Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones - American Chemical Society

(Rancimat), chicken olein (storage test) and inhibition of the oxidation .... For example, .... 1 1 0. PPM 1 0 0. 90. Figure 4 : 360.13 MHz 1H NMR spe...
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Chapter 8

Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones Characterization and Antioxidant Properties Y. Fleury, D . H . Welti, G . Philippossian, and D . Magnolato

Downloaded by TUFTS UNIV on June 12, 2018 | Publication Date: October 1, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0507.ch008

Nestlé Research Centre, Nestec, Ltd., CH-1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland

Two isoflavone glycosides representing 67% of total isoflavones have been isolated for the first time from soybean. They were identified by spectroscopic techniques as malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin. Antioxidant activities of soybean isoflavones were checked by accelerated oxidation of chicken fat (Rancimat), chicken olein (storage test) and inhibition of the oxidation of linoleic acid in presence of beta-carotene subjected to irradiation with UV-light, or heated.

Soybeans are known to contain several isoflavones (daidzein, glycitein, genistein) and isoflavone glucosides (daidzin, g l y c i t e i n - 7 - 0 - g l u c o s i d e , genistin) which have been reported to have estrogenic, antifungal, and antioxidant properties (2). G l y c i t e i n and g l y c i t i n (glycitein-7-0-glucoside), the 6-methoxy derivatives of daidzein and daidzin respectively were found i n soybean by Nairn et al (2). 6"-0-acetylgenistin and 6"-0-acetylgenistin were f i r s t reported by Ohta et a l . (3,4) and quantified i n A soybean v a r i e t i e s (5), 6"-0-acetylglycitin was only found i n soybean embryos (6). Phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins (7-9), flavonols (9,10), flavones (11), isoflavones (12), chalcones (23), were acylated with caffeic (24), coumaric (15-17), p-hydroxybenzoic (18,19), f e r u l i c (20,21), malonic, succinic (22), hydroxycinnamic (23), oxalic (24), acetic (25), g a l l i c (26,27) and sinapic (28) acids. Acylation with malonic acid was described for anthocyanin (29-34), flavonols (35,36), flavones (37,38), isoflavones (39-43), and chalcones (25). 0- and N-malonyl compounds are very important i n plant metabolism. Besides phenolic compounds, many d i f f e r e n t malonyl conjugates have been i s o l a t e d with amino acids (44,45), intermediary and end products of pesticides degradation i n plants (46,47), r i b o f l a v i n (48) and ethylene precursors (49-51). 0097-6156/92/0507-0098$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by TUFTS UNIV on June 12, 2018 | Publication Date: October 1, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0507.ch008



Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones


Isoflavones acylated with malonic acid were found i n Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) (52-57) where they constitute 85-90% of the biochanin and formononetin. The malonyl group i s always linked on p o s i t i o n 6 of the glucose moiety present on C-7. Malonylgenistin was found i n submediterranean clover leaves (58,59) and the use of malonyldaidzin from Pueraria lobata as aldose reductase i n h i b i t o r was patented (60). Malonylation of the sugar moiety seems to be the l a s t step i n the biosynthesis of flavonoid glucosides in parsley, where two malonyltransferases were isolated (61). It i s hypothesized that malonylation may f a c i l i t a t e the transport of flavonoid glycosides through the tonoplast into the vacuole (62). Extraction conditions are essential to obtain the genuine composition of plant constituents. Our purpose was to analyze isoflavones extracted under mild conditions to identify and characterize new molecules in soybean and to check their antioxidative properties. This was accomplished by performing four tests on fats or on emulsions based on heat or UV-light induced oxidation. The environmental versus v a r i e t a l effects on isoflavone content w i l l also be b r i e f l y reported. Chemical Characterization Malonylisoflavone Isolation. Milled soybean embryos (100g) obtained from Perikan Co L t d . were defatted with petroleum ether 60-80 (3 χ 750 ml) for 1 hour at room temperature. Defatted flour (89g) was extracted with 80% aqueous methanol (3 χ 750 ml) for 1 hour at room temperature. The concentrated extract (380 ml) was d i l u t e d to 750 ml with water before being s l u r r i e d with Amberlite XAD-4 (450 ml). Amberlite was f i l t r a t e d and washed with water before a crude extract (5.2g) containing 49% isoflavones was desorbed with methanol (750 ml). The crude extract was composed of malonyldaidzin (27.4%), malonylglycitin (7.4%), malonylgenistin (4.9%), g l y c i t i n (4.6%), daidzin (3.8%), and genistin (1.0%). P u r i f i e d isoflavones were obtained by reverse phase chromatography on a Lobar RP-18 column (Merck 10625) successively eluted with aqueous ethanol 10% (400 ml), 20% (200 ml), and 30% (200 ml). HPLC Separation. Figure 1 shows the HPLC chromatogram of a 80% aqueous methanol extract of soybean embryos obtained with a diode array detector, a Nucleosyl RP-18 column of 5 /m eluted with a gradient of a c i d i f i e d water - a c e t o n i t r i l e (10-50% B) i n 40 minutes with a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. Soybean embryos were selected rather than whole beans due to t h e i r high content of g l y c i t i n and m a l o n y l g l y c i t i n . Neither acetylisoflavones nor isoflavone aglycones were found i n these extracts. NMR A n a l y s i s . The NMR analysis of the isoflavonoids was performed on a Bruker AM 360 spectrometer equipped with 5mm proton, multinuclear and "inverse" probeheads, at 360.13 MHz for protons and 90.56 MHz for carbon-13. The probe temperature was normally ca. 21°C and TMS was used as an i n t e r n a l standard. The samples were prepared i n a nitrogen gas flooded glove box to exclude oxygen and moisture,

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

Downloaded by TUFTS UNIV on June 12, 2018 | Publication Date: October 1, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0507.ch008



using 99.95% deuteriated DMSO-d^ (Dr. Glaser AG, Basel, Switzerland) as a solvent. The following molecules were analysed by various one- and two-dimensional NMR techniques : genistein, daidzein (Plantech L T D . , Reading, UK), g e n i s t i n , daidzin, g l y c i t i n , 6"-0-malonylgenistin, and 6"-0-malonyldaidzin (see Figure 2). There i s no space for presenting a l l these results here, so we l i m i t ourselves to the 13C and 1H spectra of the l a s t two, given i n Tables I and I I . Representative plots of malonyldaidzin 13C and 1H spectra are shown as Figures 3 and 4. In Figure 4 the very broad signals of the exchangeable protons are indicated. The v e r t i c a l scale for the 12.0 - 8.6 ppm spectrum inset (but not for the integral) has been increased by a factor 10. The assignements of all resonances have been carefully elaborated, starting with genistein and daidzein, where two-dimensional INADEQUATE spectra (63) yielded unambiguous 13C assignments. This was necessary to clarify a few remaining ambiguities i n the l i t e r a t u r e (64-66), p a r t l y due to solvent effects or accidental l i n e overlap. From the non-decoupled 13C spectra and from two-dimensional long range heteronuclear c o r r e l a t i o n spectra (HETCOR) (67), a wealth of heteronuclear coupling information could be obtained. This allowed us to assign the aglycone resonances i n a l l three 7-0-beta-D-glucosides. Their sugar protons were assigned based on two-dimensional homonuclear proton c o r r e l a t i o n spectra (COSY) (68). I f necessary, D 0 was added to c l a r i f y overlapping sugar proton resonances. The sugar carbon assignments were derived from the protons, v i a d i r e c t heteronuclear c o r r e l a t i o n . The COSY spectra also confirmed the 7-0-substitution of the isoflavones by the sugar. The i d e n t i t y of the malonyl group could be confirmed and the s i t e of i t s linkage unequivocally determined by two-dimensional inverse detected heteronuclear long range correlation spectra (69). Correlation signals were found from both the carbonyls at ca. 169.2 ppm and 168.4 ppm to the AB system of the malonyl CH protons at ca. 3 ppm, but from the carbonyl resonance at ca. 169.2 ppm only to both 6"-CH protons. These findings agree with the chemical s h i f t s arguments used e a r l i e r for the s i t e of substitution (70) and also permit an unequivocal determination of the ester and acid carbonyl signal of the malonyl residue. The spectral characterization by NMR of the malonyl isoflavonoids is somewhat hampered by t h e i r chemical i n s t a b i l i t y . From both malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin, three or four different reaction products were obtained after hours to days at room temperature i n DMSO s o l u t i o n . The predominant ones were t h e i r 6"-0-acetyl analogs. This was noted e a r l i e r , with other flavonoids (70). The other products have not been i d e n t i f i e d . The 13C s h i f t value of the malonyl signals seems to be somewhat v a r i a b l e , probably depending upon the conformational, protonation or hydration state of the molecules. This i s largely determined by the chromatographic and sample preparation methods used. For example, 48.5 ppm (60) and 41.4 ppm (71) have been found i n other laboratories for the malonyl Ch" s h i f t . For both malonylisoflavonoids the proton signals of the malonyl CH2 and the 6"-H s showed an unusual concentration dependence of the 2




Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.






"Z 18.98 18.62




^» 18 14



3 > ί

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Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones








Time [min]

Figure 1 :

RP-HPLC chromatogram of

Malonyldaidz i n Malonylglycitin Malonylgenistin Figure 2 :




H H 0H




Chemical structure of malonylisoflavones

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Table I . 90.56 MHz 13C NMR Spectrum of 6"-O-malonylgenistin (M.G.) and 6"-0-malonyldaidzin (M.D.) i n DMS0-d at ca. 21°C 6

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Aglycone Carbon



2-CH 3-C 4-00 5-C . 6-CH 7-C 8-CH 9-C 10-C

154.,06 122. .63 179. .92 161. .67 99,.43 162. .52 94, .35 157 .20 106 .30

153. 20 123. 57 174. 70 126. 91 115. 32 161. 04 103. 42 156. 86 123. ,57

l'-C 2',6'-CH 3',5'-CH 4'-C

120 .79 129 .97 115 .04 157 .70

121. .96 129. .89 115, .32 157. .43

Glucose and Malonic acid M.D. M.G. Carbon 1"-CH 2"-CH 3"-CH 4"-CH 5"-CH 6«-CH


r*'-C00R 2 -CH 3'"-C00H M,


99.69 72.99 76.04 69.75 74.03 63.09

99.72 73.04 76.08 69.69 74.01 63.05

169.25 45.39 168.43

169.15 45.16 168.35

Table I I . Typical* 360.13 MHz 1H NMR Spectrum of 6"-O-malonylgenistin and 6"-0-malonyldaidzin i n DMS0-d at ca. 21°C 6


6"-O-malonylgenistin ppm mult. J(Hz)

6"-0-malonyldaidzin ppm mult . J(Hz)

8. 36


6. 48 6. 69

d d

1. 8 1.,9

8. 35 8. 05 7. 15 7.,23

s d dd d

8. 9 8. 9, 2.3 2.,3

2' , 6 - H 3' , 5 ' - H

7.,37 6.,83

"d" "d"

8..5 8..6

7..39 6..82

"d" »d"

8..6 8..6

1"-H 2"-H 3"-H 4"-H 5"-H 6"-H

5..06 3..30 3,.36 3,.20 3,.71 4,.30 4,.06

d "AB, d" "AB,d" "t" "ddd" "d" dd


5..13 3,.33 3,.37 3,.23 3,.73 4,.31 4,.08

d "AB, d" "AB, d" "t" ddd d(d) dd


3 .04 3 .00


14 .2 14 .2

3 .06 3 .02



2-H 5-H 6-H 8-H f





14 .3 14,.3


Most of the s h i f t values are s l i g h t l y concentration dependent (see t e x t ) . Exchangeable protons are not l i s t e d . M u l t i p l i c i t i e s : s s i n g l e t , d doublet, t t r i p l e t , AB strongly coupled AB system, " . . approximate description. 11

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones


d d

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-• ι • 40

90.56 MHz 13C NMR spectrum of o^-O-malonyldaidzin i n DMSO-d /TMS. The number of d i r e c t l y attached protons i s indicated above the l i n e s : d = CH, t = CH„ "2' solvent




Figure 4 :




Figure 3 :

ι •








360.13 MHz 1H NMR spectrum of 6"-0-malonyldaidzin i n DMSO-d /TMS, with integrals

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



chemical s h i f t s . Also, the malonyl CH » which appears as a s i n g l e t at a concentration of 0.5 - 4 mg/ml was seen as a strongly coupled AB system at 30-40 mg/ml. This may indicate an intermolecular association process which r e s t r i c t s the i n t e r n a l rotation of the malonyl residue. At low concentration, e.g. 0.4 mg/ml for malonylgenistin, the individual exchangeable protons which produce broad signals at high concentration could be distinguished and mostly assigned. The t h i r d malonylisoflavonoid, 6"-0-malonylglycitin, has not been examined by NMR i n our laboratory, but reasonably compatible data can be found elsewhere (71). In order to confirm the identity of the glycoside, Malonylgenistin was subjected to 18 hours of heating i n water under refluxing. Subsequent chromatography of the water solution showed that more than 95% of the malonylgenistin has been converted into genistin (and not 6"-0-acetylgenistin). Correspondingly, i n the 13C NMR spectrum of a DMSO-d^ extract of the l y o p h i l i z e d decomposition product, the predominant signals detected were those of genistin and malonic a c i d . The l a t t e r were found at 171.52 ppm for C00H/C00 and at 38.73 ppm for CH , as v e r i f i e d by DEPT spectroscopy (72, 73) for the l i n e hidden under the solvent s i g n a l . To unambiguously i d e n t i f y these two signals a spiking experiment with malonic acid (168.35 and 41.84 ppm) was done and the new shifts obtained were 169.26 and 40.93 ppm. Thus, heating i n DMSO or water yields different decomposition products. It is interesting to note that the s i g n i f i c a n t broadening of the genistin 2-C, 4-C, 5-C, 6-C, 8-C, 9-C, 10-C and l ' - C signals observed i n the decomposition product disappeared when the malonic acid was added.

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Mass Spectrometry Both malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin were analyzed by positive and negative fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectrometry on a Finnigan/MAT 8430 sector f i e l d instrument using two different matrices (glycerol and "magic b u l l e t s " ) . By these i o n i z a t i o n methods rather weak but clean complementary spectra were produced, showing the molecular and some fragment ions. For malonylgenistin, the protonated molecular ion was obtained i n the p o s i t i v e FAB mode at m/z 519. Sodium adduct ions were obtained at m/z 541, 563 and 585. The protonated aglycone was found at m/z 271 and the protonated molecule minus the malonyl moiety at m/z 433. The negative FAB spectra showed the corresponding deprotonated molecular peak at m/z 517 and a sodium adduct ion at 539. The deprotonated aglycone was seen at m/z 269 (plus sodium at m/z 291) and the deprotonated molecule minus the malonyl moiety at m/z 431 ("magic bullet"). For malonyldaidzin, the positive FAB mode yielded the protonated molecular ion at m/z 503, sodium adduct ions at m/z 525, 547, 563 and the protonated aglycone at m/z 255. The negative FAB spectra showed the deprotonated molecular ion at m/z 501, a sodium adduct at m/z 523, and the deprotonated aglycone at m/z 253. A small signal of the deprotonated molecule minus the malonyl substituent was obtained at m/z 415 with glycerol as matrix. A l l these findings are i n agreement with the proposed molecular structures. M a l o n y l g l y c i t i n was not analyzed by mass spectrometry.

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones


Downloaded by TUFTS UNIV on June 12, 2018 | Publication Date: October 1, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0507.ch008

Isoflavone Accumulation i n Soybean Biosynthesis of Isoflavones during Development of the Beans. Maple arrow is an early variety of soybean (Glycine max. Mer.) characterized by a 00 maturity type widely grown i n Canada. Plants were grown from seeds under controlled conditions i n a phytotron. Flowers were tagged every day and pods were harvested at various stages of maturation between 25 and 60 days after flowering. Figure 5 shows isoflavone accumulation i n whole beans between 35 and 60 days after flowering. Malonylgenistin and genistin contents increased during the l a t e development of beans whereas malonyldaidzin and daidzin accumulate during the whole period. Minor isoflavone glycosides, i.e. malonylglycitin and g l y c i t i n , doubled during the considered period. No isoflavone aglycones were detected. Sixty six percent of the isoflavones, which represented 0.8% of the dry weight of mature beans, are present as malonylated derivatives. Environmental and V a r i e t a l Effect on Isoflavone Content. The 5 soybean v a r i e t i e s C (Corsoy), Ε (Evans), MA (Maple arrow), V (Vinton) and LF (Lipoxygenase-free) characterized by different precocity levels and protein contents were grown i n t r o p i c a l (Mississippi) and continental (Indiana) c l i m a t i c areas i n order to determine the v a r i e t a l versus physiological effects on isoflavone content. Values reported i n Figure 6 show that the environmental factors were more important than v a r i e t a l factors since locations induced differences in a r a t i o 4 to 1 against only 2 to 1 for v a r i e t i e s . Values reported (74) confirmed the tendency observed here with a v a r i a t i o n i n the r a t i o of 3 to 1 within v a r i e t i e s and of 4.2 to 1 for the same variety grown i n different locations. Antioxidant Properties Soybean, defatted soybean flour, soybean protein concentrates, and soybean protein isolates have appreciable antioxidant a c t i v i t y i n lipid-aqueous systems (75). The antioxidant a c t i v i t y i s due to compounds such as tocopherols, phospholipids, amino acids and peptides, (75) but also to phenolic compounds such as isoflavonoids (77), chlorogenic acid isomers, c a f f e i c a c i d , and f e r u l i c acid occurring mainly as glucosides (78-80). Antioxidant a c t i v i t y of soybean isoflavones was shown i n the i n v i t r o systems by measuring the extent of i n h i b i t i o n of lipoxygenase (77) and by the Rancimat method (80) on lard at 100°C. In this work antioxidative a c t i v i t i e s of soybean isoflavones were compared by four methods d i f f e r i n g i n the oxidation induction mode and composition of the reaction medium. Rancimat (81). Autoxidation of chicken fat (dried Micana, 5g) was induced by a stream of a i r (17.5 1/h) at 100°C i n a model 679 Rancimat (Metrohm AG, Switzerland).The antioxidative e f f i c i e n c y expressed as the r a t i o of induction time of the fat containing the

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.








Φ k_

co co φ


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Days after flowering

Figure 5 :

Isoflavones accumulation during maturation of Maple Arrow soybean seeds


















5 -J IL.

369 303






Figure 6







115 61





Isoflavone content of soybean v a r i e t i e s grown under (Mississippi) continental (Indiana) and t r o p i c a l conditions

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones

antioxidant compared to reported i n Table I I I .









A l l isoflavones considered have no antioxidant properties i n this system i n comparison to BHA and BHT. The rapid decomposition of malonylisoflavones at 100°C could explain their inactivity. Isoflavone glucosides and aglycones, which are more stable at this temperature, are also inactive and do not seem to behave as r a d i c a l scavengers. Table III : Rancimat antioxidative efficiency of soybean compared to BHA and BHT

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Compound Malonyldaidzin Malonylglycitin Malonygenistin Daidzin Genistin Daidzein Genistein BHA BHT


500 PPM

1000 PPM

1.06 1.13 1.09 1.02 1.02 1.05 1.09 4.75 1.76

1.16 1.16 1.05 1.05 1.01 1.04 1.16 5.84 1.96

Storage Test (81 modified). Chicken o l e i n (50 mg) composed of o l e i c acid (49%) and l i n o l e i c acid (13%) was stored at 37°C i n v i a l s . T r i g l y c e r i d e s oxidation was followed at 234 nm by HPLC using a Nucleosil 100 column i s o c r a t i c a l l y eluted with 0.9% isopropanol i n hexane. Figure 7 shows the s t a b i l i t y of chicken o l e i n alone and i n the presence of malonylgenistin (500 and 1000 ppm) stored at 37°C. Malonylgenistin approximately doubled the induction time of chicken olein. Similar results were obtained with malonyldaidzin and m a l o n y l g l y c i t i n . A weaker antioxidant a c t i v i t y was observed with isoflavone glucosides and isoflavone aglycones. Heat-induced Oxidation (82). Oxidation of aqueous emulsion system of beta-carotene (1.2%) and l i n o l e i c acid (2.0%) was induced by heating at 50°C. The oxidation reaction was followed by d i s c o l o r a t i o n of the beta-carotene measured by spectrophotometry at 450 nm. Figure 8 shows the rate of discoloration of beta-carotene i n the presence of different concentrations of malonyldaidzin or 1000 ppm of BHA. Malonylisoflavones had no antioxidant a c t i v i t y i n t h i s system. Their heat l a b i l i t y was therefore not responsible for this i n a c t i v i t y since malonylisoflavones were not decomposed at the end of the t e s t . As already mentioned, isoflavones are hydrophilic molecules which tend to dissolve i n the aqueous phase rather than i n the l i p i d phase of the emulsion. Moreover, malonylisoflavones were also i n a c t i v e i n another heat-induced oxidation measured with the Rancimat.

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




500 ppm




* ^^^^^^ \

* ·



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37 C 0.0E+00 0




Time [weeks] Figure 7 :



Effect of malonylgenistin on chicken o l e i n (storage test)

BHA 1 0 0 0 ppm

MD 1000 ppm


MD 5 0 0 0 ppm



MD 1 0 0 0 0 ppm


Time [min]

Figure 8

Heat induced system




Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones

UV-light induced Oxidation. Oxidation of a methanolic solution beta-carotene (0.0007% w/v) / l i n o l e i c acid (0.007% w/v) was induced by UV l i g h t (Philips TUV 30 W, G30T8, 360 nm). I r r a d i a t i o n was performed for 1 minute between each spectrophotometric measurement at 450 nm. Figure 9 shows the rate of discoloration of beta-carotene i n the presence of malonylisoflavones (12.5 / i g / m l ) . Antioxidant indices corresponding to the r a t i o of the rate of bleaching of the control to the rate of bleaching when a test compound was added to the system are reported i n Table IV. UV l i g h t induced oxidation proceeds through a mechanism involving singlet oxygen scavengers. BHA and BHT, not active i n this system, seem to proceed through another mechanism than isoflavones.

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Table IV : Antioxidant index of Malonyldaidzin Malonylgenistin Malonylglycitin Daidzin Genistin Daidzein Genistein

isoflavones 1.88 2.02 1.65 1.73 2.05 1.92 2.07

Summary of Antioxidant Evaluation. Table V summarizes the antioxidative a c t i v i t i e s of soybean isoflavones determined with Rancimat, storage test, heat or UV l i g h t induced oxidation. In the Rancimat test performed at 100°C, a l l isoflavones considered were inactive. This agrees with the heat l a b i l i t y of malonylated derivatives but would also suggest that isoflavones may not act as r a d i c a l scavengers. Malonylisoflavones, which are good antioxidants i n the storage test c a r r i e d out at 37°C were t o t a l l y transformed into glucosides at the end of the test. In the heat-induced oxidation of the beta-carotene/linoleate system, only BHA and BHT had a protective e f f e c t . Malonylisoflavones were stable at 50°C and t h e i r i n a c t i v i t y i s probably linked to t h e i r very low s o l u b i l i t y i n the l i p i d i c phase. In the UV l i g h t induced oxidation of the same system i n methanolic solution, a l l isoflavones have a protective effect, behaving as photo-antioxidants, i n contrast to BHA and BHT acting as r a d i c a l scavengers. Legend of Symbols D:Daidzin; G:Genistin; Gl:Glycitin; MD:Malonyldaidzin; MG:Malonylgenistin; MGl:Malonylglycitin; C:Corsoy; E:Evans; MA:Maple Arrow; V:Vinton; LF:Lipoxygenase free; BHA:Butylated hydroxyanisole; BHT:Butylated hydroxytoluene. Acknowledgments We thank U. R i c h l i and A. Rappeler for the MS spectra, F . Arce Vera for technical assistance with the NMR spectra, J . Perrinjaquet for a n a l y t i c a l support, E . Prior for advice on antioxidant tests, C. Desponds for typing the manuscript.

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Table V: Antioxidative properties of Isoflavones (comparative methods) Compound

Malonyldaidzin Malonylglycitin Malonylgenistin Daidzin Glycitin Genistin Daidzein Glycitein Genistein BHA BHT

Rancimat 100°C

Storage 37°C


+++ +++ +++ ++ + + -

+ + + +


+ "

. + +

UV/MeOH Room T.

Heating/H 0 50°C 2

+ +

+ +

Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

8. FLEURY ET AL. Soybean (Malonyl) Isoflavones


Downloaded by TUFTS UNIV on June 12, 2018 | Publication Date: October 1, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0507.ch008

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Huang et al.; Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health II ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.