Southwestern Engineering Company - Industrial & Engineering

May 18, 2012 - Southwestern Engineering Company. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (8), pp 115A–115A. DOI: 10.1021/i650560a799. Publication Date: August 19...
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/ / your Process Plant requires hi-speed screening of any materials thru 10-325 mesh SWECO can help you


25% - 8 0 % Here's how : STEP 1 Get the facts. Send for SWECO En­ gineering data on screening operations similar to yours. (No cost or obligation.) STEP 2 Define your screening problem. Fill out and send in a SWECO Process Spe­ cification Sheet for analysis and recom­ mendations by SWECO Engineering. (No cost or obligation.) STEP

3 Pilot


runs in your

plant. T h e

SWECO resident engineer in your area will work out process and equipment details and refinements in your own plant. (No cost or obligation.) STEP 4 ln-plant Process-proved performance data from Step 3 becomes the basis for installation planning and purchase. 44% of the largest U. S. Firms are satisfled users of SWECO Separators. Uses cover 241 different materials, wet and dry, coarse and fine, heavy and light. Compar­ ative efficiency varies from 2-to-l to 10to-1 per square foot of screen area. User data and references for any industry on request.


Portable Scanning Spectrometer Can Find 1 Part per Billion Product: S c a n n i n g spectrometer, t h a t combines portability w i t h a c ­ c u r a t e resolution. Features: T h e i n s t r u m e n t incor­ porates a linear wave-length scan­ ning m e c h a n i s m r e q u i r i n g only a simple c o u n t e r to indicate first o r d e r wave length. Electronic systems a r e available for either direct recording of spectral intensities or for a b ­ sorption work. T h e u n i t measures 18 inches in length, a n d weighs 20 lbs. Intended uses: Studies of p e t r o l e u m additives, catalysts, chemical process solutions, a n d biochemical research. Manufacturer: Dept. IEC, Jarr ellAsh Co., 26 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass.

Chemical Company Fish Processor

"Four SWECOS save u p $100 per day." Limestone Manufacturer

"Nets $ 4 0 / h o u r in recovery of process waste."

Grain Processor

"We save $75.00 daily with two SWECOS.

Stone Products Company

"Turned process headache into profit item."

N o r t h w e s t Fruit Processor

"The SWECO paid for itself the first t i m e i t w a s U s e d . " Major Oil Company Free screening analysis and recommendations Send f a r Bulletin 7 6 - 1 0 Southwestern Engineering Company . 4800 Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles 58 tUdlow 3-6262 · Cable; SWECOLA Engineers &


Circle No. 115 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 119 A

Responds only to verti­ cal weight—not affected by side • thrust, load placement or pile-up.

Product: Single station v a c u u m gage gives direct, continuous pressure r e a d i n g s from 1 t o 2000 microns H g .

Offers high sensitivity with rugged simplicity.

Intended uses: General vacuum testing, in p a r t i c u l a r as a detector of leaks in v a c u u m systems. Manufacturer: Dept. IEC, Consoli­ dated Electrodynamics Corp., Rochester Div., 1775 Mt. Read Blvd., Rochester, Ν. Υ.



Has automatic tare weight adjustment. Electrical or pneumatic operation—your choice. Use for indicating, re­ cording and/or control­ ling . . .

Highest accuracy — no knife edges, levers or springs.

Lifetime construction.

"Ten minutes to c h a n g e or clean Screens."

Fits your present or pro­ posed conveyor system with little if any modifi­ cation.

Measures totalizes.


"Reclaiming caustic solution— formerly waste." Milwaukee Brewer "936% more efficient—by test."

Only WEIGHING COMPONENTS offers a packaged unit that:

Direct-Reading Vacuum Gage Handles 1 to 2000 Microns Hg

Features: A sensing t u b e reduces zero drift; in addition, a u t o m a t i c voltage regulation is provided. T h e 10 lb. gage uses a printed circuit to provide greater compactness a n d lower cost. D i m e n s i o n s a r e : 61/2 in. high, 11 in. wide, a n d 6 in. d e e p .

Here's Why SWECO Customer Result Stories Often Are "Trade Secrets!"

for conveyor systems

/-Thickness Gage for Plastics An a u t o m a t i c s t a n d a r d i z i n g b e t a gage is commercially available for use i n the plastic, p a p e r , r u b b e r a n d similar industries. Developed for high p r o d u c t i v i t y processes, t h e u n i t is claimed t o offer t h e following advantages: Automatic standardization C o m p a c t design Simple o p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c e Sheet steel construction Dept. IEC, Tracerlab Inc., 130 High St., Boston 10, Mass.

Safe for all locations. Full information available. Send /or Bulletin 11.

WEIGHING & CONTROL COMPONENTS, Inc. 64-H Fulmor Ave., Hatboro, Pa. Circle No. 115 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 119 A

VOL. 48, NO. 8 -* AUGUST 1956

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