SORENSEN & COMPANY, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

SORENSEN & COMPANY, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1955, 27 (12), pp 45A–45A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60108a757. Publication Date: December 1955. ACS Legacy Archive...
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and permits entry of beta radiation with energies as low as 40 kev. A beta shield may be placed over the window so that the instrument measures only gamma and x-radiation. Direct read­ ing ranges of 0 to 25, 0 to 250, and 0 to 2500 mr. per hr. are provided on the meter. 6

Refrigerant Unit

The Flo-Kold low-temperature circu­ lating refrigerant unit, originally mar­ keted as an auxiliary to the Hyper-Cal high-temperature fractional distillation apparatus, has been redesigned by Podbielniak, Inc. The new model incorporates a cascade assembly of two Freon compressors which will produce a supply of coolant at - 7 5 ° F. held constant within ± 1 ° F. This temperature is obtainable in 90 min., starting from normal room temperature. A circulating pump, handling a low viscosity, low-nieltingpoint coolant, will pump from 400 g.p.h. at zero head to 40 g.p.h. at 10-ft. head. The unit features quiet operation, light weight, low power requirement, and easy portability. It uses standard hermetically sealed motor-compressor units. All internal electrical connec­ tions are made through one junction box. Quiet operation of the unit permits its use directly adjacent to the IlyperCal, the Mini-Cal, continuous columns, or wherever a readily available supply of subzero coolant is required. 7


A new Type II viscometer, developed for directly determining the kinematic viscosity of fuels, light oils, and noncorrosive liquids, is now available from Commercial Research Laboratories, Inc. An advanced flow system design em­ ployed in the new instrument permits readability within 1% of indicated viscosity at any point of the scale. Ranges of the Type II are 0.5 to 5.0 and Ά.0 to 30 centistokes. The viscometer is supplied as a port­ able unit for laboratory or field use, or as a panel-mounted unit for use on either new or existing equipment. 8

low cost

VOLTAGE REFERENCE SOURCE FOR RESEARCH LABORATORIES · SCHOOLS · PRODUCTION TESTING AMPLIFIER GAIN CHECKS · OSCILLOSCOPE CALIBRATION · SERVO TESTING The Sorensen VRSAC750 Voltage Reference Source is a l o w cost, h i g h l y accurate regulator p r i m a r i l y designed for c a l i b r a t i n g AC voltmeters in the 0-750 volt range. It is ideal for use w i t h nearly every p o w e r meter commercially a v a i l a b l e . Its compact design, simple o p e r a t i o n a n d accurate performance make it extremely useful to the l a b o r a t o r y or the production shop. The VRSAC750 is specifically designed for bench-top oper­ a t i o n . . . a l l controls are w i t h i n easy reach of the operator, a n d the reference meter is clear, easy to read, a n d placed at eye level to insure m a x i m u m accuracy of adjustment. Input voltage range 105-125 VAC, 1 0 Input frequency 60 ± 0 . 5 cps Input current 7 amperes maximum Output voltage 1-799 volts in 1-volt steps Output voltage accuracy ± 0 . 2 5 % at any voltage in 20°-30°C ambient Harmonic distortion 1 % maximum introduced by the unit S I Z E 2 0 y 8 " h i g h , 1 9 y 8 " w i d e , 12" deep W E I G H T 115 pounds not

VRSACIO — A versatile instrument f o r l o w e r v o l t a g e applications f e a t u r i n g high accuracy at extremely l o w cost. Output voltage range Calibration accuracy Input voltage Input frequency

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10 mvfolOvRMS in three ranges ± 0 . 1 % at full scale ct 60 cps

115v ± 1 0 % , single phase 50-60 cps; to 400 cps with slightly less accuracy Waveform Distortion is negligible Regulation with load 0.25% max., with load résistai c higher than 0.5 megohm Regulation with line ± 0 . 2 5 % max. Write today for complete specifications, performance


Lamp Sulfur Determination A p p a r a t u s

A new apparatus for the determina­ tion of sulfur or hydrogen in liquid



data, and



SORENSEN & C O M P A N Y , I N C . ·






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