SPECIFY EIMCO FILTERS FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE & PROFIT Selecting the unit for the solid-liquids separa tion problem in your plant is one of your mos difficult decisions.
Research and Development Center — a fully equipped pilot plant for research on solids-liquid s e p a r a t i o n through filtration.
Testing samplesunderyourownconditions, with the numerousvariablesofvariablesofmaterialsand equipment availably today can be an endless research job. Eimco's suggestion to companies with problemsonsolids-liquidsseparationisthatthey availthemselvesofthedataalreadygathered at Eimco's own Research and Development Center devoted to problems of this type
Engineering —.Designed with individual attention towards customer's quiremertts.
Filters of alltypesaremanufacturedbyEimco and data on filterability of a product is available on each type of filter to which it is applicable.
facilities — includes foundries, fabrication and machine shops covering 26 acres.
Service — for the life of the machine, includes calls by trained person* nel. Operational tips and consultation are part of the purchase price.
Eimco has gainedtheconfidenceofmanyof the world's top processing organization through suggestions made to simplify flow sheet layouts plant design or to cut operating costs* these contributions to the processing Industry are made oossible by new developments in filtration.
Etmco Vacuum -and Pressure Filters are working In manyindustriesincreasingproductionatlowercost Theseindustriesinclude;MetallurgicalandChemical PlantsPaint,VarnishandPigmentPlantsSeawage and industrial Wastes; Pharmaceutical Laboratories Foods;Coal;Petrolium;Tanneries;PickleLiquorsand Other Wastes;" Beet' and "' Cane" Sugar^PdperTr$teeT Mills; Starch, Corn and Potato; Salts and Sand; Water Treatment and many others.
Salt Lake City, Utoh-U.S.A.
Eimco engineers hove this exclusive reservoir of experience, gained through more than half a century of service,totheprocessingindustrie and the facilities ofEimco'svasmanufacturing plants where filters of standard or specialized design are built for each customer's requirements.
Eimco's engineers will be happy to consult with you regarding filtration problems. If further research or test work would seem to be indicated Eimco equipment is available for test purposes in the customer plant on a rental or lease basis with funds thus expended applicable on production size equipment,
C O R P O R A T I O N Export Offices; Eimco Bldg., 52 South St., New York City
N»wYorK,N.Y. Chicago, HI. Son Franckco, Calif. BPoto.fcx. Birmingham, Ala. Duhrth, Minn. Kollogg, Ida. BaHimoro, Md. PiKiburgh, Po. SoatHo.Wosh. •aMctawvCam Ho Voncouvor, I . C. Undo* England Gatohoad, England Pons, Front. Milan, Hah/ Johamotburg. South Africa