Speciation of aluminum in acidic freshwaters - Analytical Chemistry

by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry with an on-line ..... Aluminum speciation in running waters on the Canadian pre-Cambria...
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Anal. Chem. 1983, 55,2246-2252

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RECEIVED for review June 13,1983. Accepted September 1, 1983.

Speciation of Aluminum in Acidic Freshwaters Peter G. C. Campbell,* Marc Bisson, Ren6 Bougie, Andr6 Tessier, and Jean-Pierre Villeneuve Universitd du Qudbec, INRS-Eau, C.P. 7500,Ste-Foy, Qugbec, Canada GI V 4C7

The determlnatlon of the physical speclatlon of alumlnum In water samples by flitratton through polycarbonate membranes proved feasible; control experiments revealed nelther contamlnatlon nor analyte loss. Treatment of sample flitrates with a fractionally loaded Chelex 100 lon-exchange resin (>75 % H+-form) allows one to dlstlngulsh between different forms of alumlnum on the basts of their kinetic and thermodynamic propertles. Monomerlc hydroxo- and fluoroalumlnum complexes exchanged readlly (>85 % after 30 mln), as did low molecular weight polynuclear species. Under slmllar condltlons, forms of AI associated wlth fulvlc and humic adds of natural orlgln exchanged much more slowly (