Special Publications Department - ACS Publications - American

Radium, Iron-59, Gold-198 and Iodine-131. Calibration accuracy is ±5%, based on. NBS standards. Write for Bulletin No. 86to get complete specificatio...
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New source calibrator gives direct readings of isotope strength ...between 5/*c and 500 mc

N u m b e r 10 i n Advances in C h e m i s t r y Series

edited by the staff of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

Literature Resources For Chemical Process Industries Designed To Help Both The New And The Experienced Searcher of Literature Find What He Wants

Enco mpassing : Symposium on Market Research Sources 14 papers — 117 pages

Literature of Resins and Plastics 7 papers — 39 pages

Literature of Textile Chemistry

SC-56 SOURCE CALIBRATOR provides for dial selection of six radioactive sources and activity range between 5μο and 500 mc for direct readings on 4V2 inch panel meter.

6 papers — 67 pages

Literature of Food Industry

EASY AS 1 - 2 - 3 . . . 1. Select 2. Set 3. Read

10 papers — 86 pages


Literature of Petroleum Chemicals

Range The

10 papers — 121 pages


13 General Papers

Tracerlab's new SC-56 Source Calibrator speeds and simplifies assay of various liquid or solid radioactive materials.

109 pages sources and how to use them foreign language problems

In about 20 seconds, you can determine the activity of Sodium-24, Cobalt-60, Radium, lron-59, Gold-198 and lodine-131. Calibration accuracy is ± 5 % , based on NBS standards.

2 4 Page Index 582 pages — paper b o u n d — $6.50 per copy

Write for Bulletin No. 86 to get complete specifications of the exclusive, new Tracerlab SC-56 Source Calibrator.




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