special research conferences of the chemistry section of the aaas

This conference will be held a t Gibson Island, Mary-. C. Organic High ... solved problems. I t is advisable to make reservations EMMETT, AND C. G. KI...
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SPECIAL RESEARCH CONFERENCES OF THE CHEMISTRY SECTION OF THE A.A.A.S. C. Organic High Molecular Weight Type Compounds, This conference will be held a t Gibson Island, Maryland, during June 17th-21st, June 24th-28th, July H. L. BENDER, Chairman, July 8th-12th. Program 8th-12th, July 15th-19th, July 22nd-26th, and July Committee, R. H. KIENLE, S. S. KISTLER, AND H. L. 29th-August 2nd. The meetings will begin at ten BENDER. D. Vitamins, C. G. KING, Chairman, July 15tho'clock, with one or two formal papers outlining the fields of research, and directing attention to the un- 19th. Program Committee, J. W. M. BUNKER, A. D. solved problems. I t is advisable to make reservations EMMETT, AND C. G. KING. in advance. For reservations, or further information, E. Relation of Structure to Physiological Action, write to the Director, Neil E. Gordon, Central College, WALTER HARTUNG, Chairman, July 22nd-26th. Program Committee, D. L. TABERN AND WALTER HARFayette, Missouri. A. Frontiers in Petroleum Chemistry. C. R . WAGTUNG. F. Applications of X-Ray and Electron Diffraction, NER, Chairman, June 17th-21st. B . Catalysis, E. C. WILLIAMS, Chairman, June MAURICE L. HUGGINS, Chairman, July 29th-August 24th-28th. 2nd.