Speciated Measurements and Calculated Reactivities of Vehicle

Jun 1, 1992 - Pamela M. Franklin, Catherine P. Koshland, Donald Lucas, and Robert F. Sawyer ... Thomas W. Kirchstetter, Brett C. Singer, and Robert A...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 1992, 26, 1206-1216

Speciated Measurements and Calculated Reactivities of Vehicle Exhaust Emissions from Conventional and Reformulated Gasolines S. Kent Hoekman Chevron Research and Technology Company, 100 Chevron Way, Richmond, California 94802-0627

Exhaust emissions were characterized from 19 vehicles tested with two fuels: a typical Los Angeles premium gasoline and a reformulated premium gasoline. The reformulated fuel had lower vapor pressure and distillation temperatures than the reference fuel and contained 11vol 5% methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE). Total volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions were reduced with the reformulated fuel by 6% across the 19 vehicles, but aldehyde and alkene emissions were increased. The reactivity of exhaust emissions was estimated by applying maximum incremental reactivity (MIR) factors to the speciated emission profiles. Total reactivity (g of ozone/mile) varied linearly with emission rate across all vehicles. Mass-normalized reactivity (g of ozone/g of non-methane organic gases) was not different for the two fuels but did vary somewhat from vehicle to vehicle. On average, massnormalized reactivity was reduced slightly in progressing from older to newer technology types. Relative to fuel compositions, exhaust compositions were depleted in alkanes and aromatics but enriched in alkenes and carbonyls. The alkene enrichment resulted from combustion-produced C2-C4 species and was responsible for much of the overall reactivity of the emissions. Introduction For many years, hydrocarbons (HC) from motor vehicles have been regulated pollutants. Historically, emissions standards have addressed only the mass of total hydrocarbons (THC) or nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC). Consequently, methodologies for measuring THC and NMHC have been established and are now in common usage. A primary reason for these regulations is that vehicular HC emissions are major contributors to the formation of tropospheric ozone. Ozone is a constituent in photochemical smog and represents a public health concern in many urban areas. As a group, all HC (except methane) are considered ozone precursors. Yet, there are vast differences in propensity to form ozone among the several hundred HC species which comprise vehicle exhaust (1-3). This ozone-formation potential is what is meant by the term "reactivity". At present, there is interest in modifying fuel compositions and emissions control systems to affect a decrease in reactivity, as well as a decrease in mass of emissions. Recently, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted regulations by which the reactivity of vehicle exhaust emissions will be used to determine their allowable mass ( 4 ) . Such reactivity assessments require detailed, speciated analysis of HC and carbonyl compounds in vehicle exhaust. This paper describes speciation procedures we have developed and their use in determining emission profiles. Ozone-formation potentials were calculated by applying reactivity factors to the emission profiles. The factors we used are maximum incremental reactivity (MIR) factors, which are calculated from computer model simulations (5). Simular use of MIR factors to calculate the reactivity of 1206

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 6, 1992

Table I. Identification and Inspection Data for Test F u X

RVP, psi API gravity sulfur, ppm antiknock index, ( R + M/2 composition, vol. % by FIA (ASTM D1319)b aromatics alkenes alkanes MTBE, vol % oxygen, wt % hydrogen, wt 70 D86 distillation, O F % evaporated 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 end point driveability indexc

ref fuel"

reform fuel

8.5 53.3 143.0 91.7

7.5 54.2 121.0 92.1

43.6 6.8 49.1 0.5 0.12 12.0

35.6 5.5 47.9 11.0 2.11 11.9

119 140 170 196 217 235 251 267 291 318 340 400 1232

123 135 150 165 182 204 231 256 282 311 333 400 1125

'Reference fuel is Los Angeles average premium g.x3oline. bAdjusted for presence of MTBE. CDriveability index, 1 T,o + 3.0 + Tw, where T,,= OF at percent evaporated.

vehicle emissions has been reported before (6-11). 1:espite many uncertainties regarding the derivation and use of MIR factors, this approach is consistent with the recently adopted CARB regulations (4). Program Design This test program was designed to assess the exhaust emissions benefits which could be achieved by means of a fuel reformulation strategy that involved reduced Reid vapor pressure (RVP), reduced driveability index (DO, and addition of an oxygenate. Criteria pollutant results 4 THG CO, and NO,) were reported previously (12).They showed this reformulation stretegy to provide modest emission reductions for THC (5-18%) and CO (11-21%) but no change for NO,. This paper focuses on the noncriteria pollutants. Test Fuels. The two gasolines used in this study are described in Table I. The reference fuel was blended from refinery components to match the average properties of premium-grade gasolines in southern California, The targeted properties were based upon results of a moiiibra program conducted in 1987-1989 whereby service ,tation samples from Los Angeles and San Diego were routinely obtained. The recipe for this reference fuel was created using a computer program developed for refinery bL riding, The finished blend had an RVP of 8.5 psi, a DI \7tlue Of 1232, and contained approximately0.5% methyl-terr-bU'@l ether (MTBE). This fuel differed in some respects .higher


0 1992 American Chemical sociev

Table 11. Vehicle Identification emission system noncatalyst

oxidation catalyst

three-way catalyst


vehicle no.


make and model

engine size, L

engine type

fuel systema


1 15 69 90 2 7 38 41 111 19 29 30 82 83 16 18 44 150 378

1970 1971 1978 1978 1976 1978 1975 1982 1978 1984 1984 1983 1983 1990 1989 1986 1988 1989 1989

Chevy Custom (pickup) Plymouth Duster Honda Accord Datsun 510 Ford Pinto Toyota Corona Olds Cutlass Datsun King Cab (pickup) Datsun B-210 Toyota Camry Dodge Ramchargerb Ford Futurab Chevy Capriceb Honda Accord Ford Ranger Ford Mustangb Olds Calais Chevy Celebrity Plymouth Acclaim

5.7 3.7 1.6 1.6 2.8 2.2 5.7 2.2 1.4 2.0 5.2 2.3 5.0 2.2 2.9 2.3 2.5 2.8 2.5

V-8 1-6 1-4 1-4 V-6 1-4 V-8 1-4 1-4 1-4 V-8 1-4 V-8 1-4 V-6 1-4 1-4 V-6 1-4

carb carb carb carb carb carb carb carb carb PFI carb carb carb PFI PFI carb TBI PFI TBI

104 000 146 000 119000 136 000 82 000 114000 139 000 111000 110000 61 000 55 000 129 000 72 000 9 000 11000 46 000 46 000 12000 14 000

Contained dual-bed catalyst.

OCarb, carburetor; TBI, throttle body injected; PFI, port fuel injected.

aromatics, higher DI, and lower sulfur) from the "industry average" reference fuel used in the Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program (13). The reformulated gasoline was blended to match most properties of the reference fuel, except for RVP, DI, and MTBE content. Relative to the reference fuel, the RVP ofthe reformulated fuel was reduced by 1 psi (to 7 9 , the DI was reduced by about 100 (to 1125), and the MTBE content was increased (to 11 ~01%). Test Vehicles. The 19 vehicles used in the test program are identified in Table 11. They were obtained from several sources, including rental agencies, carpools, and company employees. The vehicles were selected to encompass the four major emissions control technologies which comprise the current fleet. These four, in order of increasing sophistication, are noncatalyst (NC), oxidation catalyst (OX), three-way catalyst (3W), and three-way catalyst with adaptive learning (AL). The presence of AL technology was not apparent by visual inspection of the vehicles but was confirmed by referring to shop manuals.

Emissions Test Procedures All vehicle emissions tests were conducted at Chevron bearch and Technology Co. (CRTC) in Richmond, CA. The 1975 EPA Federal Test Procedure (FTP)was followed at 75 OF. Criteria pollutants (THC, CO, and NO,) were measured using standard methodologies. Each vehicle/fuel combination was tested at least twice, but speciated measurements were generally made for only aiingle test. To be consistent with normal FTP practice, Warate emissions samples for speciated measurements m e collected from the cold start, stabilized, and hot start Portions of the FTP test (bags 1, 2, and 3, respectively). Carbonyl compounds were collected by bubbling a Portion of the vehicle's diluted exhaust (approximately 2 L/min) through a pair of impingers, each of which conuned 25 mL of an acetonitrile solution containing 0.3 q / m L of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine(DNPH). These sampling conditions have been documented previously (1$ Subsequent analysis of the carbonyl-DNPH derivah was done using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC conditions and repre&nhtive chromatograms are shown in Figure 1. The meFhod detection limit (MDL) (15, 16) for the DNPH denVativeswas approximately 0.05 pg/mL. Under typical

Cold Start Emissions Sample

HPLC Conditions:


Column 25 Cm x 4.6 mm Zorbax Cqg.5u Flow Rate 1 0 ml'mm Temperature. 40 C Delecter: UV-VIS : i= 380 nm Solvent Composliion. Inlecllon volume 15"L% of Total

Time, MI".




Calibration Solution

Composition of calibration Solution:



Peak No.1


2 3 4 5 6


























7 8 9



conc., w m L (In CHI CNI

Formaldehyde-DNPH AEetaldehyde.DNPH Acr01ein.DNPH Acetone.DNPH Proplonaldehyde.DNPH Crolonaldehyde.DNPH Methyl Ethyl Ketone-DNPI Benzaldehyde-DNPH Tolualdehyde.DNPH


19.802 2.268 2.114 2.166 2.200 1.858 2.296 2.056 2.238


Time, Min.

Figure 1. HPLC analysis of carbonyl compounds In vehicle exhaust emissions.

test conditions, this translates to an aldehyde emission rate of about 0.3 mg/mi. Hydrocarbons for speciated measurements were collected in 3-L Tedlar bags and analyzed by capillary gas chromatography (GC). These small bags were filled from the 100-L bags that were routinely used for criteria pollutant measurements. The sampling point for filling the GC bags was immediately prior to the standard bench analyzers. Thus, the samples analyzed by GC were identical to those analyzed for criteria pollutants. This equivalence was verified by analyzing some samples from both 3-L and 100-L bags.

Hydrocarbon Speciation Procedures GC has evolved as the method of choice for analysis of C1-CI2 hydrocarbon constituents in vehicle exhaust Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 6, 1992



He Carrier

Tedlar Sample Bags

Gas Capillary Column

m Bypass Restrictor

Figure 2. Plumbing diagram of GC system for speciated hydrocarbon measurements. Configuration shown is for start of run (filling sample Joop).

emissions (11, 17-25). However, many procedures described in the literature rely upon multiple columns with column switching and back-flushing techniques. These complexities make it difficult to use the procedures in routine analysis of vehicle emissions. Several single-column GC procedures for speciated HC analysis have recently been reported (23-25). Our procedure is similar in its reliance upon a single column, but has the advantage of sample preconcentration, which improves the detection limit. GC Equipment and Conditions. All GC analyses were performed using a Varian Model 3400 gas chromatograph (Varian Associates, Sunnyvale, CAI. The chromatograph was equipped with an automatic gas sampling valve, a variable temperature adsorption trap (VTAT), and a flame ionization detector (FID). Control of instrument param-

eters was accomplished by an on-board microprocsssor, Data collection and manipulation were done with a Varia DS654 data station. The analytical column used in the GC was a J&W OB-1 60 X 0.32 mm (3-pm film) fused-silica capillary coiumn (J&W Scientific, Folsom, CAI. The unusually thick film in this column was advantangeous for resolving the light hydrocarbons (C&). The VTAT column consisted of a 3 ft x in. stainless steel tube; the middle 2-ft section was packed with Chromosorb 106 (60/80 mesh). All GC operating conditions are summarized in 'Fable 111. Conditions used to introduce the emissions SaqpIes into the GC are illustrated in Figure 2. A portable pump was used to draw a bag sample through the heated 5 0-& sample loop. By means of valve switching, carrier giis was used to sweep the contents of the sample loop into tke cold VTAT. Once loaded, the VTAT was isolated fro% the carrier gas stream (by means of valve switchink, and rapidly heated to desorb the sample. A final valve rctation was used to back-flush the desorbed sample from the VTAT into the analytical column. Further details regarding use of the VTAT can be found in the literature (26). Compound Identification. HC compound identification was assigned by comparing retention times of chromatographic peaks from emission samples with those from known standard mixtures. Our compound dictmary, which includes 100 hydrocarbon species, is shown ir Table IV. Representative chromatograms of cold-start (bag 1)and hot-start (bag 3) emissions samples are shown in Figure 3. As is typical with catalyst-equipped vehicl-s, the concentrations of HC species are much lower in tLe hotstart sample than the cold-start sample. Stabilized sanples (bag 2) generally contain even lower concentraticms.


Hot Start

Emission Sample (THC = 12.3 ppm)

Figure 3. IV.

Minutes GC analysis of emission samples from gasoline vehicle. GC conditions are shown in Table 111. Peak Mentifications are shown .I Table

1208 Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 20, No. 6, 1992

G b l e 111. GC Conditions for Speciated Hydrocarbon Measurements Gas Chromatographic Conditions column type 60 m X 0.32 mm i d . fused-silica DB-I film thickness 3w carrier gas He at 4.0 mL/min (-32 cm/s) make-up gas He at 30 mL/min detector FID held at 260 "C switching valve temp 100 "c column temp program -60 "C; hold 5 min 8 "C/min to 20 "C; hold 3 min 3 "C/min to 155 "C; hold 0 min 20 "C/min to 215 "C; hold 5 min Sampling Conditions sample pump SKC Model 222 sampling rate 30 mL/min sampling time 4-6 rnin 5.0 mL; hold at 80 "C sample loop Model Valco A16 automatic gas sampling valve Sample Concentration Conditions

gae samples were concentrated by means of a variable temperature adsorption trap (VTAT) built into the Varian 3400 gas chromatograph VTAT column: 2 ft X in. stainless steel packed with Chromosorb 106 (60/80 mesh) GC carrier gas used to flush sample from loop into VTAT VTAT temperature program time, min

temp, "C

direction of flow through VTAT

0-4 4-5 5-8 >8

-60 -60-.160 160 160

forward no flow no flow reverse

Since acetonitrile was used to collect aldehyde emissions, it was often present as a contaminant in the FTP bags. However, the GC peak due to acetonitrile (retention time of approximately 19.5 min) was not included when calculating VOC concentrations or reactivities. Compound Quantification. Total hydrocarbon (THC) concentrations in vehicle exhaust are routinely measured using a flame ionization detector (FID) which is calibrated with a propane standard. It is assumed that all hydrocarbons (except methane) give the same FID response (on a per-carbon basis) as does propane. To be consistent with conventional THC measurement technology, the GC FID detector was also calibrated with propane. The same response factor was assumed for d other compounds except MTBE,which is known to give substantially lower response. (We measured MTBE's detector response to be 86% as great as propane's response on a per-carbon basis.) The actual detector responses of several HC compounds were measured as part of our routine calibration procedures. Calibration was done daily by analyzing a 21-comPonent standard gas mixture which contained a variety of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatics (Scott Specialty Gases, cylinder CLM-1526). Based upon 32 replicate analyses, the measured detector responses for toluene and xylenes were 10% lower than that of propane. All other constituents ( OX > 3W > AL). Of all vehicles tested, emi ,s10ns having the lowest normalized reactivity were produced by vehicle 18 (1986 Ford Mustang). This vehicle was t WlP' ped with a dual-bed catalyst-as were vehicles 29,30, md 82, which also produced emissions having lower t h d aV-

G l e V. NMOG Emissions Results (g/mi) vehicle category noncatalyst

oxidation catalyst

s-way catalyst

adaptive learning

car no. 1 15 69 90 2 7 38 41 111 19 29 30 82 83 16 18 44 150 378

FTP bag 1 ref fuel reform. fuel 2.063 16.468 3.526 4.039 1.716 0.490 1.102 0.931 1.350 0.840 1.124 1.302 1.135 0.851 0.544 1.232 0.540 1.060 0.548

2.047 14.661 3.967 3.720 1.507 0.509 0.892 0.898 1.394 0.691 0.962 1.102 0.590 0.523 0.479 1.254 0.532 0.982 0.512

FTP bag 2

FTP bag 3

FTP composite

ref fuel

reform. fuel

ref fuel

reform. fuel

ref fuel

reform. fuel

1.433 3.512 0.231 3.354 0.719 0.088 0.341 0.139 0.244 0.039 0.222 0.087 0.195 0.044 0.018 0.261 0.159 0.241 0.040

1.218 3.191 0.221 3.338 0.868 0.112 0.353 0.161 0.228 0.036 0.181 0.092 0.111 0.055 0.079 0.319 0.138 0.195 0.041

1.291 2.819 0.858 2.589 0.985 0.163 0.610 0.158 0.397 0.085 0.639 0.226 0.315 0.077 0.097 0.572 0.264 0.447 0.132

1.277 2.561 0.750 2.579 0.965 0.174 0.528 0.183 0.383 0.090 0.407 0.204 0.271 0.080 0.155 0.592 0.252 0.418 0.133

1.524 5.992 1.080 3.286 0.998 0.191 0.572 0.307 0.515 0.217 0.523 0.375 0.423 0.220 0.148 0.547 0.263 0.467 0.170

1.406 5.387 1.138 3.209 1.026 0.211 0.512 0.318 0.511 0.186 0.404 0.331 0.253 0.159 0.183 0.586 0.251 0.420 0.164

Table VI. Total Reactivity Results (g of ozone/mi)"

FTP bag 1 vehicle category noncatalyst

oxidation catalyst

3-way catalyst

adaptive learning

car no.

ref fuel

reform. fuel

1 15 69 90 2 7 38 41 111 19 29 30 82 83 16 18 44 150 378

6.029 45.293 11.286 12.761 5.258 1.508 3.109 2.796 3.709 2.349 3.282 3.937 2.691 2.723 1.531 2.985 1.510 3.310 1.577

5.709 38.917 12.332 11.783 4.691 1.601 2.564 2.745 3.866 2.000 2.793 3.419 1.638 1.641 1.338 3.290 1.567 2.950 1.463

FTP bag 2 ref fuel reform. fuel 4.613 11.858 0.783 10.496 2.111 0.322 0.892 0.327 0.500 0.097 0.575 0.156 0.367 0.113 0.061 0.412 0.404 0.426 0.063

3.928 10.813 0.777 10.241 2.591 0.397 0.897 0.425 0.541 0.079 0.426 0.140 0.213 0.142 0.191 0.557 0.324 0.387 0.079

FTP bag 3

FTP composite

ref fuel

reform. fuel

ref fuel

reform. fuel

3.995 9.357 2.948 8.242 2.861 0.570 1.517 0.362 0.992 0.200 1.847 0.419 0.798 0.184 0.277 1.229 0.636 1.135 0.355

3.920 8.557 2.617 8.062 2.952 0.545 1.419 0.446 0.966 0.214 1.158 0.388 0.650 0.184 0.354 1.296 0.620 1.070 0.341

4.736 18.065 3.535 10.346 2.967 0.634 1.522 0.844 1.299 0.590 1.481 1.006 0.966 0.672 0.422 1.166 0.685 1.218 0.457

4.295 16.000 3.664 9.962 3.124 0.685 1.385 0.907 1.343 0.513 1.115 0.885 0.627 0.464 0.474 1.322 0.662 1.107 0.438

'Calculated using MIR factors (from ref 5).

erage reactivity. This beneficial effect of dual-bed catalyst systems has been observed in other research programs conducted in-house. Normalized reactivity also varied with FTP bag. Figure 6 depicts average normalized reactivity from each vehicle technology type for each phase of the FTP test. On average, reactivity was highest in bag 1,lowest in bag 2, and intermediate in bag 3. The aforementioned decrease in reactivity with increasingly modern vehicles was most Pronounced in bags 2 and 3, but was almost nonexistent bag 1. Presumably,the more efficient catalyst operation during bags 2 and 3 is responsible for these reactivity changes. The effects of changing from reference fuel to reformulated fuel upon the normalized reactivity of exhaust emissions were also assessed statistically. Figure 7 shows &e average percentage change in reactivity for each FTP b% from each vehicle technology. All effects were small (generally less than 5 % ) and most were not statistically shificant , Considering only the FTP-composite emissions, the b e s t reactivity changes resulting from the reformulated g m h e occurred with the OX vehicles (2.0% increase, but

not statistically significant) and the NC vehicles (1.6% decrease). The other vehicle types (as well as the entire test fleet) exhibited no difference in reactivity between the two fuels. Average Exhaust Profiles. Average profiles of FTPweighted exhaust emissions were calculated for each vehicle technology type on each fuel. These profiles (which are arithmetic averages of the speciated results for all vehicles of a given technology type) are listed in Table VII. The profiles are further abbreviated and shown graphically in Figure 8. (The bars in this figure do not total 100% since unidentified compounds are not included.) An obvious difference in these profiles was due to MTBE, which was present only in emissions from the reformulated fuel. However, MTBE's contribution to the exhaust mass was much less than its contribution to fuel mass-particularly in catalyst-equipped vehicles. In comparison with most fuel constituents, MTBE was preferentially reduced. Other differences between fuel and exhaust compositions were observed. For instance, methane and carbonyls comprised significant fractions of exhaust, but were completely absent from the fuel. Also, the aromatic fractions Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 6, 1992



Table VII. Speciated Exhaust Emission Mass Profiles" noncatalyst ref fuel reform. fuel 188.07 21.35 5.79 54.31 103.52 121.48 105.18 196.67 66.08 35.87 710.23 223.37 110.06 75.49 40.59 21.83 471.33 156.18 338.36 425.84 281.03 91.04 1292.45 209.69 19.21 2.96 73.25 19.74 11.62 69.89 174.50 79.67 10.50 3.159 2.971

methane ethane propane C4 alkanes C5 alkanes c6 alkanes C7alkanes CBalkanes C9, alkanes cycloalkanes total alkanes (minus methane) ethene propene C4 alkenes C5 alkenes c6+alkenes total alkenes benzene toluene C8 aromatics C9aromatics Clot aromatics total aromatics acety 1ene propyne + allene 1,3-butadiene formaldehyde acetaldehyde acrolein other carbonyls total carbonyls unidentified HC MTBE total VOC, g/mi total NMOG, g/mi a

156.04 20.28 1.74 27.60 135.70 136.72 81.59 119.05 30.32 40.78 593.78 203.95 97.74 95.07 35.52 20.19 452.47 138.48 314.14 380.44 241.59 67.16 1141.82 177.10 20.25 1.81 85.24 21.72 13.20 78.57 198.73 58.87 130.30 2.941 2.785

FTP-weighted emission rates, mg/mi oxidation catalyst 3-way catalyst ref fuel reform. fuel ref fuel reform. fuel 66.70 13.24 3.33 17.65 28.11 27.87 21.44 37.12 11.32 8.06 168.14 47.62 17.39 8.09 3.48 2.32 78.90 27.57 51.00 52.27 32.28 5.49 168.60 15.37 0.88 0.02 28.50 11.15 3.74 23.69 67.08 15.29 2.43 0.583 0.517

57.70 12.05 1.32 10.10 42.48 35.27 18.93 26.92 5.48 10.70 163.24 46.37 16.50 18.29 3.73 2.59 87.49 25.01 44.13 47.07 28.72 5.86 150.79 13.36 1.22 0.33 35.83 11.76 3.75 25.59 76.94 10.40 11.83 0.573 0.516

73.42 15.50 2.52 11.81 20.06 21.29 15.87 26.40 8.01 5.85 127.31 22.24 11.01 7.25 3.42 2.35 46.27 19.39 36.62 42.38 26.93 7.37 132.70 7.38 0.69 0.07 7.27 4.43 1.11 11.11 23.93 11.65 1.42 0.425 0.351

66.67 13.82 1.04 5.77 22.53 18.79 8.86 12.18 3.08 5.20 91.27 18.71 8.85 9.40 2.56 1.35 40.88 15.69 26.14 29.03 18.11 4.40 93.37 4.21 0.53 0.05 7.61 3.64 0.74 11.08 23.07 8.04 4.59 0.333 0.267


adaptive learn&ref fuel reform. fuel 65.72 11.59 2.75 13.23 24.56 23.72 17.03 29.63 9.36 6.89 138.75

67.64 11.37 1.27 9.36 34.19 28.76 15.07 21.95 5.24 8.34 135.5:.

19.51 8.72 5.25 1.97 1.11 36.56 19.77 29.98 35.01 22.36 4.57 111.69 2.84 0.38 0.00

19.91 8.0f1 10.1i 2.12 0.9r 41.16 20.39 29.67 32.4 1 19.4,4.c 105.9 3.0! 0.3 0.1.

4.87 3.07 0.81 4.62 17.31 10.55 0.84 0.385 0.319

8.4, 4."1 1.I.i

8.11; 22.;. > 9.'/i 3.19 0.188 0.321

Average results from all vehicles. Non Catalyst Vehicles 20,

Oxidation Catalyst Vehicles












0.0 0.8


3-Way Catalyst Vehicles





Adaptive Learning Vehicles



.: i

0.6 0.4

0.0 0


NMOG, g/miie

NMOG, glmile


0.8 0.6

f' .T*




NMOG, gimile






NMOG, glmile

Flgure 4. Total reactivity versus NMOG emission rates for FTPweighted emisslons. Dashed lines were generated from regression analyses. (W) reference fuel; ( 0 )reformulated fuel.

of exhaust were decreased while the alkene fractions were increased relative to the fuel. Furthermore, the exhaust 1212 Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 6, 1992

alkene components were predominantly C,-C,, while the fuel alkenes were predominantly C,-C,. Compositional effects of vehicle technology type were also seen. For example, the exhaust methane fraction increased with newer vehicles, while the carbonyl fraction was largest in exhaust from oxidation catalyst vc ;licles. When expressed on a reactivity basis, the emission profiles were quite different. These reactivity profiies are listed in Table VI11 and summarized graphically in Figure 8. Because of its extremely low reactivity factor, thv; large mass fraction of methane corresponds to a negligi ,le reactivity fraction. Similarly, the other alkanes and hlTBE had greatly reduced contributions on a reactivity bbqis. In contrast, the contribution of alkenes, aromatics, ard c8f' bonyls to total reactivity were enhanced relative to their mass. Fuel Effects upon VOC Constituents. The +ffects of changing from reference fuel to reformulated fuci upon the emission rates of several VOC constituents were talculated in a manner analogous to that used for as5essing reactivity effects. The results are depicted in Fib ure 9. On average, total VOC emissions from all vehiclw were reduced 6% by use of the reformulated fuel. The 3V' vehicles showed the greatest effect, with a reducmn of 21%. Results from the other vehicle categories were not significant at the 90% confidence level, although slight reductions were measured from the NC and OX vehicles and slight increases from the AL vehicles. NMOG ems-

Non-Catalyst Vehicles

Oxidation Catalyst Vehicles 3.5 I









5 2.0 m 6 1.5




1.5 1.0





Vehicle Vehicle



Vehicle Vehicle Average







Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Average 2 7 38 41 111


Adaptive Learning Vehicles

3-Way Catalyst Vehicles



3.5 3.0







5 m 6




1.5 1.0 0.5

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5



Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle



Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Average

Vehicle Vehicle Average









Figure 5. NMOGnormalized reactivity of FTP-weighted emissions from each vehicle. Bag-1 Emissions 3.5

Bag-2 Emissions






0 2.5









'0 1.5 0 m 1.0


1.5 m 1.0











3-Way Cat.

Adapt. Learn



Bag-3 Emissions

3.5 I 3.0



" 2.5 0


I 2.0 2


1.5 0 m 1.0









3-Way Cat.

Adapt. Learn


EZ Reference Fuel

3-Way Cat.

Adapt. Learn



m 1.0


ox. Cat.

FTP-Composite Emissions

3.5 I





".n., n



3-Way Cat.

Adapt. Learn


Reformulatd Fuel

Flgure 6. Variation In NMOGnormalized reactivity by FTP bag.

dons results were virtually identical to the VOC results. Total carbonyl emissions were increased by use of the ?formulated fuel in three of four vehicle categories. This 18 attributed in part to MTBE, which has been reported to increase formaldehyde emissions (9,28). As shown in h e 9, formaldehyde increases were measured in all four vehicle categories. The largest increase (29%) occurred With OX vehicles. This effect of enhanced formaldehyde emissions from OX vehicles has been observed previously (28). The fuel effects upon total alkene emissions were mixed among the four vehicle categories. Reformulated fuel increased alkene emissions from OX and AL vehicles, but decreased alkenes from NC and 3W vehicles. However,

even where alkene reductions occurred, they were of lesser magnitude than the reductions of total VOC. Thus, on a percentage basis, alkene emissions increased with use of reformulated fuel in all vehicle categories. Much of this alkene increase is also attributed to use of MTBE, which serves as a precursor for isobutene formation. As Figure 9 shows, isobutene emissions were greatly increased by use of reformulated fuel in all vehicle categories. (Since l-butene and isobutene were not chromatographically separated, the s u m of these two is reported.) The total aromatics content of the reformulated fuel was slightly lower than that of the reference fuel (36% versus 44%). Consistent with this, lower emission rates of aromatics were produced by the reformulated fuel. Figure Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 6, 1992


Vehicle Type




EXhsYll Emissions From Relerence Fuel





Exhaust Emissions From Relomulaled Fuel

Fuels: Fuel 1 = Reference Fuel Fuel 2 =Reformulated Fuel

90 80 (n

FTP Bag 1




-10 L


50 Chemical Types:




Vehicles: NC iNon.Calaiytt ox = Oxidation catalyst 3W = )-Way Catalyst, AL =Adaptive Learning















From Reference Fuel





From Relormulaled Fuel

FTP Bag 2



57 TI

l oI r


-5 0



FTP Bag 3











3w A i

Figure 8. Apportionment of VOC mass and reactivity by chemical type. NC







Total VOC











23 3

-0 5





FTP Composite





Tofal Aromatics

2or ,

-10 40

Flgure 7. Effect of reformulated fuel upon NMOGnormalbed reactivity of exhaust emlssions-average percent difference versus reference fuel. Error bars represent 95 % confidence Intervals.

9 shows these reductions occurred in all vehicle categories and averaged 14%. The different fuel effects observed from one vehicle category to the next mirrored the changes in total VOC. The fuel effects upon benzene emissions were similar to the effects upon total VOC. On average, the reformulated fuel gave a 7% reduction in benzene emissions, comparable to the 6% VOC reduction. Somewhat greater reductions in toluene and xylene emission rates were observed (12% and 13%, respectively). The aromatic fractions of the fuels and emissions are compared in Table IX. From all vehicle categories, benzene was enriched in exhaust as compared to the fuel, while the other aromatics were depleted. Furthermore, this depletion of the higher aromatics was more extreme in catalyst-equipped vehicles than in noncatalyst vehicles. Fuel Effects Upon Toxics. As stipulated in the 1990 Amendments to the Federal Clean Air Act, emissions of toxics from motor vehicles consist of benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene, and polycyclic organic matter (POM). In this program, all but POM were measured. However, due to GC limitations (detection limits and resolution problems) 1,3-butadiene was reliably measured only in emission samples from NC vehicles. 1214 Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 6 , 1992




Fmre 0. Effect of reformulatedfuel upon FTP-weighted emisslon rates of selected VOC species. Error bars represent 90% confidence Intervals.

Based upon literature reports, emission rates of l,&butadiene from the other vehicle categories are estimated at 1-3 mg/mi (28, 29). The average FTP-weighted results of exhaust toxics are shown in Figure 10. There were large differences among the four vehicle technology types, with lesser differences between fuels. In every case, significant levels of benzene, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde were present. From OX vehicles, the aldehydes comprised over 50% of the total

g b l e VIII. Speciated Exhaust Emission Reactivity Profiles" total reactivity of FTP-weighted emissions, mg of ozone/mi oxidation catalvst adaptive learning noncatalsst 3-way catalyst reform. fuel ref fuel ref fuel reform. fuel ref fuel reform. fuel ref fuel reform. fuel 1.92 3.14 1.91 37.50 85.59 98.54 88.35 138.06 40.68 54.73 548.49 1183.84 726.41 422.29 198.31 99.45 2630.29 43.73 642.89 2108.84 1686.65 477.97 4960.08 77.59 86.51 22.82 454.17 75.02 53.43 47.26 629.88 205.87 7.35 9.171 3.136

methane ethane propane c, alkanes caalkanes cgalkanes alkanes cBalkanes ce+alkanes cycloalkanes total alkanes (minus methane)


ethene propene ccalkenes C6 alkenes Ca+ alkenes total alkenes benzene toluene C8aromatics C8 aromatics Clw aromatics total aromatics acetylene propyne + allene 1,3-butadiene formaldehyde acetaldehyde acrolein other carbonyls total carbonyls unidentified HC

MTBE total react, g of ozone/mi norm react, g of O,/g of NMOG

1.59 2.98 0.57 18.67 105.82 108.87 66.14 83.05 17.21 62.21 465.52 1080.94 645.09 515.33 169.64 81.46 2492.45 38.77 596.87 1914.76 1474.21 353.04 4377.66 65.53 91.88 13.92 528.48 82.55 60.71 52.98 724.72 152.12 91.21 8.481 3.087

0.68 1.95 1.10 12.27 23.61 22.93 18.21 26.07 7.24 12.43 125.82 252.37 114.76 43.72 16.19 10.36 437.39 7.72 96.89 257.86 192.23 28.87 583.57 5.69 5.17 0.16 176.68 42.38 17.20 17.41 253.66 39.51 1.70

0.59 1.77 0.44 6.94 33.57 28.43 15.48 18.83 3.38 16.36 125.19 245.78 108.89 98.43 17.01 10.32 480.44 7.00 83.85 236.14 172.90 31.05 530.95 4.94 6.89 2.57 222.16 44.70 17.24 17.83 301.94 26.88 8.28 1.489 2.896

1.453 2.844

0.75 2.28 0.83 8.26 16.42 17.11 13.46 18.52 5.05 8.97 90.90 117.90 72.67 39.22 16.53 10.80 257.12 5.43 69.57 207.66 161.99 38.48 483.12 2.73 3.73 0.50 45.10 16.83 5.13 6.19 73.24 30.10 0.99 0.943 2.716

0.68 2.03 0.34 3.95 17.82 14.77 7.25 8.49 1.81 7.98 64.45 99.19 58.44 49.98 11.52 5.52 224.65 4.39 49.66 144.29 110.29 23.06 331.69 1.56 2.97 0.35 47.17 13.85 3.39 5.68 70.08 20.79 3.21 0.721 2.717

0.67 1.70 0.91 9.33 20.45 19.31 14.42 20.78 5.96 10.52 103.39 103.42 57.58 27.90 9.43 4.84 203.16 5.54 56.96 171.45 132.78 24.21 390.94 1.05 2.42 0.00 30.22 11.67 3.72 1.77 59.98 27.27 0.59 0.789 2.576

0.69 1.67 0.42 6.43 26.97 23.15 12.31 15.33 3.14 12.73 102.16 105.52 53.19 53.56 10.26 3.98 226.51 5.71 56.38 162.09 116.68 21.01 361.87 1.11 2.03 1.06 52.28 17.90 5.33 3.88 79.39 23.58 2.21 0.801 2.558

'Average results from all vehicles.

Table IX. Aromatic Fractions of Fuels and Exhaust Emissions






of fuel"

wt % of VOC from FTP-weighted exhaust NC OX 3W AL

benzene toluene xylenes cg, aromatics

Reference Fuel 2.78 4.94 13.59 10.71 13.96 13.48 19.68 11.78

4.73 8.75 8.97 6.48

4.56 8.62 9.97 8.07

5.14 7.79 9.09 6.99

benzene toluene xylenes cg, aromatics

Reformulated Fuel 2.87 4.71 4.36 10.94 10.68 7.70 8.21 13.06 12.94 17.92 10.50 6.03

4.71 7.85 8.72 6.76

5.26 7.65 8.35 6.05












5 160 E




120 100 80


60 40

GC analysis.

bxics, while benzene was predominant from the other three vehicle types. Statistical analyses (summarized in Figure 9) showed k t the reformulated fuel reduced total toxics from 3W Vehicles (by 12%) but increased toxics from OX and AL Vehicles (by 10% and 1891,respectively). These effects !Wn total toxics result from the combined effects of the Qdividual toxic species. For instance, the total toxics reduction from 3W vehicles is primarily a consequence of %e large benzene reductions from these vehicles. From


20 0

0 Fuel 1 Fuel 2


Fuel 1 Fuel 2


0 Acefaldehyde

Fuel 1

Fuel 2

Fuel 1 Fuel 2

01 3.Buladiene

Flgure 10. Average FTP-weighted emission rates of toxic species. fuel 1, reference fuel; fuel 2, reformulated fuel.

OX vehicles, increased aldehyde emissions offset the benzene decrease, resulting in a net increase of totaltoxics. Summary and Conclusions In this program, the emissions impacts of replacing an average southern California premium-grade gasoline with a reformulated gasoline were assessed. Exhaust emissions were measured from 19 vehicles tested on both fuels. The results showed no statistically significant difference in NMOG-normalized reactivity of emissions from the two Environ. Scl. Technol., Vol. 26, NO. 6, 1992


fuels. Yet, due to a reduction in mass emission rates, a net reactivity benefit could be imputed to the reformulated fuel. This is consistent with results of other published studies involving reformulated gasolines (10, 29, 30). Slight differences in normalized reactivity were observed among the four vehicle categories tested. On average, reactivity was reduced in progressing from older to newer technology types. These reductions were especially evident in bag 2 and bag 3 emission samples, but not in bag 1 (cold-start) samples. Some changes in emissions profiles were observed among the different vehicle categories. For instance, aldehydes comprised nearly twice as large a fraction of the exhaust emissions from OX vehicles as compared with other vehicle types. The MTBE content of emissions was much higher from NC vehicles than from other vehicle types. Relative to the fuel compositions,exhaust compositions were depleted in alkanes and aromatics, but enriched in alkenes and carbonyls. Furthermore, the alkenes were primarily C,-C, species, which were not present in the fuel but produced during combustion. When expressed on a reactivity basis, this enrichment of alkenes and carbonyls was even more significant. These changes between the composition of fuel and exhaust have important implications for fuel reformulation strategies. Expected beneficial effects of substituting low-reactivity components for high-reactivity components in the fuel may be offset by changes in the exhaust. In this study, for example, MTBE (which has very low reactivity) was used. However, emissions of highly-reactive alkenes and aldehydes were found to increase from the MTBE-containingreformulated fuel. Thus, the net change in reactivity of the exhaust emissions was insignificant.

Acknowledgments This test program resulted from the combined efforts of numerous individuals. The following contributions are acknowledged: Messrs. J. A. Cembura, C. P. Cronin, and W. E. Warren conducted the day-to-day operations of vehicle emissions testing; Ms. A. N. Tiedemann and Ms. H. A. Fruhlinger-Goode conducted all speciated analyses of hydrocarbon and aldehyde emission species; and Mr. J. A. Gething was responsible for the overall design and management of the program. Registry No. MTBE, 1634-04-4; CH,, 74-82-8; CH3CH3,7484-0;CH3CHZCH3,74-98-6; H&=CHZ, 74-85-1; HZC=CHCHB, 115-07-1;CsHs, 71-43-2;CH,Ph, 108-88-3;HCECH, 74-86-2; HC=CCH3, 74-99-7; allene, 463-49-0;1,3-butadiene, 106-99-0; formaldehyde,50-00-0; acrolein, 107-02-8; acetaldehyde, 75-07-0; xylene, 1330-20-7;ozone, 10028-15-6. Literature Cited (1) Darnall, K. R.; Lloyd, A. C.; Winer, A. M.; Pitts, J. N., Jr. Enuiron. Sci. Technol. 1976,10,692-696.

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1216 Environ. Scl. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 6, 1992

Received for review July 25,1991.Revised manuscript received December 6,1991. Accepted February 12, 1992.