Special Research Conferences - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

The program also permits time for recreational features which the island affords, such as golf, swimming, and tennis. Since accommodations are limited...
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April 10, 1941


419 E.

Special Research Conferences


C. G . K I N G ,

Chemistry Section, A. A . A. S., Gibson Island, Ale/.


W A L T E R C. R U S S E L L , A. D . E M M B T T , H A N S M O L I T O R , R. A D A M S D U T C H E R , A N D C . G*

K I N G , Program


July 2 1 TΗΕ eight research conferences sponsored by t h e American Association for the Advancement of Science will b e held at Gibson Island, Md., on June 16 t o 20, June 23 to 27, July 7 to 11, July 14 t o 18, July 21 to 25, July 28 t o August 1, August 4 to 8, and August 11 t o 15. Meetings will begin at 10:00 A. M . with one or more formal papers out­ lining the fields of research and direct­ ing attention to unsolved problems. Discussion of the papers is not limited. T h e program also permits time for recrea­ tional features which the island affords, such as golf, swimming, and tennis. Since accommodations are limited, it is advisable to register and make reserva­ tions well in advance. Registration fees will be returned and reservations can­ celled, provided notice of inability to a t ­ tend is received at least 10 days before t h e conference. The registration fee is $3.00 per week per person, and checks should b e made payable to Section C, A. A. A. S. On re­ ceipt of check, a registration card will be sent which covers admission to the island and use of all guest privileges, including a room reservation. Rooms are $2.00 per d a y per person and board is à la carte. T h e registration fee and request for room reservation or any additional i n formation should be addressed to t h e director of the conferences, Neil E . Gordon, Central College, Fayette, M o . John C . Krantz, Jr., is assistant director. A.

Frontiers in Petroleum Chemistry C. R . W A G N E R ,


J u n e 16 J. B E N N E T T H I L L . Analysis of Gasoline Hydrocarbons. J. C . M O R R E L L . Analysis of Gaseous Hydrocarbons. J u n e 17 G U S T A V E G L O F F . Preparation of Olefins, Thermal M e t h o d s . G U S T A V E G L O F F . Preparation of Olefins, Catalytic M e t h o d s . J u n e 18 P E R K . FROLICH. R e a c t i o n s of Olefins. J u n e 19 FREDERICK D . ROSSINI.


of Hydrocarbons. F R E D E R I C K D . R O S S I N I . Azeotropic Distillation. June 20 W. E . KUHN. T h e o r y of Solvent E x traction. B. Catalysis E . C . W I L L I A M S , Chairman J u n e . 23 B . S. G R E E N S F E L D E R . Catalytic Cracking of Pure Hydrocarbons. H U G H S. TAYLOR. Characteristics of Oxide Catalysts. June 24 I R V I N G LANGMUIR. General Discussion o n Characteristics of Adsorption.

June 25 P . H . EMMETT. M e c h a n i s m Studies on Iron-Synthetic A m m o n i a Catalysts. OTTO BEECK. T h e Mechanism of H y d r o génation Reactions and Related Subjects. June 26 Τ . Η . JAMES. Catalysis i n Photographic Development. June 27 General Review.







Feeding V i t a m i n s t o F a r m Animals. WALTER C. RUSSELL Fat-Soluble V i t a ­ m i n s in Poultry Feeding. L C . N O R R I S . Water-Soluble Vitamins i n Poultry Feeding. H. E . R O B I N S O N A N D S . A N S B A C H E R .


cussion. K. H I C K M A N A N D N O R R I S E M B R E B .


c e n t D e v e l o p m e n t s i n t h e Manufacture and Estimation of t h e Fat-Soluble V i t a ­ mins. H . D . LOESCH, H A R D E N TAYLOR, AND C .


Organic H i g h - M o l e c u l a r W e i g h t Compounds

S . S. K I S T L E R , Chairman July 7 E R N S T A . HAUSER. F u n d a m e n t a l Problems in the Chemistry, E c o n o m y , a n d Proc­ essing of Rubberlike Elastomers. C. S. FULLER. Crystallinity and Molecular Organization in Linear Polymers. July 8 L. A . WOOD. T h e Preparation a n d Prop­ erties o f Synthetic Rubbers. J. T . BLAKE. Properties and Vulcaniza­ tion o f Elastomers. July 9 L O R I N B . SEBRELL.

T h e P o l y m e r s and C o ­

polymers of Butadiene. MILTON - HARRIS. T h e Elastic Properties of Fibers as Related t o Their Chemical Structures. July 10 DÉSIRÉE

LE B E A U .




the Structure of Inorganic H i g h P o l y mers. A Correlation o f the Structure and Colloid Chemical Properties of Clay Minerals. ROBEBT* C. S W A I N .

The Melamine-Form-

aldehyde Reaction. J u l y 11 C. S. MARVEL·. T h e Structure of Copolymers o f the V i n y l T y p e . D.

The Structure and Chemistry of Textile Fibers

(Sponsored b y the Textile Foundation) MILTON HARRIS,


July 14 T h e Structure of T e x t i l e Fibers as R e vealed by Microscopic Investigations. T . K E R B . C o t t o n ; C. H O C K . Wool. W . A. SISSON. X - R a y Interpretations of Fiber Structure. July 15 C. PURVES. T h e R e a c t i v i t y of t h e F u n c tional Groups in Cellulosic Fibers. W. B. GEIGEK. T h e R e a c t i v i t y of F u n c tional Groups in Protein Fibers. July 16 Η . MARK. T h e Mechanical Properties of Textile Fibers. H . SPURLIN. H o m o g e n e i t y with Respect to Molecular Size and I t s Relationship to Fiber Properties. July 17 J. STEENHARDT. N a t u r e of the Combina­ tion o f Textile Fibers w i t h Acids, Bases, and Salts. J u l y 18 Trends and D e v e l o p m e n t s in t h e M a n u ­ facture and Processing of Textile Fibers. Open. Discussion.

L. B A R T H E N . D i s c u s s i o n . July 2 2 W . J. R O B B I N S . T h e Water-Soluble V i t a ­ m i n s in Relation t o P l a n t P h y s i o l o g y . Ε . Ε . S N E L L . Microbiological M e t h o d s of Vitamin A s s a y . A . S. SCHULTZ, L . A T K I N , A N D C . H . F R B Y .

V i t a m i n A s s a y s b y M e a n s of Yeast. (Bj, Pantothenic A c i d , B i o t i n j . D A N I E L MELNICK. Chemical A s s a y of Vitamin Bi. FELIX




Discussion. July 2 3 D . W . W O O L E Y . V i t a m i n Requirements o f the Mouse. K . U N N A . P h a r m a c o l o g y of P a n t o t h e n i c Acid. RUSSELL W . WILDER. Clinical S t u d i e s Relative t o Vitamin B i . K. Ο'SHEA ELSOM.


T . T . M A C K I E . T h e R a t i o n a l of Vitamir, T h e r a p y , with Special Reference t o C. I . R E E D . Discussion. THOMAS PARRAN. Special discussion o f P r o b l e m s R e l a t e d t o t h e Fortification of F o o d s . July 2 4 VIRGIL P. SYDENSTRICKER.

Multiple D e ­

ficiencies Related t o t h e Vitamin Complex. W . A . PERLZWEIG. N i c o t i n i c A c i d . L. EMMETT HOLT, J R .






Vitamin C.

July 2 5 S. W . C L A U S E N . V i t a m i n A . O. D . A B B O T T . D i s c u s s i o n . K A R L M A S O N . Cytological Changes A c ­ c o m p a n y i n g V i t a m i n Deficiencies. E . V . M c C O L L O M AND C . G . MACKENZIE.

V i t a m i n Ε a n d N u t r i t i o n a l Muscular D y s t r o p h y , and t h e Antidystrophic A c ­ t i v i t y of Alpha-Tocopherol. ALWIN





Deficiencies in Different Animal Species. W . A N T O P O L AND H A N S M O L I T O R . C h a n g e s

Following Administration of E x c e s s i v e D o s a g e s of V i t a m i n s .


X - R a y and Electron Diffraction M A U R I C E L. H U G G I N S ,


July 2 8 Β . Ε . W A R R E N . T h e o r y a n d Practice of Particle Size D e t e r m i n a t i o n . M . J . B U E R G E R . N e w Experimental T e c h ­ niques i n Crystal Structure Analysis. A . L . P A T T E R S O N . Fourier Series as A p ­ plied t o Crystal Structure D e t e r m i n a ­ tion. July 2 9 S. B . H E N D R I C K S . Compositions a n d Structures of Minerals H a v i n g Layer Lattices. C. S . F U L L E R . X - R a y Studies of Linear P o l y m e r s of K n o w n Chemical Consti­ tution.



July 30




Recent X - R a y

and Electron Diffraction Work a t the California Institute of Technology. P. D E B YE AND P. P. DEBYE.

Photosynthesis at

Various Wave Lengths. August 12 W. E. LOOMIS, P. H. CARR, AND Η. Μ.

RANDALL. Absorption of Radiant En­ ergy by Leaves.


of Theoretical and Experimental Electron Diffraction Methods. July 31 L. O. BSOCKWAY. Recent Electron Diffraction Work on Gas Molecules. M. L. FULLER. Applications of Electron Diffraction to Industrial Problems. August 1 E. F. BURTON. Applications of the Electron Microscope.

Vol. 19, No. 7





Compounds of the Green Leaf. GEORGE BURR.



with Heavy Carbon. August 13 Spectroscopic Studies of the Chlorophylls. V. M. ALBERS. Part I. Absorption Spectra; H. V. KNORR. Part II. Fluorescence Spectra.

L. F. GREEN, C. L. COMAB, D. G. HARRIS, AND F. P. ZSCHEILE. Spectroscopic

Properties of Plastid Pigments. Ap­ plication to Photosynthesis and Pig­ ment Analysis.




Kinetics of

H. GAFFRON. Metabolism of Algae under

Anaerobic Conditions.

August 15




as an Oxidation-Reduction Reaction. E. D . MCALISTER. (Title not y e t com­ pleted.)


Electron Microscope to Scientific and Industrial Research Problems.



Electron Microscope to a Study of Photographic Development. G.


R. M. BURNS, Chairman

August 4 Introductory Remarks by t h e Chairman. The Occurrence Characteristics and Cost of Corrosion. F. N". SPELLER. Ferrous Metals; F. J. MCKAY. Nonferrous Metals. R. B. MEARS. Theory of Corrosion. H. A. MILEY. Theory of Oxidation and Tarnishing. August 5 H. E. HARING. Tecïiniques of Measurement of Corrosion Reactions. F. L. LAQUE. Corrosion Tests and Analysis of Corrosion Problems. R. F. PASSANO. Statistical Methods in Corrosion Study. W. E . CAMPBELL. Application of Statistical Control in Corrosion "Work. August 6 WILLIAM BLUM.

Protection of


H. HELLER. Chromate Corrosion I n hibitors and Their Evaluation. August 7 Protection of Metals -with Organic Coatings. C. F . RASSWBILER. Role of Preliminary Surface Preparation; R. J. MOORE. Role of the Vehicle; H. A . NELSON. Hole of the Pigment. G. H. YOUNG. Chemical and Physical Aspects of the Resinous State and Their Bearing on Corrosion Prevention. August 8 Corrosion of Metals by Soils. Κ. Η . LOGAN.

Field Studies; I . A. D E N I S O N .

Laboratory Studies of Anodic and Cathodic Processes. RAYMOND HADLEY.

Microbiological A n ­

aerobic Corrosion. R. H. BROWN. Theory of Cathodic Pro­ tection. SCOTT EWTNG.

Applications of Cathodic

Protection. J.



The U s e



Methods in the Study a n d Solution of Electrolysis Problems. Closure by Chairman. H.




zymes and the Biological Action of t h e Vitamins has been arranged jointly b y the University of Wisconsin a n d t h e University of Chicago t o be held Septem­ ber 11 t o 17, 1941, inclusive. T h e first sessions, Thursday, September 11, t o Saturday, September 13, will be devoted largely t o t h e respiratory enzymes and will be held on the University of Wisconsin campus. On Sunday, September 14, after an outing, the group will move t o t h e University of Chicago where from Mon­ day, September 15, t o Wednesday, Sep­ tember 17, the sessions will b e devoted t o t h e vitamins. The following program h a s been ar­ ranged: M a d i s o n Sessions Thursday, September 1 1

Opening Address and Announcements. OTTO M E Y E R H O F .



hydrate Metabolism. ERIC





Transport. F . LIPMANN. Pasteur Effect. K . G. STERN. Oxidases, Peroxidases, and Catalase. F . SCHLENK. Dehydrogenases and Pyri­ dine Nucleotides. Friday, September 1 2 T . R. H O G N E S S . Flavoproteins. E L M E R STOTZ. Cytochromes.

C. F . CORI. Phosphorylation of Carbo­ hydrates. Discussions: Phosphorylation; Hydrogen Transport. Saturday, September 1 3

E . A. EVANS, J R . Metabolic Cycles and Decarboxylation. P . P. C O H E N .


Discussions (Concurrent) : Tumor Respira­ tion; Bacterial Respiration. Discussion: Animal Tissue Respiration. Sunday, September 1 4

Outing. Trip t o Chicago.


C. F. KETTERING, Honorary Chairman O. L. INMAISÏ, Chairman

C h i c a g o Sessions M o n d a y , September 1 5


of Energy of Photosynthesis and Their Implications. ROBERT EMERSON.



with Metallic Coatings. J. D . EDWARDS. Anodic Oxide and Surface Conversion Coatings. H . H. UHLIG.


Enzymes and Biological of Vitamins

The Dependence of

Photosynthetic Efficiency Length of Light.

on Wave

W . H. TALIAFERRO. Introduction. R. R. WILLIAMS. General. S. OCHOA. Cocarboxylase. N O R M A N JOLLIFFE. Vitamin B i (Clinical). P . GYORGY. Riboflavin.

W. H . SEBRELL. Discussion.

Riboflavin (Clinical).


Tuesday, September 1 6

C. A. ELVEHJEM. Nicotinic Acid. D . T. SMITH. Nicotinic Acid (Clinical). S. LEPKOVSKY.

Vitamin B e .

T . SPIES. Multiple Deficiencies. R. J. WILLIAMS. Pantothenic Acid. E . GORDON. Pantothenic Acid (Clinical). Discussion. W e d n e s d a y , September 1 7 V . D U V I G N E A U D . Biotin. W. Η. GRIFFITH. Choline. C . G. K I N G . Vitamin C.

F . C. M C L E A N .

Phosphorus Assimilation.

D . W . MACCORQUODALE. V i t a m i n K. H . P. SMITH AND E. D . WARNER. Vita­

min Κ (Clinical). Discussion. Those leading the discussions will in­ clude A. E . Axelrod, S. Baker, E . S. G. Barron, C. A . Baumann, F . C. Bernheim, F. C. Bing, D . Burk, Η . D a m , E . A . Doisy, K. A. C. Elliott, C. J. Farmer, D . E . Green, Erwin Haas, A . B . Hastings, M. J. Johnson, F . C. Koch, K . P . Link, M. A. Lipton, E . M . Nelson, C. Neuberg, F. F . Nord, W. H . Peterson, V. R . Potter, E . Shorr, F. Stare, C. H . Werkman, P. W . Wilson, and H. G. Wood. The above speakers and discussion lead­ ers will take part in both t h e Wisconsin and Chicago sessions and on each campus will be housed i n one of the newer dormi­ tories. Meals a n d lodging in these dormi­ tories m a y b e obtained for both m e n and women at approximately $3.50 per day. Reservations can be made either with T . R. Hogness, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, or with V a n IjL Potter, McArdle Memorial Laboratory, University of Wisconsin. The symposium is supported b y funds from both t h e Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and the Abbott Laboratories. The sessions at Chicago form a part of the University of Chicago's semicentennial celebration.