SPECIALTY CHEMICALS We're planning a healthy future. - C&EN

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SPECIALTY CHEMICALS We're planning a healthy future.

At Olin, "specialty chemicals" covers five diverse classes of derivatives. In each, we've created unique products, processes and know-how. Take ring-fluorinated aromatics. We developed the proprietary technology for intermediates used in "super aspirin" and in the best-selling sleep inducer and hair dyes. We synthesized new derivatives from halopyridines, including the biocide for the most popular antidandruff shampoo. We're developing new ethanolamine salts for cosmetics. And we are working on benzotrifluoride and hydrazine derivatives as intermediates for potent new agrichemicals and pharmaceuticals. Over the next five years we'll be investing millions. Some of it to improve and expand our plant. Some of it to support new process and product research. All of it for an even healthier future. Specialty Chemicals: Another area where Olin leads from strength.

For more information, write Olin Chemicals, Department 3G, 120 Long Ridge Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06904.

O l i n CHEMICALS 120 Long Ridge Road, Stamford, C o n n e c t i c u t 06904 Inorganics: Alum, a m m o n i a , c a l c i u m hypochlorite, caustic soda, chlorine, hydrazine; sodium b r o m a t e , bromite, chlorate, chlorite, fluoride, hydrosulfite, methylate, nitrate a n d phosphates; sulfuric a n d nitric acids. Organics: Glycol a n d polyglycol ethers; surfactants, functional fluids a n d biocides; fluorinated aromatics, halopyridine a n d hydrazine derivatives; e t h a n o l a m i n e salts a n d urea. Urethane chemicals: Toluene diisocyanate, polyols, f o a m systems a n d flame retardants.* Agricultural chemicals: Plant foods a n d crop protection chemicals.

If you need chemicals chances are you need Olin.


Flame retardants" is a relative term a n d is not i n t e n d e d to i n d i c a t e hazards presented by this product, or any other material, under a c t u a l fire conditions.