Something Special for Engineers & Scientists With Special Abilities

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Something Special for Engineers & Scientists With Special Abilities It's easy to preach, it's harder to practice! It's easy to preach the need for creativity in science and technology . . . it's harder to maintain an environment in industry which truly encourages initiative and fosters creative solutions. We do maintain this environment and have something special to offer engineers and scientists with unusual capabilities and experience. General Atomic Division of General Dynamics is located in San Diego where you will find pleasant living throughout the year. Excellent nearby academic institutions offer broad opportunities for graduate work.

Immediate Openings Include: Fluid Systems Components Engineer

Fluid Systems Engineer—Piping and Valves

To perform t h e r m a l sizing calculations f o r steam generating equipment; develop surface layout configurations, analyze performance at full and part load operation; examine tube circuit balance stability. Advanced degree in ME or ChE desirable plus 3-5 years' experience as described above. Should have knowledge of once-through boiler operation and some familiarity with computer solutions.

Mechanical engineering and specification of nuclear power plant piping and valves. Requires BS ME or ChE and some experience in piping and valves for chemical, petroleum or power plants.

Polymer Chemist Will synthesize a n d modify polymers for reverse osmosis m e m b r a n e preparation and investigate new applications for industrial processes. Requires advanced degree and 3 years' experience.

Fuel Element Design Engineer Will perform detailed coolant flow distribution and t e m p e r a t u r e analyses of nuclear cores and reflectors under t h e direction of a more senior engineer. Requires B S / M S ME, ChE, or NE, and up to 5 years' related experience.

Metallurgist Will develop processes for coated particle preparation including laboratory process studies, economic evaluations and participation in irradiation and out-of-pile testing. M S / P h D ChE or metallurgy. 2-7 years' experience in process development, preferably with nuclear fuels.

Fluid Systems Engineer Prepare process designs and flow diagrams, P / l diagrams, equipment specifications, system descriptions, a n d operating procedures for power reactor fluid systems. Requires BS ChE or M E with 3-5 years' applicable experience. Nuclear plant design and operating experience desirable.

Steam Generator Design Engineer For design of steam generators for nuclear power plants. Preparation of specifications, vendor liaison, and review of vendor design and fabrication design. B S / M S M E or ChE with 4-8 years' experience in large steam generator and fabrication. Strength in stress analysis and materials application desirable.

Chemical Engineer Requires PhD ChE to perform engineering support for research and development studies in chemistry and particularly desalination programs.

Chemist Will perform m e m b r a n e permeation studies. Requires degree in chemistry and about 2-5 years' laboratory experience.

Physical Chemist To accomplish various research a n d development activities including the study of structure and transport properties of osmotic m e m b r a n e s . Requires advanced degree and 10 years' experience in physical chemistry research.

Chemist For development of fuel fabrication processes f o r graphite fuel elements. Will assist in laboratory evaluation of hydrocarbon pyrolysis. Requires degree in chemistry and 1-5 years' e x p e r i e n c e / p a r t i c u l a r l y including chemical analysis. A new graduate would be considered.

Process Engineer Will perform engineering related to high t e m p e r a t u r e nuclear fuel processing and fuel element fabrication. Requires BS ME, MetE or ChE and 5 years' experience in high t e m p e r a t u r e process engineering, nuclear fuel processing or pre-production R & D phases of industrial production.

Power Reactor Engineer Will conduct studies and analyses of one- and two-phase flow systems behavior, systems stability (static and dynamic) and control theory. Requires PhD ME or ChE and approximately 10 years' experience. Must have digital and analog computer experience as well.

Systems Analysis Engineer To perform dynamic analysis of nuclear power plant systems using computer simulation techniques to determine steady state and transient response. Degree in ME, ChE, EE, or NE, plus one or more years of system dynamic analysis, preferably on nuclear power plant systems. Should have familiarity with t h e use and application of digital a n d analog computers.

If you would like to be engaged in one of the advanced programs at General Atomic Division, send your resume in confidence to Manager of Professional Placement, Dept. 255, General Atomic Division, P. 0. Box 608, San Diego, Calif. 92112. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

