The activation energy for the reverse reaction was measured as 4 kcal/ mol by V. P. Balaknin, V. I. Egorov, and E. I. intezarova, Kinet. Catal., 12, 258 (1971), and as 7 k c a h o l by E. L. Wong and F. E. Belies, NASA Technical Note, NASA TN-D-6495, 1971: Chem. Abstr., 76, 183269 (1972). The'agreement is not good, but both groups found an actlvation energy of at least 4 kcal/mol. These concentrations are generally those given in ref 6, but are semiquantitatively similar to those found in ref 1-5 and other stratospheric modeling papers, except as noted. M. A. A. Clyne and R. T. Watson, J. Cbem. SOC. Faraday Trans. 1, in press. Chemical Kinetics Rate Survey," NBS-74-430, Jan 1974, contains a summary of the varlous measurements made for the OH reactions used in these estimates. These rate coefficients are ten times faster than the rate for OH 4H202 given in ref 15. At 275'K, this estimated rate is only three times slower than the measured rate for CI 4-03. The rate equation for OH -k HO2 is still subject to considerable disagreeom3 molecule-I ment, and values between 2 X 10-l' and 2 X sec-l have been recommended for modelers. H. i. Schiff, Can. J. Chem., 52, 1536 (1974). This research was supported by AEC Contract No. AT(04-3)034, P.A. 126.

Department of Chemi~try'~ University of California irvine, California 92664

Mario J. Molina F. S. Rowland*

Received October 21, 1974

Quantum Yield for the Photolysis of CF2C12in O2 Publication costs assisted by the Division of Research, U.S. Atomic Energy CommiSsion

Sir: Large quantities (-0.5 Mtonslyear) of CFzC12 are manufactured each year for use as an aerosol propellant

and as a refrigerator coolant.1>2Essentially all of the aerosol propellant is released to the atmosphere within 1 year of manufacture, while most of that used as a refrigerant is probably also eventually released as well. The accumulation of CF2Clz in the earth's atmosphere presents a hazard to stratospheric ozone through its photolysis by reaction (I), and the subsequent chain reaction of C1 with O3 and







C10 with 0.1-6All of our calculations concerning the atmospheric residence time of CF2Clz and the rate of formation of C1 atoms have been based on the assumption that the quantum yield for (1)is 1.0, and that the subsequent reaction of CFzCl with 0 2 leads to the release of a second chlorine-containing free radical (either C1 or C10). While this sequence seemed highly probable to us on the basis of analogy with CC14 photolysis,6 as well as relative quantum yields for CFC13 photolysis, we have measured the actual quantum yield for photooxidation of CFzCl2 in the laboratory for confirmation of the postulated photochemical steps in the atmospheric mechanisms. The absorption of CFzClz has its long wavelength edge near 2150 8, increasing rapidly to shorter wavelengths with a maximum near 1800 8.2,7 In the earth's atmosphere, the cross product of flux penetrating to 25-35-km altitudes and absorption cross section, assuming unit (or constant) quantum yield, causes photodissociation to occur with roughly constant probability between 1900 and 2100 A. In this laboratory, we have used a low-pressure Hg lamp flushed with Nz as the light source and have photolyzed CFzClz with 1849-A light. Our photolysis cell had one 1-in. quartz window and a path length of 11 cm. The CFzC12 (Matheson Co.) had a stated purity of 99.6% and was thoroughly degassed a t -196'. Molecular oxygen from Liquid Carbonic was used. The light intensity of the lamp was determined by NzO actinometry to be 5.7 f 0.5 X 1014 photons sec-l (cm)-2. Approximately 11-15% of CFzClz was decomposed in each photolysis experiment, as measured by differences in chromatographic peak heights. The first step in photolysis was assumed to be reaction 1 followed by the rapid secondary reaction of CFzCl with 0 2 . While the expected product of this reaction is CF20, our chromatographic analysis utilized a 50-ft silicone oil column known to convert CFzO to CO2. Consequently, our measurement provides only the quantum yields for the removal of CF2Clz and for the complementary appearance of a corresponding photooxidized molecule capable of further reaction to form COz. The quantum yields for six runs with 0 2 concentration I [CF2Cl$ are given in Table I. Within the accuracy of our actinometry, the quantum yields for the removal of CF2C12 and for the appearance of C02 are both unity. Since the cross sections for absorption of 1849-A light are 1.0 X cm2 for CF2C1Z2 and 3 X cm2 for 0 2 , 8 >95% of the initial light absorption occurs with CF2Clz. The initial absorption step occurs in the lone pair of one of the chlorine atoms,' and the energy relationships overwhelmingly favor the release of C1 rather than F.2By analogy with the reactions of CF3 and CC13, the reaction of CFzCl with 0 2 should give CF20 as the product, indicating the release of either C1 or C10 in the second step. Independent CFzClZ-Oz photolysis experiments utilizing infrared analysis have shown that CF2O absorption bands are observed afterward with no indication of CFClO formation.9 For stratospheric computations, the mechanistic difference The Journal oiPhysicai Chemistry, Vol. 79, No. 6, 1975