Specialists in Chromatography - American Chemical Society

Jan 15, 1993 - Specialists in. |. Chromatography |. Fused Silica ... Donald W. Slocum, Western Kentucky University, Editor. Advances in Chemistry Seri...
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Specialists in Chromatography

Homogeneous Transition Metal Catalyzed Reactions


his new volume presents a compre­ hensive review of the most modern aspects of homogeneous catalysis, offering a balanced mix of theory and practice. Its 41 chapters are divided into six sections covering • spectroscopy and mechanism • assymetric induction • C-H activation • carbonylation and synthesis gas conversion • general functionalization • oligomerization and polymerization • Also of interest is an examination of new techniques for in situ reaction monitoring. Homogeneous Transition Metal Catalyzed Reactions is valuable reading for catalysis scientists; organic, inorganic, and organometallic chemists; biocatalysis scientists; fine chemicals researchers; and pharmaceutical scientists.


William R. Moser, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Editor Donald W. Slocum, Western Kentucky University, Editor Advances in Chemistry Series No. 230 650 pages (1992) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2007-7 $139.95 Order from: American Chemical Society, Distribution Office, Dept. 47 1155 Sixteenth St.. N.W., Washington, DC 20036


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Transuranium Elements: A Half Century



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eveloped from an international symposium commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the discovery of transuranium elements, this volume honors the chemists, physicists, materials scientists, and engineers who were the pioneers of transuranium research in the 1940s. Opening with a comprehensive review by Glenn T. Seaborg of the discovery of transuranium elements and his perspec­ tive on the future of the field, the volume offers an outline of the discoveries of transuranium elements and of the chemical foundations of transuranium research, written by the pioneers themselves. The volume also emphasizes contemporary research with articles on nuclear chemistry and physics; spectroscopy, photophysics, and photochemistry; inor­ ganic and analytical chemistry; materials physics and chemistry; and solution and environmental chemistry of the transuranium elements. Contents • Historical Viewpoints • Nuclear Physics and Chemistry

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Lester R. Morss, Argonne National Laboratory, Editor Jean Fuger, European Institute for Transuranium Elements, Editor 700 pages (1992) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2219-3

$99.95 Order from: American Chemical Society, Distribution Office, Dept. 43 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036


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