Specify KIMAX for maximum discounts in the growing Kimble line

Nov 6, 2010 - Specify KIMAX for maximum discounts in the growing Kimble line. Chem. Eng. News , 1960, 38 (14), Inside Front Cover ... First Page Image...
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Specify ΚΙΜ Α X for m a x i m u m discounts in the growing Kimble line Look to Kimble for new opportunities to save. Impor­ tant additions to the growing KIMAX line make it easy and profitable to specify KIMAX. The complete line of Kimble Volumetric Flasks, now in "hard" glass, is available in a variety of types and tolerances to meet every laboratory requirement. The complete line of KIMAX Cylinders is now offered in a full range of styles and sizes. The complete line of KIMAX Ground Joints now includes new listings and all sizes.

These new items are now available from your Labo­ ratory Supply Dealer. If you don't have new Kimble Catalog Supplement SP-57 containing these and many more new listings, just fill in the coupon at the riglit and send it to Kimble Glass Company, Dept. CE-4, Toledo 1, Ohio. ι I'd like a copy of Catalog Supplement SP-57

The complete line of new Hi-Vac (high vacuum) Stopcocks is now offered by Kimble in "hard" glass.



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