Something new has been added to Foote Mineral Company - C&EN

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Something new has been added to Foote Mineral Company

In c o m b i n i n g its assets and destinies w i t h Vanadium Corporation of America on September 1,1967, Foote Mineral Company became one of the world's largest suppliers to the metal­ lurgical trade. Not that size itself is important. But by c o m b i n i n g t w o major product lines and p o o l i n g the resources and the technical services of the t w o companies, the new Foote Mineral will be able to serve its cus­ tomers as never before. 4 C&EN

You may identify Foote w i t h Electromanganese® electrolytic manganese metal, or w i t h lime products, or w e l d ­ ing rod coating materials. N o w think of us also in terms of Vancoram and Kemco brands of quality ferroalloys: ferrosilicon, silvery pig iron, ferroc h r o m i u m , ferrovanadium and special foundry alloys, as well as vanadium chemicals. The same w e l l - k n o w n faces you asso­ ciated w i t h VCA and its Keokuk

Division will now serve you under the Foote ban­ ner. And they will be more useful to you with more products and new services. W e look forward to serving you. M I N B R A L C O I V I F » A I M V Route 100, Exton, Pa. 19341. Vancoram Operations, 200 Park Avenue, New York, Ν. Υ. 10Ό17. Kemco Operations, 320 Concert Street, Keokuk, Iowa 52632.