Sometimes the shortest distance between Corpus Christi and

Nov 10, 2010 - Sometimes the shortest distance between Corpus Christi and Cleveland is via Singapore. Chem. Eng. News , 1992, 70 (30), pp 28–29...
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Sometimes the shortest distance between Corpus Christi and Cleveland is via Singapore. A glance at your atlas may not convince you that the Far East could be a short cut to the Midwest. Knowing about OxyChem's product integration system might. These days, being a reliable supplier of commodity chemicals calls for innovative thinking, careful planning, and a fair amount of flexibility. They all played a role in the integrated product system we developed in order to be a well-balanced chlor-alkali supplier. The system is based on having numerous downstream uses for chlorine, including the ability to convert large quantities to EDC and VCM for export. And that helps make us a strong, steady

source of supply for caustic soda and other related products here in North America. The same kind of innovation, planning and flexibility apply to other OxyChem product areas such as PVC, HDPE, petrochemicals and phenolic materials. The idea, as you may have guessed, is to guarantee your supply. You might say we're ready to go the distance with you.

OxvChem The chemical operations of Occidental Petroleum Corporation



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