Specially designed

pipping pen records it on the chart record. The integrator adds $500 to the cost of the recorder. For farther Information, circle number 32 A on Reade...
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Specially designed • A NEW E l e c t r o n i K RECORDER AEIectroniK STRIP C H A R T R E C O R D E R alone gives you all you need for applications that don't require integration, without the unnecessary parts and functions of a recorder a d a p t e d from a conventional industrial t y p e instrument. Chart speeds: Vi, 1, VA and 2 inches per minute. Pen speed: 2 seconds full scale. C a l i b r a t e d 0.05-0-1 millivolt. Specify the ElectroniK recorder when you order chromatography apparatus.

• " O U T B O A R D " I N T E G R A T O R P A C K A G E can be a d d e d to a recorder you a l r e a d y own. It consists of the integrating mechanism, a retransmitting slidewire, pipping pen, and all parts needed for field installation. The integrator can be installed by your own instrument department in less than four hours. Price is $ 8 0 0 list. -4 " I N B O A R D " INTEGRATOR can be built into the ElectroniK chromatography recorder at our factory. A six-digit readout indicates integration and a pipping pen records it on the chart record. The integrator adds $ 5 0 0 to the cost of the recorder.

For further Information, circle number 32 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A 32 A



•^ Actual chart record illustrates action of pipping pen (left hand edge of chart) as measuring pen moves upscale. Because every 10th pip is drawn in the opposite direction, the integration record is readable even at a fullscale count rate of 5 0 0 per minute and chart speed of 2 inches per minute. A six-digit counter on the integrator simultaneously indicates the running total.

for Gas Chromatography • A NEW CONTINUOUS INTEGRATOR Use them combined, use the recorder a l o n e , or a d d the integrator to your o w n strip chart recorder...for the exact t y p e of readout you w a n t

Here are two new devices to deliver accurate gas chromatography data in useful form. The specially designed ElectroniK recorder is the result of experience drawn from hundreds of installations in dozens of chromatography applications. I t gives you a permanent record of both quantitative and qualitative results on one chart. The integrator, when used with this new recorder or with a recorder you now have, measures the area under each curve of the spectrum and provides the answer on both a digital counter and the recorder chart. I t can be used with any strip chart recorder whose transmitting slidewire has a linear output and a resistance between 20 and 250 ohms, and whose pen speed is two seconds or slower. Get full details from your Honeywell field engineer. He's as near as your phone. Or write for Specification S 158-2. MINNEAPOLIS-HONEYWELL, Wayne and Windrim Avenues, Philadelphia 44, Pa.

Honeywell H


First in Control VOL. 30, NO. 10, OCTOBER 1958 ·

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