spectronics corporation - ACS Publications

monitoring, source monitoring,vehicle emission analysis, and safetymonitor- ing programs. 6 pp. Beckman Instru- ments, Inc. 423. Liquid Chromatography...
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Process Infrared Analyzer. Describes the Model 865 general-purpose, explo­ sion-proof infrared analyzer. 11 pp. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 418 Silica in Polyethylene. Application study discusses the successful applica­ tion of energy-dispersive x-ray fluores­ cence in the nondestructive quantitative analysis of silica in polyethylene. 9 pp. Ortec Inc. 419 Analog Temperature Controller. De­ scribes the Model 917 temperature control instrument, a precision analog setpoint, solid state, three-term unit de­ signed for industrial and laboratory ap­ plication. 4 pp. Eurotherm Corp. 420 Analysis of Pharmaceuticals. Reports on the use of a newly developed en­ ergy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence technique for precise multielement analysis of pharmaceuticals in both liq­ uid and powder form. 25 pp. Ortec Inc. 421 Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hy­ drocarbons. Bulletin 773 describes the separation of polycyclic aromatic hy­ drocarbons on a new liquid crystal sta­ tionary phase, SP-301 (/v,/V-bis(pphenylbenzylidene)a,a'-bi-p-toluidine). 4 pp. Supelco, Inc. 422 Process Instrumentation. Guide itemi­ zes reprints, technical bulletins, and ap­ plications data sheets available on pro­ cess analysis, water and air quality monitoring, source monitoring, vehicle emission analysis, and safety monitor­ ing programs. 6 pp. Beckman Instru­ ments, Inc. 423

Laboratory Safety Questionnaire. De­ termines the "safety score" for your laboratory with a series of questions about laboratory safety. 6 pp. Lab Safe­ ty Supply Co. 427 Precious Metals Analytical Services. Describes the company's services in­ cluding assaying, emission spectrogra­ ph^, x-ray fluorescence analysis, and special analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry. 4 pp. Matthey Bishop, Inc. 428

Particle Size Analyzer. Describes the SediGraph 5500L which uses a collimated light beam to determine the par­ ticle size of materials, including those which absorb χ rays poorly. 2 pp. Micromeritics Instrument Corp. 432

Water and Wastewater Manual. Con­ tains over 30 EPA- and APHA-approved methods for chemical and microbiologi­ cal tests on drinking water and waste­ water as well as photographs of equip­ ment setups and information on labora­ tory procedures. Sargent-Welch Scien­ tific Co. 433 Varian Instrument Applications. Vol. 11, No. 2 features articles on the Cary 219 UV-VIS spectrophotometer, the EM-360L NMR, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, an EPR data sys­ tem, and fluorometric analyses. 12 pp. Varian Instrument Div. 436

SPECTROLINE SAFETY PIPETTORS Unique design accommodates widest range of laboratory, industrial, serological, lambda and micropipettes.

Liquid Chromatography. Describes LC components and supplies needed to build or expand a system including sol­ vent delivery system, detectors, highperformance injectors, automatic sam­ pler, chromatography data systems, columns, and recorders. 8 pp. Varian Instrument Div. 424

EASY TO USE One Hand Operation — Precise Measurement.

Stopped-Flow Studies. Illustrates the use of a Gilford 240 spectrophotometer for stopped-flow studies without sacri­ ficing the spectrophotometer mode of operation. 2 pp. Durrum Instrument Corp. 426

ONE Pipettor FOR ALL your pipetting needs. Spectroline Pipettors enable you to meet the OSHA requirements for safety. Color Coded: Black, Red, Yellow, Green and Blue.

Analysis of Hazardous Organic Vapors. Bulletin 769 outlines the method rec­ ommended by OSHA for collection of organic vapors, desorption of sample, analysis of sample collected by GC, and quantitation of organic vapors collect­ ed. Supelco, Inc. 435 For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards

Chromatography Newsletter. June 1977 issue features articles on AA as a chromatography detector, analysis of volatile compounds in solid matrices, splitless injection on glass open tubular columns, and a UV digital scanner ac­ cessory for LC. 29 pp. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 431

Determination of Impurities in Pig­ ments. Reports on the use of an en­ ergy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence technique for determining impurity con­ centrations in six titanium dioxide pig­ ment samples. 14 pp. Ortec Inc. 429

Spectra Collections. Publications schedule describes the standard, com­ mercial, and special spectra collections that will be published through 1978. Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc. 425

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