Spec 20 - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Ralph Gable, and James McCormick. J. Chem. Educ. , 1991, 68 (3), ... Abstract. A realistic simulator of a Bausch and Lomb Spectronic-20 spectrophotome...
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Chemiccrl Educcrtion: Software Abstract: Volume IV B, Number 1 NOTEBOOK: A Column Calculator and Plotter Robert C. Riltenhouse University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706 NOTEBOOK is a computer-based tool for manipulating and analyzing arrays or columns of numbers, particularly laboratory data. It is a scientific calculator that performs the same operation on a whole column of numbers, rather than on one number at a time. The program displays up to six columns, A-F, in spreadsheet fashion, referring to these collectively as a page. Each column may contain up to 200 entries and may be labeled to identify its contents. Single columns or whole pages may be stored to and retrieved from disk. Pull-down menus provide easy access to all features. Editing options include: delete and insert numbers, copy columns, sort a column, and undo a previous operation. Math functions and operations can be selected from the transformations menu and then applied to a single column or a combination of columns. Simple statistics and linear regression options are also included. Relationships among the data may be visualized by plotting any column versus any other column in a standard X-Y graph, or a single column may be represented as a frequency distribution (histogram). Complete user directions and a student tutorial exercise are included.

SPEC 20 Ralph W. Gable Davidson College Davidson, NC 28036 James McCormlck Project SERAPHIM University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706 This program is a VGA adaptation of Project SERAPHIM'SSPEC 201 simulator of the Bausch and Lomb SPECTRONIC-20 spedrophotometer. It shows the instrument on screen and provides full user control, including selection and dilution of samples, using either mouse or keyboard control. On-screen prompts of currently available operations are continually updated, and help with instrument operation or interpretation of results is always available. The instrument responds realistically whether or not the choice of sample or instrument operating conditions is appropriate. Intensity of and response to the simulated light source are appropriately dependent upon wavelength; failure to align or wipe the cuvette causes a small random error. Any one of five solutes may be chosen at any desired concentration of stock solution. The program then provides five cuvettes: stock, three dilutions, and one unknown. The analogue meter shows %T,which must be read and recorded; data can then be displayed as a table of %T,absorb-

The Spectronic 20 simulator. ance, and concentration, or plotted as any combination of %T or A against concentration or wavelength. The full soectrum is dis~lavedif reauested. ~ h r e exercises e i f inweaskg complexity are provided: (1) determination of concentration. (2) determination of an absorbance spectrum, and (3)suitable choice of concentration for measurements. ~


About This Issue John W. Moore Editor, JCE: Software University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI 53706 The value of spreadsheets for analysis of data has been well established.2 However, the cost of installing commercial software on a large number of computers and the long time needed for inexperienced students to master spreadsheet are significant drawbacks. Even with a templates to provide instructions, beginning students can, with one errant keystroke, suddenly find themselves in completely unfamiliar territory. NOTEBOOKis an inexpensive and easy-to-learn alternativwne that is capable of supporting most of the data analysis requirements of introductory science courses, especially laboratories. Suitable at high school or college levels, SPEC 20 can be used by an in$tructor to demonstrate techniques or by students for indenendent ex~eriencebefore, after, or possibly in place of actual Instrument experience. An adjunct .oromam. - . SPECUTIL. allows an instructor to create and incorporate alternative spectra, making a flexible, complete package for introducing spectroscopic analysis. Hardware Requirements NOTEBOOK requires a MS-DOSKBM-compatible computer with at least 512 KRAM, at least one disk drive, and a CGA, EGA, or VGA graphics adapter. SPEC 20 is similar but requires VGAgraphics (CGA, MCGA, EGA, or Hercules will not work) and only needs 256 K RAM. 'Gable, Ralph W . J. Chem. Educ. 1988, 65,2627. '~hisnant,David. J. Chem. Educ.: Software 1989, ZB(1). Volume 66 Number 3 March 1991