Speedy, local delivery of FMC organic phosphates - C&EN Global

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DISTRIBUTORS Northeast L y n d h u r s t , New Jersey Stoney-Mueller, Inc., Page & Newark Avenues Boston ( H o l b r o o k ) , Massachusetts P h i l i p p B r o t h e r s C h e m i c a l s , Inc., P h i l i p p Road Central C i n c i n n a t i , Ohio A m s c o Solvents & C h e m i c a l s Co., 4619 Reading Road Cleveland, Ohio Ohio Solvents & C h e m i c a l s Co., 3470 West 140th Street Detroit, M i c h i g a n Western Solvents & C h e m i c a l s Co., 6472 S e l k i r k A v e n u e Toledo, Ohio Toledo Solvents & C h e m i c a l s Co., 4 0 5 1 S. A v e n u e Midwest Chicago, I l l i n o i s Central Solvents & C h e m i c a l s Co., 2540 West Flournoy Street Houston, Texas Texas Solvents & C h e m i c a l s Co., 8 5 0 1 M a r k e t Street Indianapolis, Indiana Hoosier Solvents & C h e m i c a l s Co., 1650 N o r t h Luett Avenue St. Louis, M i s s o u r i Missouri Solvents & C h e m i c a l s Co., 419 De Soto Avenue South A t l a n t a , Georgia F. H. Ross & Co., 833 M e m o r i a l Drive, S.E. Birmingham, Alabama F. H. Ross & Co., 3300 Ball Street Charlotte, N o r t h Carolina F. H. Ross & Co., 3930 Glenwood Drive Greensboro, N o r t h Carolina F. H. Ross & Co., 2802 Patterson Street C o l u m b i a , South Carolina F. H. Ross & Co., 916 Rosewood Drive Knoxville, Tennessee F. H. Ross & Co., 1708 Crockett Street, N.E. M i a m i Beach, Florida F. H. Ross & Co., 200 N.E. 181st Street

Speedy, local delivery of FMC organic phosphates FMC not only provides the most complete line of organic phosphates (we're basic in phosphorus); but markets them through well known chemical distributors. Coast-to-coast. For fast service on all of the following organic phosphates and other FMC plasticizers, contact your local FMC distributor. Delivery will be made by a more conventional method. Organic Phosphate KP-140®. Tributoxyethyl Phosphate Kronitex® AA Tricresyl Phosphate Kronitex I Tricresyl Phosphate Kronitex K-3 Tricresyl Phosphate Kronitex MX Cresyl Diphenyl Phosphate Kroniflex® TOF Tris (2-Ethylhexyl) Phosphate Kroniflex TBP Tributyl Phosphate

Suggested Uses Anti-foam and leveling agent Functional fluid, flame retardant vinyl plasticizer Electrical grade flame retardant plasticizer Lowest density for high grade, non-burning floor tile Gas additive, flame retardant plasticizer Low-temperature plasticizer, anti-foam agent Anti-foam agent, high-boiling solvent

Pacific Denver, Colorado Van Waters & Rogers, Inc., 4300 Holly Street Los Angeles, California Van Waters & Rogers, Inc., 1363 S. B o n n i e Beach PI. San Francisco, California Van Waters & Rogers, Inc., P.O. Box 3200 Seattle, W a s h i n g t o n Van Waters & Rogers, Inc., 4000 First A v e n u e South For a c o m p l e t e list of d i s t r i b u t o r s or data on a n y of t h e phosphates listed, w r i t e :

ORGANIC CHEMICALS DIVISION FMC C O R P O R A T I O N 633 T h i r d Avenue, New York, Ν. Υ. 10017 SALES OFFICES P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa., 1617 Pennsylvania Boulevard C i n c i n n a t i , Ohio, 808 Gwynne Building Chicago (Villa Park), III., 649 N. A r d m o r e B a l t i m o r e , M d . , 1701 Patapsco Avenue Atlanta, Ga. f 2665 H a w t h o r n e Drive, N.E. Los Angeles, Calif., 2 1 2 1 Yates Avenue