Speciation of Peroxovanadium(V) Complexes Studied by First

by First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations ... assessed by comparing experimental 51V NMR chemical shifts ... species can probably be formulat...
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Chapter 22

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Speciation of Peroxovanadium(V) Complexes Studied by First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations and 51V NMR Chemical Shift Computations Michael Bühl Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany

Structure and speciation of selected peroxovanadium(V) complexes are studied with Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) simulations in aqueous solution. Structures are assessed by comparing experimental 5 1 V N M R chemical shifts to those computed and averaged over the M D trajectories. Using this approach, two high-field resonances observed in vanadate solutions with excess H O and at high pH can be assigned to [V(O ) ] - and [VO(O ) (OOH)] , the latter of which has not been described so far. 2








Introduction Vanadate complexes display a very rich aqueous chemistry, often characterized by several species being present simultaneously, or in rapid equilibrium. A valuable tool to study the speciation of vanadium(V) complexes is V N M R spectroscopy (/), because each stable constituent of the solution is 5 ,


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In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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identified by a characteristic V chemical shift. Assignment of a particular signal to a specific structure is a difficult task, relying for the most part on additional information such as 8( V) data for related species from the literature, solid-state structures determined by X-ray crystallography, or other spectro­ scopic sources. Such assignments can be particularly difficult when substances of poor stability are investigated. One such example comprises the blue [V(0 ) ] ~ ion (1), which is stable as dodecahedral, side-on peroxo complex in the solid (2), but tends to decompose rapidly in aqueous solution. In two studies investigating the speciation of the vanadyl/H 0 system over the entire pH range (3), strongly shielded resonances at 8 = -734 (3d) or 8 = -742 (3b) appearing above pH 13, have been ascribed to this species. A n even more shielded signal at 8 = -845 (or 8 = -838) has been assigned to [VO(0 ) ] ~ (2). As the pH is low­ ered, these signals are replaced by others that are successively shifted to higher frequencies (lower field). In neutral or slightly basic solutions, the predominant species can probably be formulated as [VO(0 ) (H 0)]~ (3), 8 = -697 (3b), whereas at pH below 1, a cationic monoperoxo complex is the most likely candidate, viz. [ V O ( 0 ) ( H 0 ) ] (4, with x = 3 or 4). 51




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We have been interested in the past years in applying the modern tools of density functional theory (DFT) to compute chemical shifts of transition metal nuclei, with a recent focus on a proper description of thermal and solvation effects on this property (4,5). DFT-based molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with explicit description of the bulk solution and ensemble-averaged N M R quantities derived thereof have proven to be quite successful, in particular for highly charged anions in aqueous solution (5). For the 8( V) values of vanadate and peroxovanadate complexes studied so far, the combined thermal and solvent effects obtained with this approach (i.e. the difference between static equilibrium values in the gas phase and the dynamic average in solution) turned out to be relatively small, from a few ppm up to ca. 100 ppm (4,6). Much larger effects exceeding 1000 ppm had been noted for highly charged Fe and Co complexes. Because the target complexes 1 and 2 are also highly charged (-3), larger solvent effects than for the vanadates studied so far could be possible. DFT-based M D simulations have the additional advantage that they can reveal spontaneous processes such as ligand dissociation or proton transfers, which are of immediate relevance for the speciation of the complexes under scrutiny. For a vanadate-peptide complex, for instance, Car-Parrinello M D (CPMD) (7) simulations have shown that a neutral, six-coordinate species VO(OH)(glygly')(H 0) (glygly' = H N - C H - C ( 0 ) - N - C H - C 0 ) is unstable in water and affords an anionic five-coordinate complex, [V0 (glygly')]~ within a few picoseconds (6). Analoguous simulations are now reported for the peroxo complexes 1 and 2. As it turns out, 2 is indicated to be unstable under the experi­ mental conditions and can rearrange to other species, one of which has not been described before. 51







In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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Computational Details The same methods and basis sets as in the previous M D and N M R studies of vanadium complexes were employed (4,6); see these papers for additional details and references. Specifically, geometries were optimized in the gas phase using the C P M D program (8) (denoted CP-opt), employing the BP86 functional, normconserving Troullier-Martins pseudopotentials [semi-core for vanadium (4b)], and a basis of plane waves expanded at the T-point up to a kinetic energy cutoff of 80 Ry. Periodic boundary conditions were imposed using a cubic supercell with a box size of 13.0 A. Long-range electrostatic interactions were treated with the Ewald method with a compensating background charge. For the aqueous solutions, the boxes were filled with 63 additional water molecules, rendering a density of 1. Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations were performed using a fictitious electronic mass of 600 a.u. and a time step of 0.121 fs. Unconstrained simulations ( N V E ensemble) were performed at ca. 300 K . The systems were equilibrated for 0.5 ps maintaing a temperature of 300(±50) K via velocity rescaling, and were then propagated without constraints for up to 4 ps (denoted C P M D ) . For the singly charged systems smaller box sizes were employed, namely 9.8692 A and 11.5 A for 3 and 4, respectively, together with 24 and 42 additional water molecules, respectively, in the aqueous solution. The larger complex 8 was placed in a 13.0 A box with 60 water molecules. Magnetic shieldings were computed for equilibrium structures and for snapshots along the trajectories employing gauge-including atomic orbitals (GIAOs) and the B 3 L Y P hybrid functional, together with basis AE1+, which consists of the augmented all-electron Wachters' basis (9) on V (contracted to 8s7p4d), and 6-31+G* basis on O and H. Snapshots were taken every 20 fs over the last 1 - 2 ps. No periodic boundary conditions were employed and solvent water molecules were not included specifically, but in form of point charges em­ ploying values of -0.9313 and +0.4656 for O and H atoms, respectively, as ob­ tained for a single water molecule from natural population analysis (water mole­ cules from the six adjacent boxes were also included as point charges, cf. the procedure in reference 4). These computations were carried out with the Gauss­ ian 03 suite of programs. Chemical shifts are reported relative to V O C l , opti­ mized at the same level (a = -2264 for the CP-opt geometry) or averaged over a 1 ps C P M D simulation in the gas phase (mean a value -2292 ppm) (4b). 3

Results and Discussion Speciation in the Vanadate/H 0 System at High pH 2


Tris-anionic complex 1 remained stable in C P M D simulations, both in the gas phase and in water (for at least 1.5 ps and 2.5 ps, respectively). Geometrical

In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

315 parameters and V chemical shifts are summarized in Tables I and II, respect­ ively. The combined thermal and solvent effect on both properties is only moderate (compare CP-opt and C P M D entries), despite the high negative charge of the complex, which makes the peroxo atoms strong hydrogen-bond acceptors. On average, 13.4 water molecules are H-bonded to 1 in aqueous solution, as judged from geometrical criteria (10). The C P M D bond distances compare favorably to those observed in a solid containing 1 (2b), and the B 3 L Y P 8 ( V ) value is strongly shielded, 8 = -818 in water, even more shielded than the experimental signal assigned to 1, 8 = -742 (3b). Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on February 1, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 30, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0974.ch022


Table I. Selected Equilibrium (Gas Phase) and Averaged (in Solution) Geometrical Parameters for Peroxovanadium Complexes Compound

Level CP-opt CPMD X-ray"

KV-O ) 1.932 1.94(6) 1.913

parameters" r(V-0 ) rtO'-O ) 1.947 1.456 1.95(6) 1.49(3) 1.470 1.923


r(\-0') 1.981 1.97(5)

riV-O ) 1.876 1.86(5)


KV-O ) 1.625 1.64(2)


r(0 -0 ) 1.492 1.49(4)











"» "






K0 -0 ) 1.488 1.48(3)


KV-O ) 1.935 1.94(5)






rfV-O ) 1.922 1.90(5) 4


r(0 -0 ) 1.513 1.48(3)


KV-O ) 1.969 1.94(5)


/•(V-O ) 1.923 1.92(5) 4


a(V-0 -0 ) 110.7 119(60)

"Distances in A, angle in degrees; CP-opt: equilibrium values in the gas phase, CPMD: mean values in aqueous solution (in parentheses: standard deviation). Where applicable, distances have been averaged to the idealized symmetry shown. *From reference (2b).

At high pH, a signal in a similarly shielded range as computed for 1 can be observed, at 8 = -838 (3b), but this has been attributed to 2 rather than to 1, because its larger line width compared to that of the signal at 8 = -742 suggested a less symmetrical environment about vanadium than in the latter. The trisperoxo species 2 could arise from 1 by oxygen-atom transfer, e.g. to the solvent,

In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

316 a reaction typical for peroxo complexes. In a C P M D simulation starting from a "paddlewheel" structure with idealized C symmetry in water, 2 immediately (within less than 100 fs) abstracted a proton from a water molecule initially H bonded to the terminal oxo ligand, affording [V(OH)(0 )3] ~ (5) and aqueous OH". A new simulation was subsequently started for pure aqueous 5 in water, which remained stable for at least 2.5 ps. One of the high-field resonances in the vanadate/H 0 system, at 8 = -733, had been assigned (3d) to a structure with the same composition as 5. However, the 8( V) value computed for 5 (8 = -644, Table II) is outside this strongly shielded region and does not support this assignment (see also discussion of energies below). 3





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Table II. Computed (B3LYP level) and Experimental 8( V) Values of Peroxovanadium Complexes 51

Species 1 5 6

CP-opt" -853 -690 -756

CPMD" -818 -644 -758

Expf -742 -733 -838?

"Equilibrium values in the gas phase. *Average in water (solvent included as point charges) c

From reference (3).

^Assigned to 2, which rearranges to 6 with CPMD.

The signal ascribed to 2 appears only at very high pH. Free 2 could thus be a strong base, populated to a significant extent only at high O H " concentration. In order to model such a situation, another simulation was started for 2 with an explicit hydroxide ion present in the water box. With one OH~ and 62 water molecules, the resulting O H " concentration is ca. 0.9 M , corresponding to a p H of ca. 14, essentially the same as in the experiments. Specifically, the abovementioned simulation for 2 in water was started again from the same coordinates, but without the proton that would eventually be transferred. This starting point thus had an OH~ ion placed near the terminal oxo ligand of 2 (and an overall charge of -4). In the subsequent C P M D run, this O H " ion very rapidly abstracted a proton from a nearby water molecule, commencing the well-known relay mechanism for hydroxide transport in water (//). For the remainder of the simulation the terminal oxo ligand was surrounded by water molecules, which, however, were not deprotonated. Instead, one peroxo ligand spontaneously (within 200 fs) opened up from the normal side-on bonding mode to a i n coordination. The resulting l y O ^ - O ^ O l ^ ) ] " " species (5a) remained stable for almost 3 ps, when the terminal peroxo ligand abstracted a proton from one of 1


In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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the two nearby, H-bonded water molecules, affording [VO(0 )2(r| -OOH)] ~ (6). These processes are illustrated in Figure 1 by monitoring salient interatomic distances.

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» 0.5







« 2.5

' 3

• 3.5

1— 4

simulation time (ps) Figure 1. Evolution of selected distances in a CPMD simulation starting from 2 + OH~. Note the immediate increase ofr the occasional, reversible transfer of a proton (r ), and the final transfer at ca. 3 ps (r^. h


The hydroperoxy complex 6 was not only stable in that simulation in the presence of 2 O H " ions (at least for another picosecond), but also in a subsequent simulation in pure water (for at least 2.5 ps). It is the latter "neutral" simulation of 6 where the snapshots for the N M R computations in Table II were taken from. Here the V nucleus is again highly shielded, at 6 = -758, albeit not as much as in the resonance initially assigned to 2, 5 = -838. When N M R snapshots were sampled from the first similation during the lifetime of 5a (i.e. from ca. 1 - 3 ps, cf. Figure 1), 8 = -679 was obtained (12), that is, significantly deshielded with respect to 2 and outside the characteristic high-field region. This finding argues against significant population of such a species. Taken together, the present results thus strongly suggest that 2 would not be stable under the experimental conditions, but would rather rearrange to 6. Unfortunately, no further quantitative information concerning the relative stability of various isomers can be extracted from these unconstrained M D simulations. More elaborated techniques would be needed for this purpose (such as thermodynamic integration along predefined reaction coordinates or the socalled metadynamics approach), which are beyond the scope of the present paper. It is interesting to note, however, that in the gas phase, pristine 6 is more stable than isomeric 5 by 10.3 kcal/mol at the CP-opt level (15.0 kcal/mol at B3LYP/AE1+ for CP-opt geometries). Assuming that both ions do not differ 5 1

In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

318 radically in their hydration energies, the occurrence of 5 appears to be quite unlikely also on energetic grounds. In summary, the hydroperoxo complex 6 presents itself as plausible candidate for one of the constituent species of the vanadate/H 0 system at high pH. To the best of this author's knowledge, such a species has not been proposed before. There is experimental evidence that in oxidation reactions with peroxovanadium complexes, the hydroperoxide anion, HOO", is the active oxidant (13). Hydroperoxo complexes such as 6 may well be viable precursors for the formation of this species. Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on February 1, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 30, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0974.ch022



Other Peroxovanadium Complexes 5,

When looking at the 8 ( V ) data in Table II, it appears that the value com­ puted for 6 fits better to that assigned to 1 and vice versa (assuming that the originally proposed constitution 2 should be formulated as 6). Reversal of this assignment would thus improve the accord with experiment considerably. In order to gauge the reliability of the computed chemical shifts, a few additional peroxo complexes with well established structures and V N M R characteristics have been included in the present study. These comprise the bis-peroxo com­ plexes 3 and [VO(0 ) (Im)]" (7, Im = imidazole), which had been computed with the same methodology before (14,4b), as well as the mono-peroxo com­ plexes 4 and [VO(0 )(glygly')]~ (8), which have now been studied for the first time. Simulated and observed V chemical shifts of these are collected in Table III. 5 ,




5 I


Table H I . Computed (B3LYP level) and Experimental 8( V) Values of Peroxovanadium Complexes Expt (Ref.) Species CP-opt" CPMD* -697 (3b) -719 [VO(0 ) (H 0)]"(3) -588 [VCK0 ) (Im)]-(7) -748(15) -833" -722'' [VO(0 )(H 0),] (4) -560' -543 (3b) -484* [VO(0 Xglygly')r(8) -649 (16) -616' -656' c












' See corresponding footnotes in Table II.


From reference (14).


From reference (7b).


This work.

The cationic species 4 is predominant in the vanadate/H 0 system at low pH. According to the C P M D and N M R calculations, details of which will be published elsewhere, 4 is indicated to bind three rather than four water molecules 2


In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

319 in the first hydration sphere (77), in agrement with previous D F T results (75). The 8( V) value computed for aqueous 4 is in very good agreement with experiment; the same is true for anionic 3 and 8, which are all found within ca. 20 ppm from experiment (Table III). A larger deviation is apparent for the imidazole complex 7, which is computed too strongly shielded by 85 ppm. 51


SC V) (ppm) Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on February 1, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 30, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0974.ch022



8( V) (ppm) expl

Figure 2. Plot of computed (B3LYP averagedfor CPMD in water) vs. experimental S( V) data of peroxovanadates, together with the ideal line. Assignment for 1 and 6 reversed (see text); +: original assignment as in Table II. 51

The overall performance of the theoretical data is illustrated in Figure 2, a plot of computed vs. experimental 8 values of 1, 3, 4, 6-8. When the B 3 L Y P values for 1 and 6 are matched to the experimental data according to best fit (i.e. reversed from that in Table II), a slope of 0.92 is obtained for the linear regress­ ion line (y-intercept -73 ppm), together with a mean absolute deviation of 28 ppm over all points. The original assignment of 1 and 6 (i.e. that given in Table II, cf. the crosses in Figure 2), would afford a slope of 0.83 (intercept -137 ppm) and a mean absolute error of 46 ppm. Clearly, the former assignment results in a much better accord with experiment than the latter. The present results thus provide some evidence that the experimental assign­ ment of certain high-field V N M R signals in the vanadate/H 0 system may need revision. The accuracy of the present theoretical level would have to be further increased, however, in order to bestow a very high confidence on that proposal. The case of 7 indicates that errors approaching 100 ppm are possible. Even though small compared to the total V chemical-shift range of several thousand ppm, such an error is still sizeable compared to the much smaller variations in the resonances of aqueous vanadium(V) complexes, which span but 5 1



5 1

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320 1

a few hundred ppm. Within this limitation, however, it appears that the present MD-based methodology can be used to reproduce (and predict) 8( V) values of peroxovanadium comomplexes with reasonable accuracy. On the other hand, the same approach has furnished systematic errors of 100 ppm and more for 8( V) of simple vanadate complexes such as [ H V 0 ] " , [ V 0 ( H 0 ) ] , or [V0 (glygly')]~ (4,6), which all were computed too strongly shielded. Further work is needed to identify theoretical methods and levels that allow computation of V N M R properties with a uniform, high accuracy. 51









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5 I

Conclusion Car-Parrinello M D simulations have been performed for aqueous solutions of highly charged vanadium complexes containing three or four peroxo ligands, which are believed to be the key species in the vanadate/H 0 system at high pH. While the known dodecahedral [ V ( 0 ) ] " (1) remained stable in such a simulat­ ion for several picoseconds, the proposed [ V O ( 0 ) ] " (2) rapidly formed a hydroperoxy complex, [VO(0 ) (OOH)] ~ (6), after rearrangement and capture of a proton from the solvent. Both structures were validated by computation of t h e i r V chemical shifts, obtained as averages over the dynamic ensemble of the solution. These shifts appeared in the same highly shielded range between ca. -740 ppm and -840 ppm as the observed resonances ascribed to 1 and 2. If the latter is identified with 6, as suggested by the present C P M D simulations, and the assignment reversed, excellent accord between theoretical and experimental 8 ( V ) values is achieved. This degree of agreement also extends to other proto­ typical peroxovanadium complexes, a singular deviation of ca. 90 ppm for a peroxo-imidazole complex notwithstanding. 2













The quest for theoretical methods capable of predicting metal chemical shifts with a high and uniform accuracy continues, but the combination of C P M D and N M R calculations that are feasible at present, already make for a potent tool to study structure and speciation of transition metal complexes in aqueous solution. Even when no assignments can be strictly proven with this approach, they can be strongly disfavored in case of unusually large discrepancies between calculated and observed chemical shifts or, as in the present case, when a proposed structure proves to be intrinsically unstable during the simulation in solution.

Acknowledgment The author wishes to thank Prof. Walter Thiel and the Max-Planck society for support, and Prof. Valeria Conte for helpful discussion. Computations were

In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

321 performed on a local compute cluster of Intel Xeon and Opteron PCs at the MPI Mtilheim, and on an I B M regatta supercomputer at the Rechenzentrum Garching of the Max-Planck society.


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1. 2.

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In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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In Vanadium: The Versatile Metal; Kustin, Kenneth, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.