Specific gravity pipets

Fritz, J. S., and Schenk, G. H., "Quantitative Analytical Chernistry,"4th Ed., ... Day, Jr. R. A,, and Underwood, A. L., "Quantitative Analysis," 4th ...
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Specific Gravity Pipets A modification of a volumetric pipet was successfullyused for the specific gravity determination of different clarified leach liquors followed by the quantitative analysis of the constituents. The withdrawal of lixiviate solutions was achieved by means of the apparatus sketched in the figure. This volumetric pipet has an inner ground joint as a tip, and a cap made with an outer ground joint. Both have glass hooks for fastening with two stainless steel springs of appropriate length. The modified pipet was cleaned and calibrated following the specifications given in To obtain the weight of any solution, weigh the empty pipet hanging from a hent wire, fill it, cap it, and reweigh it to the nearest milligram. The difference between this weight and the first one is the weight of the , . solution.

Fritz, J. S., and Schenk, G. H., "Quantitative Analytical Chernistry,"4th Ed., A l l p and Bacon, New York, 1979, p. 547. Day, Jr. R. A,, and Underwood, A. L., "Quantitative Analysis," 4th Ed., Prentiee-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1979, p. 547. Sergio H. Cabrera, and Guido A. Concha Universidad de Chile Santiago. Chile


Journal of Chemical Education