SOURCE OF QUALITY In Phosphoric Acid and Phosphates - C&EN

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: May 16, 1949. Copyright © 1949 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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NEW PLANT FACILITIES ASSURE LARGER SUPPLIES OF SANTICIZER 141 Versatile plasticizer aids processing, i m p r o v e s q u a l i t y o f v i n y l products

Recently completed a d d i t i o n a l manufacturing facilities further increase Monsanto'* production o f phosphorus, phosphoric a c i d a n d phosphates.


T h e world's largest electrical furnaces work 'round t h e clock to refine Monsanto'» elemental phosphorus o f b e t t e r than 9 9 . 9 % purity.


In Phosphoric Acid and Phosphates Monsanto phosphoric acid and phos­ phates are derived from Monsantoproduced pure elemental phosphorus. From this pure phosphorus, qualitycontrolled Monsanto processes bring PHOSPHORIC ACID — Soft drinks, rustprooftng compounds, metal clean­ ing, gelatin, jelly and preserves, tex­ tiles, sugar refining, pharmaceuticals, water treatment, electro-polishing. SODIUM PHOSPHATES Mono Sodium — Water treatment, textiles, acid cleaning compounds. Dl Sodium — Cheese, leather, tex­ tiles, detergents, water treatment, dye, pigments. Trl Sodium — Water softener, deter­ gent, metal cleaner, water treatment, textiles. Totra Sodium Pyro — Soap, deter­ gents, cheese, textile dyeing, bleach­ ing and finishing, metal cleaning, oildrilling mud, water treatment, water softener, glass, degreasing. Trl Poly — Soap, detergents, water softener, textile dyeing, bleaching and finishing, degreasing, metal clean­ ing, clay refining. Acid Sodium Pyro — Baking pow­ der, oil-drilling mud, electroplating. CALCIUM PHOSPHATES Mono Calcium — Baking powder, self-rising flour, prepared flour, min­ eral supplement.

you phosphoric acid and phosphates with uniform, high quality. These products and some of their many uses are listed below. Information and prices will be sent promptly on request. Dl Calcium — Tooth p a s t e , tooth powder, mineral supplement, pharma­ ceutical. Calcium Pyro — M i n e r a l s u p p l e ­ ment, pharmaceutical. Trl Calcium — Tooth paste, tooth powder, anti-caking agent, mineral supplement, pharmaceutical. A M M O N I U M PHOSPHATES Mono Ammonium — Fireproofing, yeast, malt, plant nutrient. Dl Ammonium— Fireproofing, yeast, plant nutrient. POTASSIUM PHOSPHATES Mono Potassium — Phamaceuticals. D l Potassium — Fermentation, nutri­ ent solutions, pharmaceuticals. T r i Potassium — Oil refining. Tatra Potassium — Soap, textiles, water softener. FERRO PHOSPHATES MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATES ALUMINUM PHOSPHATES IRON PHOSPHATES ALKYL ACID PHOSPHATES ALKYL ALKALI PHOSPHATES SPECIAL PHOSPHATES ENJOY the interesting story o f phos­ phorus in "Phosphorus...The Light Bearer." Sent upon request.

Recently completed manufacturing facilities n o w assure greatly increased supplies o f Santicizer* 141, M o n santo's versatile plasticizer for poly­ vinyl chloride and vinyl co-polymers. It is priced to compete with other pri­ mary vinyl plasticizers. Santicizer 141's wide compatibility and strong solvent action make possi­ ble economical reductions in process­ ing temperatures — permit broader choice of other compounding mate­ rials. It also contributes the following desirable properties to vinyl prod­ ucts: low-temperature flexibility, flame resistance, light stability, low volatility, resistance to embrittlement, low toxicity. Detailed information on Santicizer 141 — a n d on other members of Monsanto's family of plasticizers and resins — will be sent promptly on request.

BOOKLET DESCRIBES MANY APPLICATIONS FOR ΡΕΝΤΑ T h e industrial w o o d preservative

This booklet offers useful information on how Monsanto's PENTAchlorophenol can be used profitably to pro­ tect wood construction from decay and destructive insect attack. Write for a copy of "Monsanto PENTAchlorophenol for Preserving Wood in Industrial Construction." Learn about this dependable, C L E A N , proved m e t h o d of protecting your investments in wood.


BENTHAL I m p r o v e s q u a l i t y of protective coatings a t reasonable cost Benthal* enables manufacturers of short oil modified resins to produce high-quality coatings economically. By replacing a portion of the dibasic acid with Benthal, a monobasic acid, it is possible to retard bodying, per­ mit longer processing, thus reducing the acid value of alkyd resins. Since Benthal becomes part of the resin molecule, it acts as an internal plasticizer — improves the flexibility and adhesion of dried films. Benthal is available for prompt shipment at reasonable cost . . . For more infor­ mation on its processing advantages, send for a copy of Monsanto Techni­ cal Bulletin No. O-D-503, "Benthal Applications in Alkyd Resins.''

Eliminates Fire Hazard In Die-Casting Systems Monsanto's AROCLOR * 1248, non­ flammable hydraulic fluid for metal die-casting machines, brings greater safety to the industry by eliminating the danger of fires. Economical? Of course ! The cost of A R O C L O R 1248 may be only half that of the fluid you now are using because of ARO­ CLOR'S low price and low "make­ up" requirement. A R O C L O R 1248 has given contin­ uous, satisfactory service in individ­ ualized units for ten years . . . has delivered equal results in centralized systems for two years. Look at these significant test results: A R O C L O R 1248 has no fire point, spontaneous ignition temperature of 1,300° F. A R O C L O R 1248 spray or mist requires 6 4 % oxygen for com­ bustion. These results establish the nonflammable and noncombustible qualities of A R O C L O R 1248. A R O C L O R 1248 is noncorrosive and has such lubricating qualities that it usually is employed in diecasting systems without the addition of other lubricants. For complete de­ tails, ask for Monsanto Technical Bulletin N o . P-137.



MANY INTERMEDIATES NOW AVAILABLE FOR PROMPT SHIPMENT Offer wide possibilities for product development and improvement Of interest to the chemical process industries is the wide selection of Monsanto intermediates now avail­ able for immediate delivery. Some of these chemicals may well serve as stepping stones to develop­ ment of new products, or to improve­ ment of processes presently used. para-Aminobiphenyl · />ara-Nitrobiphenyl · or/Ac-Anisidine · para-Anisidine · Benzoic Acid, Technical · Ben­ zyl Chloride · Dichloroaniline · orthoChloroaniline · />ara-Chloroaniline · οΓίΛο-Ghlorophenol · para-Ch\oro~ phenol · Cyclohexylamine · Dicyclohexylamine · Dinitroaniline · Dinitrochlorobenzene,46.5°and48° · Monsanto Salt (or//io-Chlor paraToluene Sodium Sulfonate) · orthoNitroaniline · orMo-Nitrochlorobenzene · or/fo-Phenetidin · para-Vhenetidin · Phenol, U.S.P. · Phenolsulfonic Acid, 6 5 % and 7 0 % · Sodium Benzoate, Technical · /rara-Toluenesulfonamide · />ara-Toluenesulfonchloride · Toiuenesulfonic Acid *Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. M O N S A N T O C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y . Desk E, 1 7 0 1 South Second Street, St. Louis 4 , Missouri. District Sales Offices: Birmingham, Boston, C h a r · lotte, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, N e w York, Philadelphia, Portland, O r e . , S a n Francisco, Seattle. In C a n a d a , Monsanto ( C a n a d a ) Ltd., Montreal.

N e w product d e v e l o p e d f o r m i l d e w control in laundries A new Monsanto product, Biolite, has proved highly successful as a mil­ dew preventive. It is especially useful in laundries, and is being marketed through laundry supply houses. Biolite is a formulation of Santobrite, * Monsanto's Sodium Pentachlorophenate, Technical. T h i s is another new application for Santobrite, which is already used extensively for slime and algae control in indus­ trial cooling water systems, micro­ organism control in pulp and paper manufacture, weed control.

I n April, Monsanto dedicated its n e w l y reconstructed T e x a s City, T e x a s , styrene p l a n t . Highlight of the dedication was a ceremony to honor the memory of 145 Monsanto employes who per­ ished when the styrene plant was de­ stroyed by the explosion of S.S. Grandcamp, a nitrate-laden steamer. The new plant embodies many im­ provements over the old installation —is now in full-scale production.


Serving Industry...Which Serves Mankind

MONSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY Desk E, 1701 South Second Street St. Louis 4, Missouri Please send me more information on:_ Name



